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VBA how to crack Excel Password

2018-09-23 07:24 513 查看

VBA cheat sheet

1. VBA how to crack Excel Workbook/Worksheet password

To remove the excel workbook or worksheet password requires opening the excel file as xml file and removing the password tags in the xml.

Unlock Password protected sheets/workbook
1) Open excel file as zip in 7 Zip – open as archive
2) Download Sheet.xml or workbook.xml
3) Open xml file in text editor
4) Delete the entire tag that begins with <sheetProtection password…./> or <workbookProtection…./>
5) Transfer xml file back to 7 Zip archive folder
6) Sheets or workbook should now be unlocked

2. How to crack VBA password

To remove the password locking the VBA of an excel file requires opening the excel in 7zip and editing one of the .bin files to recode the part that designates whether the file is password protected of not. This has to be done in a hex editor.

Unlock VBA excel
1) 7 zip open xlsm file as archive
2) Navigate xl folder
3) Download vbaProject.bin file
4) Open vbaProject.bin file in text editor to view hex code
5) Find the hex code for DPB (use text to hex converter, DPB hex = 5042)
6) Update hex code 5042 (DPB) to 5078 (DPx)
DPB = password protected vba
DPx = No password on VBA
7) Save new vbaProject.bin file
8) Copy new vbaProject.bin file back to 7 zip xl folder
9) Open excel file – will show DPx error message, click okay
10) Go to VBA editor – Tools – VBA project properties – Protection – Disable lock project for viewing
11) Save file
12) Re open file – should now be unlocked

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