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ON ERROR RESUME NEXT:Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"):X=0:T=true:WhiLe T
Input=Inputbox("Filename Lowercase Batch Convertor"&vbcrlf&vbcrlf& _
"Please input the destination folder name. e.g. C:\Webmaster"&vbcrlf&vbcrlf& _
"Note: Do NOT add '\' in the end of folder name!","FLowercase Convertor","C:\")
iF Input="" then:Msgbox"Folder name is empty!",48,"Error!":T=true:else T=false:end If:wend
Msgbox"All files names of "&Input&" will be converted to lowercase now...",64,"Note"
fold(Input):Msgbox"Done! Total "&X&" file(s) were converted to lowercase.",64,"Done"
sub fold(Path):SET f=fso.GetFolder(Path):Set rf = fso.GetFolder(Path).files:Set fc = f.SubFolders
foR EACh fff in rf:lcf1=LCase(fso.GetAbsolutePathName(fff))
fso.MoveFile fff, lcf1:X=X + 1:next:for EacH f1 in fc:fold(f1)
Set file=fso.GetFolder(f1).files:fOR EACh ff iN file:lcf=LCase(fso.GetAbsolutePathName(ff))
fso.MoveFile ff,lcf:NEXT:NEXT:END sub


On Error Resume Next
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
X = 0
T = True
While T
Input = InputBox("Filename Lowercase Batch Convertor" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Please input the destination folder name. e.g. C:\Webmaster" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Note: Do NOT add '\' in the end of folder name!","FLowercase Convertor","C:\")
If Input = "" Then
MsgBox"Folder name is empty!",48,"Error!"
T = True
Else T = False
End If
MsgBox"All files names of " & Input & " will be converted to lowercase now...",64,"Note"
MsgBox"Done! Total " & X & " file(s) were converted to lowercase.",64,"Done"
Sub fold(Path)
Set f = fso.GetFolder(Path)
Set rf = fso.GetFolder(Path).files
Set fc = f.SubFolders
For Each fff In rf
lcf1 = LCase(fso.GetAbsolutePathName(fff))
fso.MoveFile fff, lcf1
X = X + 1
For Each f1 In fc
Set file = fso.GetFolder(f1).files
For Each ff In file
lcf = LCase(fso.GetAbsolutePathName(ff))
fso.MoveFile ff,lcf
End Sub


Option Explicit

If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "请将要格式化的代码文件拖动到这个文件上", vbInformation, "使用方法"
End If

'作者: Demon
'时间: 2011/12/24
'链接: http://demon.tw/my-work/vbs-beautifier.html
'描述: VBScript 代码格式化工具
'1. 错误的 VBScript 代码不能被正确地格式化
'2. 代码中不能含有%[comment]% %[quoted]%等模板标签, 有待改进
'3. 由2可知, 该工具不能格式化自身

Dim Beautifier, i
Set Beautifier = New VbsBeautifier

For Each i In WScript.Arguments
Beautifier.BeautifyFile i

MsgBox "代码格式化完成", vbInformation, "提示"

Class VbsBeautifier

Private quoted, comments, code, indents
Private ReservedWord, BuiltInFunction, BuiltInConstants, VersionInfo

Public Function Beautify(ByVal input)
code = input
code = Replace(code, vbCrLf, vbLf)

Call GetQuoted()
Call GetComments()
Call GetErrorHandling()

Call ColonToNewLine()
Call FixSpaces()
Call ReplaceReservedWord()
Call InsertIndent()
Call FixIndent()

Call PutErrorHandling()
Call PutComments()
Call PutQuoted()

code = Replace(code, vbLf, vbCrLf)
code = VersionInfo & code
Beautify = code
End Function

Public Function BeautifyFile(ByVal path)
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
BeautifyFile = Beautify(fso.OpenTextFile(path).ReadAll)
fso.GetFile(path).Copy path & ".bak", True
fso.OpenTextFile(path, 2, True).Write(BeautifyFile)
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ReservedWord = "And As Boolean ByRef Byte ByVal Call Case Class Const Currency Debug Dim Do Double Each Else ElseIf Empty End EndIf Enum Eqv Event Exit Explicit False For Function Get Goto If Imp Implements In Integer Is Let Like Long Loop LSet Me Mod New Next Not Nothing Null On Option Optional Or ParamArray Preserve Private Property Public RaiseEvent ReDim Rem Resume RSet Select Set Shared Single Static Stop Sub Then To True Type TypeOf Until Variant WEnd While With Xor"
BuiltInFunction = "Abs Array Asc Atn CBool CByte CCur CDate CDbl CInt CLng CSng CStr Chr Cos CreateObject Date DateAdd DateDiff DatePart DateSerial DateValue Day Escape Eval Exp Filter Fix FormatCurrency FormatDateTime FormatNumber FormatPercent GetLocale GetObject GetRef Hex Hour InStr InStrRev InputBox Int IsArray IsDate IsEmpty IsNull IsNumeric IsObject Join LBound LCase LTrim Left Len LoadPicture Log Mid Minute Month MonthName MsgBox Now Oct Randomize RGB RTrim Replace Right Rnd Round ScriptEngine ScriptEngineBuildVersion ScriptEngineMajorVersion ScriptEngineMinorVersion Second SetLocale Sgn Sin Space Split Sqr StrComp StrReverse String Tan Time TimeSerial TimeValue Timer Trim TypeName UBound UCase Unescape VarType Weekday WeekdayName Year"
BuiltInConstants = "vbBlack vbRed vbGreen vbYellow vbBlue vbMagenta vbCyan vbWhite vbBinaryCompare vbTextCompare vbSunday vbMonday vbTuesday vbWednesday vbThursday vbFriday vbSaturday vbUseSystemDayOfWeek vbFirstJan1 vbFirstFourDays vbFirstFullWeek vbGeneralDate vbLongDate vbShortDate vbLongTime vbShortTime vbObjectError vbOKOnly vbOKCancel vbAbortRetryIgnore vbYesNoCancel vbYesNo vbRetryCancel vbCritical vbQuestion vbExclamation vbInformation vbDefaultButton1 vbDefaultButton2 vbDefaultButton3 vbDefaultButton4 vbApplicationModal vbSystemModal vbOK vbCancel vbAbort vbRetry vbIgnore vbYes vbNo vbCr vbCrLf vbFormFeed vbLf vbNewLine vbNullChar vbNullString vbTab vbVerticalTab vbUseDefault vbTrue vbFalse vbEmpty vbNull vbInteger vbLong vbSingle vbDouble vbCurrency vbDate vbString vbObject vbError vbBoolean vbVariant vbDataObject vbDecimal vbByte vbArray WScript"
VersionInfo = Chr(39) & Chr(86) & Chr(98) & Chr(115) & Chr(66) & Chr(101) & Chr(97) & Chr(117) & Chr(116) & Chr(105) & Chr(102) & Chr(105) & Chr(101) & Chr(114) & Chr(32) & Chr(49) & Chr(46) & Chr(48) & Chr(32) & Chr(98) & Chr(121) & Chr(32) & Chr(68) & Chr(101) & Chr(109) & Chr(111) & Chr(110) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(39) & Chr(104) & Chr(116) & Chr(116) & Chr(112) & Chr(58) & Chr(47) & Chr(47) & Chr(100) & Chr(101) & Chr(109) & Chr(111) & Chr(110) & Chr(46) & Chr(116) & Chr(119) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
Set indents = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
indents("if") = 1
indents("sub") = 1
indents("function") = 1
indents("property") = 1
indents("for") = 1
indents("while") = 1
indents("do") = 1
indents("for") = 1
indents("select") = 1
indents("with") = 1
indents("class") = 1
indents("end") = -1
indents("next") = -1
indents("loop") = -1
indents("wend") = -1
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub

Private Sub GetQuoted()
Dim re
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = """.*?"""
Set quoted = re.Execute(code)
code = re.Replace(code, "%[quoted]%")
End Sub

Private Sub PutQuoted()
Dim i
For Each i In quoted
code = Replace(code, "%[quoted]%", i, 1, 1)
End Sub

Private Sub GetComments()
Dim re
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "'.*"
Set comments = re.Execute(code)
code = re.Replace(code, "%[comment]%")
End Sub

Private Sub PutComments()
Dim i
For Each i In comments
code = Replace(code, "%[comment]%", i, 1, 1)
End Sub

Private Sub ColonToNewLine
code = Replace(code, ":", vbLf)
End Sub

Private Sub GetErrorHandling()
Dim re
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.Pattern = "on\s+error\s+resume\s+next"
code = re.Replace(code, "%[resumenext]%")
re.Pattern = "on\s+error\s+goto\s+0"
code = re.Replace(code, "%[gotozero]%")
End Sub

Private Sub PutErrorHandling()
code = Replace(code, "%[resumenext]%", "On Error Resume Next")
code = Replace(code, "%[gotozero]%", "On Error GoTo 0")
End Sub

Private Sub FixSpaces()
Dim re
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.MultiLine = True
re.Pattern = "^[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*$"
code = re.Replace(code, "$1")
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*(=|<|>|-|\+|&|\*|/|\^|\\)[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, " $1 ")
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*<\s*>[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, " <> ")
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*<\s*=[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, " <= ")
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*>\s*=[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, " >= ")
'在行尾的 _ 前面加上空格
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*_[ \t]*$"
code = re.Replace(code, " _")
'去掉Do While中间多余的空格
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*Do\s*While[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, "Do While")
'去掉Do Until中间多余的空格
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*Do\s*Until[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, "Do Until")
'去掉End Sub中间多余的空格
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*End\s*Sub[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, "End Sub")
'去掉End Function中间多余的空格
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*End\s*Function[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, "End Function")
'去掉End If中间多余的空格
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*End\s*If[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, "End If")
'去掉End With中间多余的空格
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*End\s*With[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, "End With")
'去掉End Select中间多余的空格
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*End\s*Select[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, "End Select")
'去掉Select Case中间多余的空格
re.Pattern = "[ \t]*Select\s*Case[ \t]*"
code = re.Replace(code, "Select Case ")
End Sub

'将保留字 内置函数 内置常量 替换成首字母大写
Private Sub ReplaceReservedWord()
Dim re, words, word
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.MultiLine = True

words = Split(ReservedWord, " ")
For Each word In words
re.Pattern = "(\b)" & word & "(\b)"
code = re.Replace(code, "$1" & word & "$2")

words = Split(BuiltInFunction, " ")
For Each word In words
re.Pattern = "(\b)" & word & "(\b)"
code = re.Replace(code, "$1" & word & "$2")

words = Split(BuiltInConstants, " ")
For Each word In words
re.Pattern = "(\b)" & word & "(\b)"
code = re.Replace(code, "$1" & word & "$2")
End Sub

Private Sub InsertIndent()
Dim lines, line, i, n, t, delta
lines = Split(code, vbLf)
n = UBound(lines)
For i = 0 To n
line = lines(i)
SingleLineIfThen line
t = delta
delta = delta + CountDelta(line)

If t <= delta Then
lines(i) = String(t, vbTab) & lines(i)
lines(i) = String(delta, vbTab) & lines(i)
End If
code = Join(lines, vbLf)
End Sub

Private Sub FixIndent()
Dim lines, i, n, re
Set re = New RegExp
re.IgnoreCase = True
lines = Split(code, vbLf)
n = UBound(lines)
For i = 0 To n
re.Pattern = "^\t*else"
If re.Test(lines(i)) Then
lines(i) = Replace(lines(i), vbTab, "", 1, 1)
End If
code = Join(lines, vbLf)
End Sub

Private Function CountDelta(ByRef line)
Dim i, re, delta
Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True
For Each i In indents.Keys
re.Pattern = "^\s*\b" & i & "\b"
If re.Test(line) Then
'WScript.Echo line
line = re.Replace(line, "")
delta = delta + indents(i)
End If
CountDelta = delta
End Function

'处理单行的If Then
Private Sub SingleLineIfThen(ByRef line)
Dim re
Set re = New RegExp
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.Pattern = "if.*?then.+"
line = re.Replace(line, "")
'去掉Private Public前缀
re.Pattern = "(private|public).+?(sub|function|property)"
line = re.Replace(line, "$2")
End Sub

End Class
'Demon, 于2011年平安夜


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