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2018-03-10 22:23 477 查看
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {    @autoreleasepool {        // insert code here...
        //直接赋值        NSString *myCountry = @"My Country is China";        NSLog(@"The sentence is %@ \n", myCountry);
        //赋值使用特定的格式        NSDate *now = [NSDate date];        NSString *theDateNow = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"The time is %@", now];        NSLog(@"Now the string is %@", theDateNow);                //NSString 一些常用方法                NSString *orignalString = @"This is an Apple";                //Check the length                NSUInteger stringlen = [orignalString length];        NSLog(@"The String length is %lu \n", stringlen);                //Change to Upper Cases        NSString *upperString = [orignalString uppercaseString];        NSLog(@"Now the String is: %@ \n", upperString);                NSString *secondString = @"This is an apple";                if ([orignalString isEqualToString:secondString]) {            NSLog(@"The two Strings are same");        } else {            NSLog(@"The two Strings are not same");        }                    }        return 0;}
2018-03-10 22:21:23.750888+0800 TOCObjectivea[53935:13718634] The sentence is My Country is China2018-03-10 22:21:23.753476+0800 TOCObjectivea[53935:13718634] Now the string is The time is 2018-03-10 14:21:23 +00002018-03-10 22:21:23.753548+0800 TOCObjectivea[53935:13718634] The String length is 162018-03-10 22:21:23.753618+0800 TOCObjectivea[53935:13718634] Now the String is: THIS IS AN APPLE2018-03-10 22:21:23.753665+0800 TOCObjectivea[53935:13718634] The two Strings are not sameProgram ended with exit code: 0
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