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2018-03-24 14:17 441 查看
#-*-coding:utf-8 -*-#5-1
superhero = 'spider-man'print('is superhero == spider-man?','i predict true')print(superhero =='spider-man')
print('is superhero == batman?','i predict false')print(superhero == 'batman')
food = 'apple'print('is food == apple?','i predict true')print(food == 'apple')
print('is food == banana ?','i predict false')print(food == 'banana')
game = 'gtav'print('is game == gtav?','i predict true')print(game =='gtav')
print('is game == sleeping dog?','i predict false')print(game == 'sleeping dog')
#5-2print('pizza' == 'pizza')print('pizza' == 'banana')
print('APPLE'.lower() == 'apple')print('BANANA'.lower() == 'apple')
print(5 == 5)print(4 == 3)print(100 > 9)print(100 > 200)print(100 >= 100)print(34234 >= 234123412)print(7 < 6)print(7 < 10)print(7 <= 7)print(7 <= 6)print(5 !=<
/span> 5)print(6 != 10)
print(100 > 200 and 100 < 200)print(513 >= 223 and 'apple' == 'Apple'.lower())
print(345 == 566 or '3' == '3')print(23123 <= 23123456 or 'l' in 'feet')
print('aaaa' in ['aaaa','bbbb','cccc'])print('abcd' in ['piece','feet'])
print(456 not in [234,345,456])print(666 not in [111,222,333])
#5-3alien_color = ['green','yellow','red']if('green' is alien_color[0]): print('you get 5 scores !')
if('blue' is alien_color[2]): pass#5-4if('green' is alien_color[0]): print('you will get 5 scores cause you shoot him')else: print('you get 10 scores !')
if('green' is alien_color[2]): print('you will get 5 scores cause you shoot him')else: print('you get 10 scores !')
#5-6def jud_age(age): if age < 2: print('baby') elif age >= 2 and age < 4: print('learn how to walk') elif age >= 4 and age < 13: print('child') elif age >= 13 and age < 20: print('teenager') elif age >= 20 and age < 65: print('adult') else: print('old man')#5-7favorite_fruits=['pizza','beijing_duck','banana']if 'apple' not in favorite_fruits: print('sorry!')else: print('you really like banana')if 'pizza' not in favorite_fruits: print('sorry!')else: print('you really like pizza')if 'shit' not in favorite_fruits: print('sorry!')else: print('you really like shit')if 'bread' not in favorite_fruits: print('sorry!')else: print('you really like bread')if 'beijing_duck' not in favorite_fruits: print('sorry!')else: print('you really like beijing_duck')
#5-8user = ['admin','xiaojz','yangxh','yangxy','lr']for i in user: if i == 'admin': print('hello admin , would you like to see a status report?') else: print('hello',i,'thank you for logging in again')#5-9if user: for i in user: if i == 'admin': print('hello admin , would you like to see a status report?') else: print('hello',i,'thank you for logging in again')else: print('We need to find some users!')
#5-10def L(s): return str(s).lower()current_users=['John','jack','lee','hugh','kehan']new_users=['JOHN','Jack','rick','mo','Hugh']for a in new_users: if a.lower() in map(L,current_users): print('used!') else : print('not used!')

#5-11number = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]for i in number: if i == 1: print(str(i)+'st') elif i == 2: print(str(i)+'nd') elif i == 3: print(str(i)+'rd') else: print(str(i)+'th')
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标签:  python