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ERROR:PhysDesignRules:2449 - The computed value for the VCO operating frequency of PLL_ADV instance

2018-02-22 16:23 1526 查看
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:2449 - The computed value for the VCO operating frequency
of PLL_ADV instance
_inst is calculated to be 1300.000000 MHz. This falls above the operating
range of the PLL VCO frequency for this device of 400.000000 - 1080.000000
MHz. Please adjust either the input frequency CLKINx_PERIOD, multiplication
factor CLKFBOUT_MULT or the division factor DIVCLK_DIVIDE, in order to
achieve a VCO frequency within the rated operating range for this device.
ERROR:Pack:1642 - Errors in physical DRC.

使用xilinx IP核生成器生成MIG IP核,得到顶层文件,根据器件重新配置如下参数:
时钟分频系数原为:   constant C3_CLKOUT0_DIVIDE       : integer := 1;   constant C3_CLKOUT1_DIVIDE       : integer := 1;   constant C3_CLKOUT2_DIVIDE       : integer := 16;   constant C3_CLKOUT3_DIVIDE       : integer := 8;   constant C3_CLKFBOUT_MULT        : integer := 2;   constant C3_DIVCLK_DIVIDE        : integer := 1;   constant C3_INCLK_PERIOD         : integer := ((C3_MEMCLK_PERIOD * C3_CLKFBOUT_MULT) / (C3_DIVCLK_DIVIDE * C3_CLKOUT0_DIVIDE * 2));更改为如下:   constant C3_CLKOUT0_DIVIDE       : integer := 1;   constant C3_CLKOUT1_DIVIDE       : integer := 1;   constant C3_CLKOUT2_DIVIDE       : integer := 4;   constant C3_CLKOUT3_DIVIDE       : integer := 8;   constant C3_CLKFBOUT_MULT        : integer := 8;   constant C3_DIVCLK_DIVIDE        : integer := 1;   constant C3_INCLK_PERIOD         : integer := ((C3_MEMCLK_PERIOD * C3_CLKFBOUT_MULT) / (C3_DIVCLK_DIVIDE * C3_CLKOUT0_DIVIDE * 2));For a x64 bit User interface:The user clock should be set at or above (16/64) * 400 MHz = 100 MHz
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