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PTA 6-2顺序表操作集

2018-03-13 20:18 447 查看

我把判断出界条件的if(P > L->Last+1 || P<0)

一直写错成if(P > MAXISIZE || P<0)


6-2 顺序表操作集(20 分)



List MakeEmpty();

Position Find( List L, ElementType X );

bool Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P );

bool Delete( List L, Position P );


typedef int Position;

typedef struct LNode *List;

struct LNode {

ElementType Data[MAXSIZE];

Position Last; /* 保存线性表中最后一个元素的位置 */



List MakeEmpty():创建并返回一个空的线性表;

Position Find( List L, ElementType X ):返回线性表中X的位置。若找不到则返回ERROR;

bool Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P ):将X插入在位置P并返回true。若空间已满,则打印“FULL”并返回false;如果参数P指向非法位置,则打印“ILLEGAL POSITION”并返回false;

bool Delete( List L, Position P ):将位置P的元素删除并返回true。若参数P指向非法位置,则打印“POSITION P EMPTY”(其中P是参数值)并返回false。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAXSIZE 5
#define ERROR -1
typedef enum {false, true} bool;
typedef int ElementType;
typedef int Position;
typedef struct LNode *List;
struct LNode {
ElementType Data[MAXSIZE];
Position Last; /* 保存线性表中最后一个元素的位置 */

List MakeEmpty();
Position Find( List L, ElementType X );
bool Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P );
bool Delete( List L, Position P );

int main()
List L;
ElementType X;
Position P;
int N;

L = MakeEmpty();
scanf("%d", &N);
while ( N-- ) {
scanf("%d", &X);
if ( Insert(L, X, 0)==false )
printf(" Insertion Error: %d is not in.\n", X);
scanf("%d", &N);
while ( N-- ) {
scanf("%d", &X);
P = Find(L, X);
if ( P == ERROR )
printf("Finding Error: %d is not in.\n", X);
printf("%d is at position %d.\n", X, P);
scanf("%d", &N);
while ( N-- ) {
scanf("%d", &P);
if ( Delete(L, P)==false )
printf(" Deletion Error.\n");
if ( Insert(L, 0, P)==false )
printf(" Insertion Error: 0 is not in.\n");
return 0;


/* 你的代码将被嵌在这里 */



1 2 3 4 5 6


6 5 1


-1 6


FULL Insertion Error: 6 is not in.

Finding Error: 6 is not in.

5 is at position 0.

1 is at position 4.

POSITION -1 EMPTY Deletion Error.

FULL Insertion Error: 0 is not in.

POSITION 6 EMPTY Deletion Error.

FULL Insertion Error: 0 is not in.

List MakeEmpty(){/* How to define empty? Should it be initialized? */
List L;
L = (List)malloc(sizeof(struct LNode)); //Don't forget "struct" unless you already use typedef
L->Last = -1;
return L;
}//L->last: 0 - 4

Position Find(List L,ElementType X){
Position i;
for( i = 0; i <= L->Last; i++){
if (L->Data[i] == X) {
/* Realize my mistake here, i use MAXSIZE-1 instead of L->Last! A wrong use!*/
if(i > (L->Last))
return ERROR;
else return i;

bool Insert(List L, ElementType X,Position P){
if(L->Last == MAXSIZE-1){
return false;
if(P > L->Last+1 || P<0){
return false;
for(int i=(L->Last); i>=P; i--){   /* put back */
L->Data[i+1] = L->Data[i];
L->Data[P] = X;
L->Last = L->Last + 1;
return true;

bool Delete(List L, Position P){
if(P>L->Last|| P<0){
printf("POSITION %d EMPTY",P);
return false;
for(Position i=P; i<=L->Last; i++)
L->Data[i] = L->Data[i+1];
L->Last = L->Last -1;
return true;
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标签:  顺序表 PTA