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mysql查询语句实例 复杂mysql查询

2018-02-11 15:51 971 查看
select Sno as 学号,Sname as 姓名 from student;select Sno,Sname from student;
select * from student;
select Sname as 姓名,(2014-Sage) as 出生年 from student;select Sname ,(2014-Sage) from student;
select distinct Sno as 选修了课程的学生学号 from SC;select distinct Sno from SC;
select Sname as 学生姓名 from student where Sdept='IS';
select Sname as 姓名,Sage as 年龄 from student where Sage<20;
select Sname as 姓名,Sdept as 系别,Sage as 年龄 from student where Sage between20 and 23;注意between 小数 and 大数。
    in和not in确定集合
select Sname as 姓名,Ssex as 性别 from student where Sdept='IS' orSdept='CS';select Sname as 姓名,Ssex as 性别 from student where Sdept in ('IS','CS');
select Sname as 姓名,Sage as 年龄 from student where Sdept!='IS'and Sdept!='CS';select Sname as 姓名,Sage as 年龄 from student where Sdept
    字符匹配(like % _ )
    [例]查询所有姓李的学生姓名和性别*/select Sname as 姓名,Ssex as 性别 from student where Sname like '李%';/*    [例]查询所有“2002”年入学的学生学号、姓名和系别/]*/select Sno as 学号,Sname as 姓名,Sdept as 系别 from student where Sno like'2002%';/*    [例]查询所有不姓“刘”的学生信息*/select * from student where Sname not like'刘%';/*    [例]查询名称含有“数据”的课程号、课程名及学分*/select Cno as 课程号,Cname as 课程名,Ccredit as 学分 from course where Cname like '%数据%';总结:select * from course where cname like '%数据%';包含数据的字符串 select * from course where cname like '数据%';以数据开头的字符串select * from course where cname like '%数据'; 以数据结尾的字符串/*    涉及空值的查询(is null)
select Cno as 课程号,Cname as 课程名,Cpno from course where Cpno is null;
select Sno as 学号,Cno as 课程号,Grade as 成绩 from SC where Grade is not null;
查询结果排序(order by )
select Sno as 学号,Grade as 成绩 from SC where Cno=3 order by Grade desc;
select Sno as 学号,Grade as 成绩 from SC where Cno=3 order byGrade asc;
 count、sum、avg、max、min[例]查询学生总数*/select count(*) as 学生总数 from student;/*[例]查询所有课程的总学分*/select sum(Ccredit) as 所有课程总学分 from course;/*[例]查询全体学生平均年龄*/select avg(Sage) as 平均年龄 from student;/*[例]查询1号课程的最高分*/select max(Grade) as 1号课程的最高分 from SC where Cno=1;/*分组统计(group by)
select Ssex as 性别,count(*) as 人数 from student group by Ssex;
select Cno as 课程号,avg(Grade) as 平均分 from SC group by Cno;
【例】查询选修了3门课程以上(含3门)的学生学号和选修课程数。(having 关键字后面直接跟聚集函数,可参考 http://www.w3school.com.cn/sql/sql_having.asp
select Sno as 学号 ,count(course.Cno) as 选修课程数From SC,courseWhere course.Cno=SC.CnoGroup by SnoHaving Count(course.Cno)>=3;【例】查询选修了2门课程以上(含2门,但不含1号课程),学生学号和选修课程数。select Sno as 学号 ,count(course.Cno) as 选修课程数From SC,courseWhere course.Cno=SC.Cno and course.Cno !=1Group by SnoHaving Count(course.Cno)>=2; 【例】查询不及格门数2门以上的学生学号。 Select Snofrom scWhere sc.Grade<60Group by SnoHaving count(Cno)>=2;  【例】查询有2名以上(含2名)学生选修了的课程号和选修人数。Select Cno,count(Sno)From SCGroup by CnoHaving count(sno)>=22、连接查询(1)等值与非等值连接查询[例]查询每个学生及其的选修课程情况
select student.Sno as 学号,course.Cno as 选修课号,SC.Grade as 成绩 from student,course,SC where student.Sno=SC.Sno and course.Cno=SC.Cno ;
select SC.Sno as 学号,FIRST.Cname as 直接选修课,SECOND.Cname as 间接选修课from SC,course as FIRST,course as SECOND where FIRST.Cno=SC.Cno and FIRST.Cpno=SECOND.Cno;
select student.Sno as 学号,Sname as 姓名,sc.Cno as 选修课程号from student LEFT OUTER JOIN SC ON student.Sno=SC.Sno; select student.Sno as 学号,Sname as 姓名,sc.Cno as 选修课程号from student,SC,coursewhere student.Sno=SC.Sno and SC.Cno=course.Cno;
select student.Sno as 学号,Sname as 姓名 from student,SC where student.Sno=SC.Sno and SC.Cno=2 and SC.Grade>=90;
select student.Sno as 学号,Sname as 姓名,Cname as 选修课程,Grade as 成绩 from student,SC,course where student.Sno=SC.Sno and SC.Cno=course.Cno;
3 、嵌套查询(1)带有IN谓词的子查询( 属性 in (子查询的查询结果) )【例】查询与王敏同学在同一个系的学生信息。
select *from studentwhere Sdept in ( select Sdept from student where Sname='王敏');
select *from studentwhere Sdept not in ( select Sdept from student  whereSname='王敏');
select student.Sno as 学号, Sname as 姓名from student,SCwhere student.Sno=SC.Sno and Cno in ( select Cno from course where Cname='信息系统')
select distinct student.Sno as 学号, Sname as 姓名from student,SCwhere student.Sno=SC.Sno and Cno in ( select Cno from SC,student where SC.Sno=student.Sno and student.Sno in (   select Sno   from student   where student.Sname='刘晨'  ))内层in 查出刘晨的学号sno,外层in查出刘晨所上课程的课程号。(2)带有比较运算符的子查询(=,>=,<=,<>或!=)【例】查询与王敏同学在同一个系的所有学生信息  (=判断)
select *from studentwhere Sdept=(   select Sdept   from student   where Sname='王敏')
select Cnofrom SC awhere Grade> ( select min(Grade) from SC b where a.Cno=b.Cno)
select Cnofrom SC awhere Grade> ( select avg(Grade) from SC b where a.Sno=b.Sno)
select Cnofrom SC awhere Grade >( select avg(Grade) from SC b where a.Cno=b.Cno)
select Sname as 姓名,Ssex as 性别, Sage as 年龄, Sdept as 所在系from studentwhere Sage <ANY ( select Sage from student where Sdept='CS');
select Sname as 姓名, Sage as 年龄from studentwhere Sdept<>'CS' and  Sage <ALL ( select Sage from student where Sdept='CS');
(4 )带有Exists谓词的子查询【例】查询所有选修了1号课程的学生姓名。
select Sname as 姓名from studentwhere Exists ( select * from SC where Cno=1 and Sno=Student.Sno);
select Sname as 姓名from student awhere Not Exists ( select  * from course where Not Exists (   select  *   from SC   where Sno=a.Sno and Cno=Course.Cno  )) ;
select distinct Sno as 学号from SC awhere Not Exists ( select * from SC b where b.Sno='200215122' and not Exists(   select *   from SC c   where c.Sno=a.Sno and c.Cno=b.Cno  ));
4、集合查询(1)并UNION【例】 查询计算机系的学生及年龄不大于19岁的学生详细信息。
select *from studentwhere student.Sdept='CS'unionselect *from studentwhere student.Sage<=19;
select student.*from student,SCwhere student.Sno=SC.Sno and SC.Cno=1unionselect *from studentwhere student.Sage<=19;
(2)交INTERSECT【例】查询选修了1号课程的与年龄不大于19岁的 学生 详细信息 的交集。
Select *from student,SCwhere student.Sno=SC.Sno and SC.Cno=1INTERSECTSelect *from studentwhere student.Sage<=19;
select *from studentwhere student.Sdept='SC'EXCEPTselect *from studentwhere student.Sage<=19;
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