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2018-01-20 08:37 537 查看
In fact, I have been the one to write an article, to say how the achievements of a TM is not easy!


In 2013 March 13 by the school entered the work, positive on 13 June 2013, now on 15 April 2016, 3 years say neither long nor short.

During the semester of 2011, in the school library do the first job referrals college teacher (the teacher was called to the office and I say to have a job wanted me to do , I also think is not only I can fancy the monthly salary is 128 of work!). This is also
considered to earn their first income (that time feel quite happy, and every day to mix the library to see beautiful girl, ha ha ~), but did not expect this is a job for nearly 2 years, thanks to my college teacher.

Second half of 2012, the company began to do the first job placement (the company is a small company and my boss was plus 5 individual, a company called Yantai Lewang, the most memorable is the boss have their own cook every meal and then collect our money
when the food, and then from a fortune), at that time made himself a wishing star module with asp.net do, the time a month and more than 20 days, pay a total of 900 (excluding food and drink I remember also lost more than 200! ha ha ~), is this a job for me
after entering a company ( KERUN) to do the groundwork.
2012年下半年,开始去公司实习做第一份工作(公司是一个小公司加上我和老板才5个人,公司名叫烟台某网,记忆最深刻的就是每次吃饭老板都要自己下厨,然后收我们的钱当伙食费,从中再捞一笔),那个时候自己做了一个许愿星的模块用asp.net做的,时间1个月零20多天,薪酬总共900块(除去吃喝,我记得还赔了200多!哈哈~),正是这一份工作为我以后进入公司( 科润 )做了铺垫。

2012 Spring Festival holiday, a company receives Zibo interview (company name forgotten what the specific name, do ERP development, and the room is very narrow, but also a lot of people, and then do the bus there is a road or a dirt road he almost did not hold
back at the time you buy a ticket go home), and later because of the New Year, as well as what's thesis, anyway, his heart is not very satisfactory and no go!

February 2013, received the interview notice KERUN because of school and Weihai fairly close, so the interview process went smoothly, interviewed the day received a phone quiet sister, let me in after graduation can go directly to unit reported that the interview
is still my sister (although it has left before Saturday always took us to do activities, play this game everywhere), and my first boss to manager (now due to health reasons have leaving, I was very grateful to the manager taught me a lot of java to develop
basic things, in fact, something more is self-obtained three years never stopped learning is the pace, including new technology, java to php to nodejs to micro-channel-side development, micro-site development, h5 aPP development, half the original ecological
app development, Android native development), until one day, and Qiu always chat up the time (Qiu I always admire a person, really powerful, in designed graduated from the first manager of the company, the first company's technical director, the first vice
president), he told me the reason why I can pass: the page turned out to be because I do quite beautiful, and not because of my JAVA how good, so I am grateful to my second asp.net development work, the monthly salary and 1000.

March 2013 out of school, and I have not been home for a penny, then bitter, really bitter, 1000 to rent, eat already will not have a surplus! So the beginning of time have been very constraints (constraints here that you might imagine, less than a month to
eat a fruit (in addition to the company may be welfare), eat the same food every day cake, eat a dish a day, 3 month consistently).

After 13 June 2013 to positive wage reached 2100, at that time you can buy some snacks to eat (especially no longer have to eat that cake, really enough is enough), though still in my little nest rent , but to see their progress every day, really happy, when
she is all my power struggle, almost every day to work overtime, 21:00 every day, 22:00 are common, sometimes in order to be able to shake overnight to . Then a small technical achievement, it is necessary to write an article to share, and now come back to
think about it, and sometimes feel really very naive! (Return naive childish, but still continue to write the article, an article even if small technical point is progress! In fact, I am the person quite selfish, just started a little bit of small technology
does not like to share with others, always write in their own qq space log in! know the end of 2015 is 100,000 programmers in one of the most common sources of data  csdn , http://blog.csdn.net/qilin001cs,
then I feel I should get rid of this selfish habit others can Share the things I can, so have now blog)!

2013年6月13转正以后工资达到了2100块,那个时候就可以买点小零食吃了(尤其是再也不用吃那个饼了,真是够够的了),虽然还在我的租的小窝里,可是看到自己每天都在进步真的很开心,那时候她是我全部奋斗的动力,几乎天天加班,每天21点,22点都是常事,有时候为了做个摇一摇可以通宵的来。那时候一个小小的技术上的成就,就要写一篇文章来分享,现在再回过头来想想,有时候觉的确实挺幼稚的! (幼稚归幼稚,但是文章还是继续写,一篇文章即使再小的技术点也是进步!其实我这个人挺自私,刚开始一点点小技术不喜欢与人分享,老是写在自己的qq空间日志里!2015年末知道自己才是10万+程序员中的一位最普通的,数据来源csdn, http://blog.csdn.net/qilin001cs,后来我觉的我自己应该改掉这个自私的习惯别人能分享的东西我也可以,所以有了现在的blog)!

February 2014 Year ended balance of about 1w(in total for eight months), this is the first Spring Festival my work, all my own savings

May 2014 wage increase to 3k, do java project development every day, if you continue to do so I believe I will wage a lifetime of 3000 to 4000, diving (I think I encountered a bottleneck, I do not know how break through the bottleneck now, I started to learn
another language php, I always find Qiu told him I can do except I do java and php, but also began to learn something of Artists, ps, cutting plans, do html page design, logo design , flash changes, to the last page to steal someone else's - is now basically
use this anymore), then exposed to php project began to take over the company, the 2014 year-end, Wang gave me a stack of year-end awards (2w+), I was shocked I have never seen so much money in 2013 than I do even more than 2 times a year.

January 2015 raised salaries by 3.7k, making java, php, h5 app development, by 2015 year-end awards (2w +). 
2015年1月 工资提高了3.7k块,做java,php,h5 app开发,2015年年终奖(2w+)。

January 2016 wage increase to 4k do java, php, h5 app, Android native app development, oh yes forgot to say, which suffered two work requested, the first to use the new company shares, let me help him leave; the second monthly salary is 5k; did not go!
2016年1月 工资提高到4k,做java,php,h5 app,安卓原生app开发,哦对了忘了说了,其中遭遇了2次被挖墙角,第一次是新公司用给股份,让我离职去帮他;第二次月薪是5k;都没去!

April 2016 wage increase of 5k(technical vice president level), do java, php, h5 app, Android native app development, linux server maintenance, the annual salary of the year(12w+).
2016年4月 工资提高的5k(技术副经理级),做java,php,h5 app,安卓原生app开发,linux服务器维护 , 这一年薪水(12w+)。

August 2016 received the first part-time
2016年8月 接到了第一份兼职

Next it suddenly did not know what to do, some confused, actually do feel this technology thing a little empty - so it is better to sell bread, so whenever people ask me what is the future going to do, I was happy to said : In the future I will go to sell bread!
(Remember a joke : I am a student asked another student, you have what is required to marry his girlfriend, I said that the students: The first is a woman, and the second is alive, and the third will be steamed buns, because my classmates always enough to
eat the bread).

All along, I am very grateful I was growing up in a person to guide me -  Qiu
其实一直以来,我都很感谢在我成长中去引导我的一个人- 邱,后来很长时间我和邱聊起来,才明白不只是他成就了我(技术经理),同样的我也成就了他(公司第一个副总)。

- Finally, I wish I would become the company's youngest Technical Manager - 祝福我吧!, 最终也没上成.....

@date 2016-08-03 11.21 make update


In mid August 2016, Qiu always find I officially talk about let me take over the position of manager, later due to various reasons, until August 30th, I got the first permission technical manager, to lower the performance of good employees the right to raise

A few months later technical manager, 25 years old became the youngest technical manager, working 152 years 3 days! annual salary of more than 100 thousand!this year has gone through too much, too much suffering and tir.
迟来了几个月技术经理,25岁成为科润最为年轻的技术经理,工作3年152天 !这一年经历了太多,太多的苦和累。

In October 16, is one of the largest, the completion of the company's net profit of 800 thousand of the project, from demand research, to the database design, software development, Android development, including multiple demand changes, with a time of 4 months
was finally completed, from this project is really feeling a lot, that is to to earn money, and satisfy the customers, while customers back to your monery, and customers are also demanding after the items are handed over to you to do, it feels really great!
I think I have a potential to do a good sale. (although it did not do well at the end...)

- With my own efforts to let the company listed as soon as possible, so there is a stake, but also do not have so tired. 

- 祝福我吧!

@date 2016-08-30 19.20 make update


In November 2016, the company, under the efforts of everyone, finally stepped on the step of "listing". Wang found a few of us, a joint-stock company of the problem, I was fortunate enough to receive a 100 thousand ~20 million shares of the original stock rights
(although the last is not listed), (I am this person because it is small is not cold, for money is for less also, sometimes I have I don't know exactly how much money a month wages, this month is 1000 more or less a few hundred). This year is the cause of
his breakout year, ushered in his first career peak, from the technical director of his technical manager, thank thank Corin, Qiu, Wang every one of my clients, spur to me, in my life this way guide, thank you!
2016年11月,公司在大家的努力下,终于要踏上要“上市”的步伐。王总找了我们几个,关于公司股份制改造的问题,鄙人有幸获得了一份10万~20万股原始股的权利(虽然最后也没上市) ,(我这个人因为小吧是对钱还不怎么感冒,多也行少也行,有的时候我自己都弄不清我一个月工资到底多少钱,这个月是多了1000还是少了几百)。这一年是自己事业爆发期的一年,迎来了自己的第一个事业小巅峰,从技术主管--->技术经理,感谢科润,感谢邱,王和我的每一个客户,对我的鞭策,对我在人生这条路上的引导,谢谢你们! 

My 2016 year-end bonus 5.7w .
我的2016年年终奖5.7w元 。 


The road of life is always a step by step to come over, I was lucky to have leadership to my guide, let me grow up in mind, thank you for your leadership ^_^

@date 2016 11 25 17.56 make update

- Thank you,This is a programmer for three years of growth.
- 谢谢 ,这是一个程序员成长的3年。

@date 2016-04-15 fac.

@author qiyulin 

@place 威海

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