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ASP.NET Boilerplate is integrated to ASP.NET MVC Controllers via Abp.Web.Mvc nuget package. You can create regular MVC Controllers as you always do. Dependency Injection properly works for regular MVC Controllers. But you should derive your controllers from AbpController, which provides several benefits and better integrates to ASP.NET Boilerplate.

ASP.NET样板集成到ASP.NET的MVC控制器通过abp.web.mvc NuGet包。您可以像平常一样创建常规的MVC控制器。依赖注入适用于常规MVC控制器。但是你应该得到你abpcontroller控制器,它提供了几个好处,更好的融入到ASP.NET样板。

AbpController Base Class

This is a simple controller derived from AbpController:

public class HomeController : AbpController
public ActionResult Index()
return View();


AbpController defines L method to make localization easier. Example:

public class HomeController : AbpController
public HomeController()
LocalizationSourceName = "MySourceName";

public ActionResult Index()
var helloWorldText = L("HelloWorld");

return View();

You should set LocalizationSourceName to make L method working. You can set it in your own base controller class, to not repeat for each controller.


You can also use pre-injected AbpSession, EventBus, PermissionManager, PermissionChecker, SettingManager, FeatureManager, FeatureChecker, LocalizationManager, Logger, CurrentUnitOfWork base properties and more.


Exception Handling & Result Wrapping(异常处理与结果包装)

All exceptions are automatically handled, logged and a proper response is returned to the client. See exception handling documentation for more.


ASP.NET Boilerplate also wraps action results by default if return type is JsonResult (or Task<JsonResult> for async actions).

You can change exception handling and wrapping by using WrapResult and DontWrapResult attributes for controllers or actions or from startup configuration (using Configuration.Modules.AbpMvc()...) globally. See ajax documentation for more.


Audit Logging(审计日志)

AbpMvcAuditFilter is used to integrate to audit logging system. It logs all requests to all actions by default (if auditing is not disabled). You can control audit logging using Audited and DisableAuditing attributes for actions and controllers.


AbpMvcValidationFilter automatically checks ModelState.IsValid and prevents execution of the action if it's not valid. Also, implements input DTO validation described in the validation documentation.


You can use AbpMvcAuthorize attribute for your controllers or actions to prevent unauthorized users to use your controllers and actions. Example:

public class HomeController : AbpController
public ActionResult Index()
return View();

You can define AllowAnonymous attribute for actions or controllers to suppress authentication/authorization. AbpController also defines IsGranted method as a shortcut to check permissions.

See authorization documentation for more.

Unit Of Work

AbpMvcUowFilter is used to integrate to Unit of Work system. It automatically begins a new unit of work before an action execution and completes unit of work after action exucition (if no exception is thrown).

You can use UnitOfWork attribute to control behaviour of UOW for an action. You can also use startup configuration to change default unit of work attribute for all actions.

Anti Forgery(防伪)

AbpAntiForgeryMvcFilter is used to auto protect MVC actions for POST, PUT and DELETE requests from CSRF/XSRF attacks. See CSRF documentation for more.

Model Binders

AbpMvcDateTimeBinder is used to normalize DateTime (and Nullable<DateTime>) inputs using Clock.Normalize method.
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