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2.2 learning English 1997 第一篇阅读

2018-02-02 22:09 246 查看
Text 1

1.vote n. vi. vt. 投票

2.parliamentary adj. 议会的,国会的

3.debate n. v. 辩论,讨论,

4.legal adj. 法律的

5.authority n. 权威,权力,当局

6.incurably adv. 治不好地

7.measure n.法案

8.executive adj.行政的n总经理

9.via prep. 渠道

10.bulletin n. vt. 公告,公报

11.sink in 渗入,完全被理解

12.physician n.医生

13.alike ad.同样的

14.moral adj.道德的,n.道德

15.practical adj.实际的

16.implication n含义,暗示,

17.church n.教堂,adj.教会的

18.association n.协会

19.bitterly adv.苦涩地

20.bill n.法案,账单,钞票

21.attack n. vt. vi.攻击,抨击

22.haste n.匆忙,轻率

23.passage n 走廊,通道,通过,一段(文章)

24.tide n.趋势

25.aging n.老化,陈化,熟化

26.population n,人口,种群

27.euthanasia n.安乐死

28.observer n.观察者

29.dominoes n.多米诺骨牌效应,牙齿,骰子

30.territory n.领土,范围

31.injection n.注射

32.pill n.药丸

33.diagnose vt 诊断

34.terminal ill 末期的疾病

35.period n.周期

36.cooling off 冷静 冷处理

37.sign vt.签署

38.certificate n.证书

39.resident adj.居住的

40.haunting adj. 不易忘怀的,v.常去

41.spiritual n.圣歌,adj.精神的

42.claw v用爪抓

43.physician n.医师

44.vote was finally taken 做出最终投票

45.hot debates 热议

46.take the life of 终结…的声明

47.flash on 忽现

48.pick up sth 见到,听到

49.half a world away 半个地球之外

50.executive director 执行董事

51.send sth on 转发

52.the full import may take a while to sink in 完全理解他的全部意义可能上需要时间

53.deal with its moral and practical implications 从伦理和实际影响两方面考虑它

54.have breathed sighs of relief 如释重负

55.the haste of its passage 仓促通过

56.but the tide is unlikely to turn back ,大势已定,不可挽回

57.an aging population 人口老龄

58.life-extending technology 生命延长技术

59.community attitudes 公众态度

60.all play their part 各自起到作用

61.observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling 观察者正在等待多米诺骨牌开始倒下

62.put an end to suffering. 结束痛苦

63.be diagnosed as terminally ill by two doctor 被两个医生确证为末期绝症患者

64.Darwin resident 居住在达尔文

65.the haunting fear 挥之不去的恐惧

66.a terrifying death from his breathing condition 因呼吸状况而可怕的死去
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