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Qualcomm_Snapdragon_VR_SDK SvrPlugin脚本简介(1)

2018-03-09 13:28 501 查看
具体实现的代码如下:abstract class SvrPlugin
private static SvrPlugin instance;
public static SvrPlugin Instance
if (instance == null)
if(!Application.isEditor && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
instance = SvrPluginAndroid.Create();
instance = SvrPluginWin.Create();
return instance;

public SvrManager svrCamera = null;
public SvrEye[] eyes = null;
public SvrOverlay[] overlays = null;
public DeviceInfo deviceInfo;

public enum PerfLevel
kPerfSystem = 0,
kPerfMaximum = 1,
kPerfNormal = 2,
kPerfMinimum = 3

public enum TrackingMode
kTrackingOrientation = 1,
kTrackingPosition = 2

public enum FrameOption
kDisableDistortionCorrection = (1 << 0), //!< Disables the lens distortion correction (useful for debugging)
kDisableReprojection = (1 << 1), //!< Disables re-projection
kEnableMotionToPhoton = (1 << 2), //!< Enables motion to photon testing
kDisableChromaticCorrection = (1 << 3) //!< Disables the lens chromatic aberration correction (performance optimization)

public struct ViewFrustum
public float left; //!< Left Plane of Frustum
public float right; //!< Right Plane of Frustum
public float top; //!< Top Plane of Frustum
public float bottom; //!< Bottom Plane of Frustum

public float near; //!< Near Plane of Frustum
public float far; //!< Far Plane of Frustum (Arbitrary)

public struct DeviceInfo
public int displayWidthPixels;
public int displayHeightPixels;
public float displayRefreshRateHz;
public int targetEyeWidthPixels;
public int targetEyeHeightPixels;
public float targetFovXRad;
public float targetFovYRad;
public ViewFrustum targetFrustumLeft;
public ViewFrustum targetFrustumRight;

public enum eEventType
kEventNone = 0,
kEventSdkServiceStarting = 1,
kEventSdkServiceStarted = 2,
kEventSdkServiceStopped = 3,
kEventControllerConnecting = 4,
kEventControllerConnected = 5,
kEventControllerDisconnected = 6,
kEventThermal = 7,

public virtual bool PollEvent(ref SvrManager.SvrEvent frameEvent) { return false; }

public virtual bool IsInitialized() { return false; }
public virtual bool IsRunning() { return false; }
public virtual IEnumerator Initialize ()
svrCamera = SvrManager.Instance;
if (svrCamera == null)
Debug.LogError("SvrManager object not found!");
yield break;

yield break;
public virtual IEnumerator BeginVr(int cpuPerfLevel =0, int gpuPerfLevel =0)
if (eyes == null)
eyes = SvrEye.Instances.ToArray();
if (eyes == null)
Debug.Log("Components with SvrEye not found!");


if (overlays == null)
overlays = SvrOverlay.Instances.ToArray();
if (overlays == null)
Debug.Log("Components with SvrOverlay not found!");

yield break;
public virtual void EndVr()
eyes = null;
overlays = null;
public virtual void BeginEye() { }
public virtual void EndEye() { }
public virtual void SetTrackingMode(TrackingMode mode) { }
public virtual void SetFoveationParameters(float focalPointX, float focalPointY, float foveationGainX, float foveationGainY, float foveationArea) {}
public virtual int GetTrackingMode() { return 0; }
public virtual void SetPerformanceLevels(int newCpuPerfLevel, int newGpuPerfLevel) { }
public virtual void SetFrameOption(FrameOption frameOption) { }
public virtual void UnsetFrameOption(FrameOption frameOption) { }
public virtual void SetVSyncCount(int vSyncCount) { }
public virtual bool RecenterTracking() { return true; }
public virtual void SubmitFrame(int frameIndex, float fieldOfView, int frameType) { }
public virtual int GetPredictedPose (ref Quaternion orientation, ref Vector3 position, int frameIndex = -1)
orientation = Quaternion.identity;
position = Vector3.zero;
return 0;
public abstract DeviceInfo GetDeviceInfo ();
public virtual void Shutdown()
SvrPlugin.instance = null;

public virtual int ControllerStartTracking(string desc) {
return -1;

public virtual void ControllerStopTracking(int handle) {

public virtual SvrControllerState ControllerGetState(int handle) {
return new SvrControllerState();

public virtual void ControllerSendMessage(int handle, SvrController.svrControllerMessageType what, int arg1, int arg2) {

public virtual object ControllerQuery(int handle, SvrController.svrControllerQueryType what) {
return null;
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