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2018-02-12 18:00 323 查看




Kafka根据配置的服务器数量来复制每个分区的日志。默认情况下,kafka是开启复制的,事实上,未复制的主题和复制的主题是一样的,只不过它们的复制因子是1。复制是以分区为单位的(The unit of replication is the topic partition)。Kafka中,每个分区都有一个leader和0个或多个followers。副本的总数量包括leader。所有的读和写都指向分区的leader。通常,分区的数量比broker要多,而且分区分布在broker中。Followers就像正常的kafka消费者那样从leader那里消费消息,并且把它们应用到自己的log中。想大多数分布式系统自动处理失败那样,关于一个节点"alive"需要有一个明确的定义,kafka中结点存活有两个条件:1、一个节点必须能够在Zookeeper上维护它自己的会话(通过Zookeeper的心跳机制)2、如果这个节点是一个slave,那么它必须复制leader上发送的写操作,而且不能落后太多为了避免同"alive"和"fail"混淆,我们把满足这两个条件的结点状态称之为"in sync"。leader维持对"in sync"结点的跟踪。如果一个follower死了,或者卡了,或者失败了,leader会将其从同步副本列表中删除。微信鱼虾蟹源码(h5.hxforum.com) 联系方式170618633533企鹅2952777280 微信Tel17061863533源码出售 房卡出售 后台出租有意者私聊我们现在可以更明确的定义,当这个分区的所有in sync副本都应用了这个log时一个消息才能算是提交完成。只有提交完成的消息才能分发给消费者。这就意味着消费者不需要担心会看到一个可能丢失的消息。另一方面,生产者有一些选项可以控制到底是等待这个消息提交完成还是不等待,当然这取决于它们在持久化和延迟之间的这种的性能。这个性能有生产者的acks设置来控制。注意,topic关于in-sync副本有一个设置叫"minimum number",当生产者请求一个已经被写到所有in-sync副本上的消息的确认的时候会检查这个设置。如果生产者确认请求不那么严格,那么这个消息仍然可以被提交,被消费,即使in-sync副本的数量比minimum小。Kafka保证在任何时候,只有有一个in sync副本还活着,已经提交的消息就不会丢失。We can now more precisely define that a message is considered committed when all in sync replicas for that partition have applied it to their log. Only committed messages are ever given out to the consumer. This means that the consumer need not worry about potentially seeing a message that could be lost if the leader fails. Producers, on the other hand, have the option of either waiting for the message to be committed or not, depending on their preference for tradeoff between latency and durability. This preference is controlled by the acks setting that the producer uses. Note that topics have a setting for the "minimum number" of in-sync replicas that is checked when the producer requests acknowledgment that a message has been written to the full set of in-sync replicas. If a less stringent acknowledgement is requested by the producer, then the message can be committed, and consumed, even if the number of in-sync replicas is lower than the minimum (e.g. it can be as low as just the leader).The guarantee that Kafka offers is that a committed message will not be lost, as long as there is at least one in sync replica alive, at all times.
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