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2018-03-12 23:06 204 查看
我们在Employee 加入类扩展。 实现属性和方法的私有化。
////  BNRPerson.h//  TOCClassa//
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface BNRPerson : NSObject@property (nonatomic) float heightInMeters;@property (nonatomic) int weightInKilos;//{//    //two properties//    float _heightInMeters;//    int _weightInKilos;//}//methods//- (float)heightInMeters;//- (void)setHeightInMeter:(float)h;//- (int)weightInKiloes;//- (void)setWeightInKilos:(int)w;- (float)bodyMassIndex;@end

////  BNRPerson.m//  TOCClassa//

#import "BNRPerson.h"
@interface BNRPerson ()- (BOOL)hasDriverLicence;@end@implementation BNRPerson//- (float)heightInMeters {//    return _heightInMeters;//}////- (void)setHeightInMeter:(float)h {//    _heightInMeters = h;//}////- (int)weightInKiloes {//    return _weightInKilos;//}////- (void)setWeightInKilos:(int)w {//    _weightInKilos = w;//}
//@property (nonatomic) float heightInMeters;//@property (nonatomic) int weightInKilos;
- (BOOL)hasDriverLicence {    return false;}- (float)bodyMassIndex {//    return _heightInMeters / (_weightInKilos * _weightInKilos);    float h = [self weightInKilos];    return [self heightInMeters] / (h * h);}

////  BNRStockHolding.h//  TOCClassa//

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface BNRStockHolding : NSObject@property (nonatomic) float purchaseSharePrice;@property (nonatomic) float currentSharePrice;@property (nonatomic) int numOfShares;//{//    float _purchaseSharePrice;//    float _currentSharePrice;//    int _numOfShares;//};
//- (float)purchaseSharePrice;//- (float)currentSharePrice;//- (int)numOfShares;//- (void)SetPurchaseSharePrice:(float)pprice;//- (void)SetCurrentSharePrice:(float)cprice;//- (void)SetNumofShares:(int)nums;- (float)costInDollars;- (float)valueInDollars;@end

////  BNRStockHolding.m//  TOCClassa//
#import "BNRStockHolding.h"
@implementation BNRStockHolding//- (float)purchaseSharePrice{//    return _purchaseSharePrice;//}//- (float)currentSharePrice{//    return _currentSharePrice;//}//- (int)numOfShares{//    return _numOfShares;//}//- (void)SetPurchaseSharePrice:(float)pprice {//    _purchaseSharePrice = pprice;//}//- (void)SetCurrentSharePrice:(float)cprice {//    _currentSharePrice = cprice;//}//- (void)SetNumofShares:(int)nums {//    _numOfShares = nums;//}- (float)costInDollars {    return  [self purchaseSharePrice] * [self numOfShares];}- (float)valueInDollars{    return [self currentSharePrice] * [self numOfShares];}@end
////  BNREmployee.h//  TOCClassa//
#import "BNRPerson.h"@class BNRAsset;
@interface BNREmployee : BNRPerson//{//    NSMutableArray *_assets;//};@property (nonatomic) unsigned int employeeId;@property (nonatomic) NSDate *hireDate;@property (nonatomic,copy) NSArray *assets;- (double)yearOfEmployment;- (void)addAsset:(BNRAsset *)a;- (unsigned int)valueOfAssets;@end
////  BNREmployee.m//  TOCClassa//

#import "BNREmployee.h"#import "BNRAsset.h"
@interface BNREmployee (){    NSMutableArray *_assets;};@property (nonatomic) unsigned int officeAlarmCode;
- (void)fly;
@implementation BNREmployee//@property (nonatomic) unsigned int employeeId;//@property (nonatomic) unsigned int officeAlarmCode;//@property (nonatomic) NSDate *hireDate;
- (void)setAssets:(NSArray *)a {    _assets = [a mutableCopy];}
- (NSArray *)assets {    return [_assets copy];}
- (void)addAsset:(BNRAsset *)a {    if(!_assets){        _assets = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];    }    [_assets addObject:a];}
- (unsigned int)valueOfAssets {    unsigned int sum = 0;    for(BNRAsset *a in _assets){        sum += [a resaleValue];    }    return sum;}
- (double)yearOfEmployment {    if(self.hireDate) {        NSDate *now = [NSDate date];        NSTimeInterval secs = [now timeIntervalSinceDate:self.hireDate];        return secs / 31557600.0;    } else {        return 0;    }}//重写父类的方法- (float)bodyMassIndex{//    return 19.0;    float empbodyIndex = [super bodyMassIndex];    return empbodyIndex * 0.9;}
- (void)fly{    NSLog(@"This is for class extention use");}//重写父类的description方法(NSObject)- (NSString *)description {//    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<Employee id:%d >",self.employeeId];    self.officeAlarmCode = 1002;    NSLog(@"The employee's office alarm code is :%d", self.officeAlarmCode);    [self fly];    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<Employee %u: $%u in assets>", self.employeeId, self.valueOfAssets];}
- (void)dealloc {    NSLog(@"deallocaing %@", self);}
////  BNRAsset.h//  TOCClassa//
//#import "BNRPerson.h"#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface BNRAsset : NSObject@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *label;@property (nonatomic) unsigned int resaleValue;@end

////  BNRAsset.m//  TOCClassa//
#import "BNRAsset.h"
@implementation BNRAsset- (NSString *)description {    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@ : $%u>",self.label, self.resaleValue];}- (void)dealloc {    NSLog(@"deallocation %@", self);}@end

////  main.m//  TOCClassa////
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>//#import "BNRPerson.h"#import "BNREmployee.h"#import "BNRStockHolding.h"#import "BNRAsset.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {    @autoreleasepool {        // insert code here...        NSLog(@"Hello, World!");        BNRPerson *tom = [[BNRPerson alloc] init];//        tom.heightInMeters = 175;//        tom.weightInKilos = 65.0;////        [tom setHeightInMeters:175];//        [tom setWeightInKilos:65.0];        tom.heightInMeters = 175;        tom.weightInKilos = 65.0;                NSLog(@"Tom's height is %f", tom.heightInMeters);        NSLog(@"Tom's weight is %d", tom.weightInKilos);        //        float tomh = [tom heightInMeters];//        int tomw = [tom weightInKilos];        float tomh = tom.heightInMeters;        int tomw = tom.weightInKilos;                NSLog(@"Tom's height in float is %f", tomh);        NSLog(@"Tom's weight in int is %d", tomw);                float tomBodyIndex = [tom bodyMassIndex];        NSLog(@"Tom's body Index is %f", tomBodyIndex);                //stock handling                BNRStockHolding *myStocks = [[BNRStockHolding alloc] init]; //        @property (nonatomic) float purchaseSharePrice;//        @property (nonatomic) float currentSharePrice;//        @property (nonatomic) int numOfShares;        //        [myStocks setPurchaseSharePrice: 22.0];//        [myStocks setCurrentSharePrice: 30.0];//        [myStocks setNumOfShares: 10000];                myStocks.purchaseSharePrice = 22.0;        myStocks.currentSharePrice = 30.0;        myStocks.numOfShares = 10000;                float currentvalue = [myStocks valueInDollars];        float costvalue = [myStocks costInDollars];//        float currentvalue = myStocks.valueInDollars;//        float costvalue = myStocks.costInDollars;        float myprofit = currentvalue - costvalue;                NSLog(@"My profits on %d shares stocks are %f", myStocks.numOfShares, myprofit);                NSLog(@"My shares's current price is %f", myStocks.currentSharePrice);        //functions to Employee now.                BNREmployee *mike = [[BNREmployee alloc] init];        mike.weightInKilos = 55;        mike.heightInMeters = 180;        NSString *hireDateStr = @"2010-07-19";        NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];        [df setDateFormat:@"YYYY-MM-DD"];        NSDate *hiredatea = [df dateFromString:hireDateStr];                mike.hireDate = hiredatea;                double yearofworks = [mike yearOfEmployment];        NSLog(@"Mike's work employment is %f", yearofworks);                mike.employeeId = 10020;        NSLog(@"Mike is as following: %@", mike);        //        mike.officeAlarmCode = 2002;        //        NSLog(@"Mike's employee id is %d and his office alarm code is %d", mike.employeeId, mike.officeAlarmCode);//override bodyMassIndex method//重构        NSLog(@"Mike's body index is %f", mike.bodyMassIndex);                NSLog(@"%@ hired date is %@", mike, mike.hireDate);        //add new Asset class                //create a new array to store employees        NSMutableArray *employees = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];                for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){            BNREmployee *jim = [[BNREmployee alloc]init];                        //set values to new instance            jim.weightInKilos = 55 + i;            jim.heightInMeters = 1.8 - i / 10.0;            jim.employeeId = i;                        [employees addObject:jim];        }        //create 10 assets        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){            //create a asset object            BNRAsset *asset = [[BNRAsset alloc] init];                        NSString *currentLabel  = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Laptop %d", i];            asset.label = currentLabel;            asset.resaleValue = 350  + i * 17;                        //generate the ramdom numbers between 0 to 9            NSUInteger randomNum = random() % [employees count];                        //get the employee object            BNREmployee *randomEmployee = [employees objectAtIndex:randomNum];                        [randomEmployee addAsset:asset];        }                NSLog(@"Employee: %@", employees);        NSLog(@"Giving up ownership of one employee");//        NSUInteger a = 5;//        [employees removeObject:a];        NSLog(@"Giving up ownership of arrays");        employees = nil;    }    return 0;}
2018-03-12 23:02:03.178920+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Hello, World!2018-03-12 23:02:03.179236+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Tom's height is 175.0000002018-03-12 23:02:03.179281+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Tom's weight is 652018-03-12 23:02:03.179300+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Tom's height in float is 175.0000002018-03-12 23:02:03.179317+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Tom's weight in int is 652018-03-12 23:02:03.179333+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Tom's body Index is 0.0414202018-03-12 23:02:03.179365+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] My profits on 10000 shares stocks are 80000.0000002018-03-12 23:02:03.179379+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] My shares's current price is 30.0000002018-03-12 23:02:03.183148+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Mike's work employment is 8.1449962018-03-12 23:02:03.183231+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.183250+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.183308+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Mike is as following: <Employee 10020: $0 in assets>2018-03-12 23:02:03.183340+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Mike's body index is 0.0535542018-03-12 23:02:03.183419+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.183464+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.183551+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] <Employee 10020: $0 in assets> hired date is Tue Jan 19 00:00:00 20102018-03-12 23:02:03.183795+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.183821+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.183883+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.183906+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.183952+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.183983+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184018+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.184037+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184070+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.184087+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184125+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.184143+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184186+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.184223+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184266+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.184288+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184322+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.184333+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184373+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.184392+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184464+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Employee: (    "<Employee 0: $0 in assets>",    "<Employee 1: $503 in assets>",    "<Employee 2: $469 in assets>",    "<Employee 3: $768 in assets>",    "<Employee 4: $0 in assets>",    "<Employee 5: $836 in assets>",    "<Employee 6: $819 in assets>",    "<Employee 7: $384 in assets>",    "<Employee 8: $0 in assets>",    "<Employee 9: $486 in assets>")2018-03-12 23:02:03.184488+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Giving up ownership of one employee2018-03-12 23:02:03.184497+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] Giving up ownership of arrays2018-03-12 23:02:03.184536+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.184548+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184570+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocaing <Employee 0: $0 in assets>2018-03-12 23:02:03.184593+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.184623+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184688+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocaing <Employee 1: $503 in assets>2018-03-12 23:02:03.184781+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocation <Laptop 9 : $503>2018-03-12 23:02:03.184808+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.184824+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184840+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocaing <Employee 2: $469 in assets>2018-03-12 23:02:03.184910+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocation <Laptop 7 : $469>2018-03-12 23:02:03.184935+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.184952+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.184973+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocaing <Employee 3: $768 in assets>2018-03-12 23:02:03.184998+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocation <Laptop 0 : $350>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185019+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocation <Laptop 4 : $418>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185030+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.185040+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.185059+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocaing <Employee 4: $0 in assets>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185072+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.185080+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.185092+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocaing <Employee 5: $836 in assets>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185254+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocation <Laptop 3 : $401>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185285+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocation <Laptop 5 : $435>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185306+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.185321+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.185341+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocaing <Employee 6: $819 in assets>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185367+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocation <Laptop 1 : $367>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185401+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocation <Laptop 6 : $452>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185440+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.185459+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.185496+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocaing <Employee 7: $384 in assets>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185525+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocation <Laptop 2 : $384>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185545+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.185560+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.185581+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocaing <Employee 8: $0 in assets>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185599+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.185613+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.185633+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocaing <Employee 9: $486 in assets>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185660+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocation <Laptop 8 : $486>2018-03-12 23:02:03.185771+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] The employee's office alarm code is :10022018-03-12 23:02:03.185793+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] This is for class extention use2018-03-12 23:02:03.185817+0800 TOCClassa[43583:2514538] deallocaing <Employee 10020: $0 in assets>Program ended with exit code: 0
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