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ubuntu 16.04 安装 python2.7 以及 cv2, dist-package 和 site-package 的区别, import cv2 出问题解答

2018-02-25 18:46 597 查看
1、先确保make、gcc、g++已经安装好,如果没有则需要先安装这三个程序,均使用apt-get的方式直接装;2、下载python2.7包:  wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.13/Python-2.7.13.tgz3、解压该包:  tar -xvf Python-2.7.13.tgz4、进入该包:  cd Python-2.7.135、./configure6、make7、make install安装完毕,如果因为权限问题失败,需要加sudo。

sudo apt-get install 安装的package存放在 /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages目录中
pip 或者 easy_install安装的package存放在/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages目录中
The dist-packages is a Debian-specific convention that is also present in its derivatives, like Ubuntu. Modules are installed to dist-packages when they come from the Debian package manager into this location:
 are installed from the package manager, they also use dist-packages, but they put packages here:
From the Debian Python Wiki:dist-packages instead of site-packages. Third party Python software installed from Debian packages goes into dist-packages, not site-packages. This is to reduce conflict between the system Python, and any from-source Python build you might install manually.This means that if you manually install Python from source, it uses the site-packages directory. This allows you to keep the two installations separate, especially since Debian and Ubuntu rely on the system version of Python for many system utilities.


pip install opencv-python
import cv2 出问题解决:
sudo ldconfig http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4ddef8f80102v57b.html http://www.cnblogs.com/world-for-gold/p/6837782.html
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