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5.1 没有对new作异常处理

5.1.1 概览


5.1.2 代码示例

void BadNew()


char * p = new char[2147483645]; // 程序崩溃, 抛出std::bad_alloc


5.2 分配和释放函数不匹配

5.2.1 概览


5.2.2 代码示例

void mixedNewAndFree()


int *x = new int;

free(x); // 报错,应该使用’delete x’


// MS Windows API

HINTERNET hConn = InternetOpenUrl(hSession, url, headers, \

length, flags, context);

CloseHandle(hConn); // 报错,应该使用 ‘InternetCloseHandle(hConn)’

5.3 对象指针和对象数组指针混淆

5.3.1 概览


5.3.2 代码示例

class Base



int x;


class Derived : public Base



int y;


void f(Base *b)


b[1].x = 4;// b[1] 表示 b+1,表示address(b) + sizeof(Base)


Derived arr[3];// 实际上此数组对象大小为sizeof(Derived),大小不匹配,错误

f(arr); // 缺陷

void foo(char **result)


result = (char)malloc(80);

if (…)


strcpy(*result, “some result string”);




result[79] = 0; // 报错,应该是”(*result)[79] = 0”



void bar()


char *s;

foo(&s); // 这里错误


5.4 断言中的参数表达式有副作用

5.4.1 概览


5.4.2 代码示例


define FLAG 2

extern int flags;

if (!flags & FLAG) // Defect: always yields 0

if (a == b ? 1 : 2)

5.24 赋值粘贴错误

5.24.1 概览


5.24.2 代码示例

class CopyPasteError {

int square(int x) {

return x*x;


int example(int a, int b, int x, int y) {

int result = 0;

if (a > 0) {

result = square(a) + square(x);


if (b > 0) {

// “square(a)” should read “square(b)”

result = square(a) + square(y);


return result;



5.25 有赋值构造函数缺少赋值操作符

5.25.1 概览


5.25.2 代码示例

class MyString {

char *p;


MyString(const char *s) : p(strdup(s)) {}

~MyString() {free(p);}

// copy constructor

MyString(const MyString &init) : p(strdup(init.p)) {}

// no assignment operator

const char *str() const {return p;}

operator const char *() const {return str();}


5.26 构造函数和析构函数有内存泄漏

5.26.1 概览


5.26.2 代码示例

struct A {

int *p;

A() { p = new int; }

~A() { /oops, leak/ }


5.27 不安全的IO流操作

5.27.1 概览

用了不安全的IO函数scanf, fscanf等等,可能导致内存溢出。

5.28 不安全的字符串函数

5.28.1 概览

使用了不安全的字符串函数可能导致内存溢出比如sprintf, sscanf, strcat, strcpy 等等。

5.29 加密算法太弱

5.29.1 概览

DC.WEAK_CRYPTO 表示:函数产生了不安全的伪随机序列数字。initstate, lcong48, rand, random, seed48, setstate, and [dejlmn]rand48。这些函数不应该使用在加密方面,因为太容易被破解。

5.30 无用代码

5.30.1 概览


5.30.2 代码示例

int deadcode_example1(int *p) {

if( p == NULL ) {

return -1;


use_p( *p );
if ( p == NULL ) {      // p cannot be null.
handle_error();     // Defect: dead code
return -1;
return 0;


void deadcode_example2(void *p) {

int c = ( p == NULL );

if ( p != NULL && c ) {       // Always false
do_some_other_work();     // Defect: dead code


5.31 删除数组错误

5.31.1 概览

使用delete而不是delete[]来说释放一个对象数组的内存。 这样将会导致内存泄漏或者其他问题。

5.31.2 代码示例

void wrong_delete() {

char *buf = new char [10];

delete buf; // Defect: should be delete[] buf


struct auto_ptr {


~auto_ptr(){delete ptr;}

int *ptr;


void test() {

auto_ptr *arr = new auto_ptr[2];

arr[0].ptr = new int(0);

arr[1].ptr = new int(1);

delete arr; // Memory leak, destructors are not called (or worse!)


5.32 删除void*指针错误

5.32.1 概览



• 语言标准没有定义这个行为。具体实现从技术角度上说可以执行任何事情,一些编译器做了一些优化,粗暴地改变了依赖于未定义行为的代码。

• 如果分配位置被更改,例如,分配对象数组内存,那么释放内存将会默默地做错误的事情。

5.32.2 代码示例

void buggy(void *p)


delete p;


5.33 除数为0

5.33.1 概览


5.33.2 代码示例

int foo() {

int x = 0;

if (cond()) {

x = 1;


return 1 / x;


int foo(int y) {

if (y < 0) {

return 0;


return y;


void bar(int y) {

int z = 1 / foo(y);


5.34 枚举当做布尔

5.34.1 概览


5.34.2 代码示例

enum color {red, green, blue};

color c;

if (c) /* Why are green and blue distinguished from red? */

5.35 优先级顺序错误

5.35.1 概览


5.35.2 代码示例

int g(int x) {

return x + x++; // Defect, undefined evaluation order


int foo() {

int x = 0;

x = x++; // Defect

return x; // returns either 0 or 1


5.36 NULL指针使用

5.36.1 概览


5.36.2 代码示例

int forward_null_example1(int *p) {

int x;

if ( p == NULL ) {

x = 0;

} else {

x = *p;


x += fn();

*p = x; // Defect: p is potentially NULL

return 0;


5.37 代码中有显示密码

5.37.1 概览


5.37.2 代码示例

void test() {

char password[] = “ABCD1234!”;

HANDLE pHandle;

LogonUserA(“User”, “Domain”, password, 3, 0, &pHandle);



5.38 相同的逻辑分支

5.38.1 概览


5.38.2 代码示例

if (x==2) {



} else {




if (hasName(a)) {

name = getName(a);

return name;


name = getName(a);

return name;

5.39 不兼容的转换

5.39.1 概览


5.39.2 代码示例

void init(uint32_t *x) {

*x = 42;


void foo() {

uint16_t y;

init((int32_t*) &y); // out-of-bounds memory access


5.40 循环无法停止

5.40.1 概览


5.40.2 代码示例

void foo(int x)


int i=0;

while (true) {

if (i >= 10) {

if (x == 55) { // x is never updated







char c = foo();

while (c != EOF) {

if (c == 0x1c) {

found = 1;

} else {

if (found)

return -1;





5.41 整型溢出

5.41.1 概览


5.41.2 代码示例

define INT_MAX 2147483647

class Cell {


int a;

int *b;


void test(int x, int fd) {

int y;

read(fd, &y, 4); // y is from a tainted (outside) source

int size = y;

Cell *mycell;

if (size != 0) {

// Overflow results from operation size * sizeof(Cell)

// Overflowed value is used in memory allocation

mycell = new Cell[size]; // overflow and overflow_sink events



5.42 无效的迭代器

5.42.1 概览


5.42.2 代码示例

void wrong_erase(list &l, int v) {

list::iterator i = l.begin();

for(; i != l.end(); ++i) { /* Defect: “i” is incremented

after invalidation

by a call to “erase” */

if(*i == v)




int deref_end(list &l) {

list::iterator i = l.end();

int x = *i; // Defect: dereferencing past-the-end


5.43 锁使用错误

5.43.1 概览


5.43.2 代码示例

int missing_unlock( struct info *data, int num ) {

spin_lock(data->lock); // +lock

if (num > data->count) {
/*  +missing_unlock DEFECT: data is left locked,
any thread attempting to lock it
will wait indefinitely */
return -1;
return 0;


fn() {

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

lock(A); // +lock, +double_lock

if (cond)
continue; // -unlock


fn(L l) {


// …


caller() {


unlock(A); // +unlock

fn(A); // +lockassert


5.44 不匹配的迭代器

5.44.1 概览


5.44.2 代码示例

void test(vector &v1, vector &v2) {

vector::iterator i = v1.begin();

// Defect: Uses “i” from “v1” in a method on “v2”



void test(list &l1, list &l2) {

list::iterator i = l1.begin();

l2.splice(l2.begin(), l1);

// Defect: i belonged to l1 but was transferred to l2 with “splice”



void test(list &l1, list &l2) {

// Error: comparing “i” from “l1” with “l2.end()”

for(list::iterator i = l1.begin(); i != l2.end(); ++i){}


5.45 错误的隐式转换

5.45.1 概览

MISRA_CAST 表示一些隐式类型转换,比如把一个float类型隐式转换为int类型。

5.45.2 代码示例

const int32_t xs32a = 0, xs32b = 1;

static void non_compliant1()


(void)(float64_t)(xs32a / xs32b); // Defect: Casting complex expression with

// integer type to a non-integer

// type float64_t


float32_t f32a;

float64_t f64a;

int16_t compliant()



f32a = 2.5F;

f64a = f64b + f32a;


static void non_compliant1()


f32a = f64a; // Defect, casting complex expression to narrower type


extern float32_t f32a, f32b;

static void non_compliant1()


(void)(float64_t)(f32a + f32b); //Defect: Type 32-bit float_t cast

// to 64-bit float64_t


5.46 缺少break

5.46.1 概览


5.46.2 代码示例

void doSomething(int what)


switch (what) {

case 1:



case 2:
// Defect: Missing break statement in this case
case 3:


5.47 缺少逗号

5.47.1 概览


5.47.2 代码示例

char* arr[] = {

“a string literal” //Defect here.

“another string literal”


char* arr[] = {

“a string literal” //Defect here.

"another string literal"


5.48 缺少赋值或者拷贝构造函数

5.48.1 概览

MISSING_COPY_OR_ASSIGN 表示许多情况比如: 一个类中有动态申请的资源,但是该类没有拷贝构造函数,此时的拷贝构造函数会使用默认的浅拷贝构造函数,将会导致一系列的问题。

5.48.2 代码示例

class MyString {

char *p;


// evidence of resource ownership

MyString(const char *s) : p(strdup(s)) {}

// further evidence of resource ownership

~MyString() {free(p);}

// no copy constructor at all

// no assignment operator at all

const char *str() const {return p;}

operator const char *() const {return str();}


class MyString {

char *p;


MyString(const char *s) : p(strdup(s)) {}

// inadequate copy constructor

MyString(const MyString &init) : p(init.p) {}

~MyString() {free(p);}

// inadequate assignment operator

MyString &operator=(const MyString &rhs)


if (this != &rhs) {

p = rhs.p;


return *this;



5.49 缺少部分锁

5.49.1 概览

MISSING_LOCK 表示有些情况比如:一个对象多个地方都是由锁进行锁住的,但是有个别地方没有加锁,这将导致数据的并发安全性。

5.49.2 代码示例

struct bingo {

int bango;

lock bongo;


void example(struct bingo *b) {

lock(&b->bongo); // example_lock

b->bango++; // example_access


lock(&b->bongo);  //  example_lock
b->bango++;       //  example_access

lock(&b->bongo);  //  example_lock
b->bango++;       //  example_access


void lockDefect(struct bingo *b) {

b->bango = 99; // missing_lock


5.50 缺少移动赋值

5.50.1 概览


5.50.2 代码示例

struct S { // missing_move_assignment event

S() {

p = new int(0);


S(const S &other) {

p = new int;

*p = *other.p;


~S() {

delete p;


S& operator=(const S &other) {

*p = *other.p;

return *this;


int *p;


s = S(); // example of copy assignment operator being applied to rvalue
return 0;


struct dtor_no_free { // No defect when report_no_dtor_free is false.

// Defect when report_no_dtor_free is true.

dtor_no_free() {}

dtor_no_free(const dtor_no_free &other): p(other.p) {}

dtor_no_free& operator=(const dtor_no_free &other) {

p = other.p;

return *this;


~dtor_no_free() {}

std::string p;


int main() {

dtor_no_free d;

d = dtor_no_free();

return 0;


5.51 未还原半途而废的函数动作

5.51.1 概览


5.51.2 代码示例

extern int refresh_mode;

void move(item_t *item)


int save_mode = refresh_mode;

refresh_mode = 0; /* reduce flicker */

if (!lock_for_move(item))

return; /* error: leaving ‘refresh_mode’ as 0 */



refresh_mode = save_mode;


5.52 缺少函数返回值

5.52.1 概览


5.52.2 代码示例

int fn(int x)


switch (x) {

case 5: return 4;

default: return 5;


// no return; but not a defect, since unreachable


int fn(int x) {

if (x == 5)

return 4;

else if (x == 3)

return 2;

} // missing_return

int fn(int x) {

if (x == 5)

return 4; // extra_return

else if (x == 3)

return 2; // extra_return

return 0; // extra_return


5.53 混淆的枚举值

5.53.1 概览


5.53.2 代码示例

enum e {E1, E2};

enum f {F0, F1, F2, F3};

void foo(e ee) {

switch (ee) {

case E1:

case F2: /* Defect */



void bar(int x) {

switch (x) {

case E1: /* Defect in conjunction with (see the second line that follows) … */

case F2: /* … this */



5.54 负整数的误用

5.54.1 概览

许多负整数的误用. 负整数以及函数返回值必须在使用之前进行判断 (例如, 数组下标,循环下标等)。

5.54.2 代码示例

void basic_negative() {

int buff[1024];

int x = some_function(); // some_function () might return -1.

buff[x] = 0; // Defect: buffer underrun at buff[-1]


void subtle_negative() {

unsigned x;

x = signed_count_func(); // Returns signed -1 on error.

// -1 cast to an unsigned 是一个 very large integer.

loop_with_param(x); // Uses x as an upper bound.

// Defect: loop might never end or last too long.


void another_subtle_negative(){

unsigned int c;

for (i = 0; (c=read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)))>0; i+=c)

// read() returns -1 on error, c is now a very large integer

if (write(1, buf, c) != c) // Defect: Too many bytes written to stdout.

die(“Write call failed”);


5.55 缩进不匹配错误

5.55.1 概览


5.55.2 代码示例

define MULTI_STMT_MACRO(x, y) foo(x); bar(y) /* user ‘;’ */

/* … */

if (condition)

MULTI_STMT_MACRO(p->x, p->y); // bar(p->y)一定会执行

if (condition1)

if (condition2)


else // “dangling”


5.56 无意义的函数

5.56.1 概览


5.56.2 代码示例

void array_null()


unsigned int a[3];

unsigned int b[1];

unsigned int c[2];

if (*a == 0)


if (b == 0) // The entire array b is compared to 0.


if (c[1] == 0)



void bad_memset()


int *p;

memset(p, ‘0’, l); // Fill value is ‘0’, and 0 is more likely.

memset(p, l, 0); // Length is 0, and so likely that l and 0 reversed.

memset(p, 0xabcd, l); // Fill is truncated, and so memory

// will not contain the 0xabcd pattern.


• void extra_comma() {

• int a, b;

• for (a = 0, b = 0; a < 10, b < 10; a++, b++);

• // Extra comma, and so a < 10 is not used.


• void no_effect_test() {

• int a, b;

• a == b; // Test has no effect, and is

• // likely intended to be the assignment a = b


• int a, b;

• void bool_switch() {

• switch (a == b) { // Boolean switch

• case 1:

• }


• void incomplete_delete() {

• int *p, *q;

• delete p, q; // The pointer q is not deleted.


• void no_effect_deref() {

• int *p;

• *p++; // *p is useless


• void self_assign(struct foo *ptr) {

• a = a; // assignment to self, global

• ptr->x = ptr->x; // assignment to self, field


struct C { static void foo(); int x; };

C * c; c->foo(); // Becomes “c, C::foo();”. c is unnecessary,

// but not flagged.

C stackc; stackc.x = 4;

5.57 函数返回值为NULL

5.57.1 概览


5.57.2 代码示例

void bad_malloc() {

// malloc returns NULL on error

struct some_struct x = (struct some_struct) malloc(sizeof(*x));

// ERROR: memset dereferences possibly null pointer x

memset(x, 0, sizeof(*x));


5.58 文件权限不对

5.58.1 概览


5.58.2 代码示例

void open_args_example() {

int fd = open(“file.log”, O_CREAT); // lacks a correct mode argument.


5.59 顺序相反错误

5.59.1 概览


5.59.2 代码示例

// Thread one enters this 函数

void deadlock_partA(struct directory *a, struct file *b) {

spin_lock(a->lock); // Thread one acquires this lock
spin_lock(b->lock); // before it can acquire this lock...


// Thread two enters this 函数

void deadlock_partB( struct directory *a, struct file *b ) {

spin_lock(b->lock); // Thread two acquires this lock
spin_lock(a->lock); // Deadlock


5.60 扩充数据精度丢失

5.60.1 概览


5.60.2 代码示例

void foo() {

unsigned int x = 2147483648;

unsigned int y = 2;

unsigned long long z;

if ((x * y) == z) {

// Do something.



5.61 内存越界

5.61.1 概览

内存访问越界. 不合适的内存访问将会导致内存崩溃和进程崩溃以及安全漏洞问题。包括堆和栈的下标索引。

5.61.2 代码示例

void bad_heap() {

int buffer = (int ) malloc(10 * sizeof(int)); // 40 bytes

int i = 0;

for(; i <= 10; i++) { // Defect: writes buffer[10] and overruns memory

buffer[i] = i;



void test(int i) {

int n;

char *p = malloc(n);

int y = n; // Valid indices are buffer[0] to buffer[y - 1]

p[y] = ‘a’; // Defect: writing to buffer[y] overruns local buffer


struct s {

int a;

int b;

} s1;

void test() {

int n, i;

struct s p = malloc(n sizeof(struct s));

if (i <= n) // “i” can be equal to n

p[i] = s1; // Defect: overrun of buffer p


void access_dbuffer(int *x, int n) {

x[n-1] = 1;


void caller(int n) {

int array[10];

if (n < 100) {

access_dbuffer(array, n); // defect



void foo() {

int array[10];

int i = get();

if (i > 8) {

array[i] = 1;



5.62 函数传值太大

5.62.1 概览


5.62.2 代码示例

struct big {

int a[20];

int b[20];

int c[20];


void test(big b) { // Warning: passing by value, 240 bytes


struct exn {

const char str[128];

int code;


void foo() {

try {


} catch(exn e) { // Warning, catch by value, 132 bytes




5.63 返回局部变量地址

5.63.1 概览


5.63.2 代码示例

some_struct * basic_return_local(struct some_struct *b) {

struct some_struct a(*b); // a is copy-constructed onto the stack

return &a; // Returns a pointer to local struct a


5.64 NULL判断过晚

5.64.1 概览


5.64.2 代码示例

void basic_reverse_null(struct buf_t *request_buf) {

*request_buf = some_函数(); // Assignment dereference

if (request_buff == NULL) // NULL check AFTER dereference



5.65 负数判断过晚

5.65.1 概览


5.65.2 代码示例

void simple_reverse_neg(int some_signed_integer) {

some_struct *x = kmalloc(some_signed_integer, GFP_KERNEL); // Dangerous integer use

if (some_signed_integer < 0) // Check after use

return error;


5.66 有风险的加密

5.66.1 概览


5.66.2 代码示例

CryptDeriveKey(hCryptProv, CALG_DES, hHash, 0, &hKey));

5.67 使用废弃接口

5.67.1 概览


5.67.2 代码示例

void secure_coding_example() {

char *d, *s, *p;

int x;


strcpy(d, s);

strncpy(d, s, x);


5.68 临时文件不安全

5.68.1 概览


5.68.2 代码示例

void secure_temp_example() {

char *tmp, *tmp2, *tmp3;

char buffer[1024];

tmp = mktemp(buffer);


5.69 自我赋值无意义

5.69.1 概览


5.69.2 代码示例

class SimpleString {

char *p;


SimpleString(const char *s = “”) : p(strdup(s)) {}

SimpleString(const SimpleString &init) : p(strdup(init.p)) {}

~SimpleString() {free(p);}

SimpleString &operator=(const SimpleString &rhs)


free(p); // bad if &rhs == this

p = strdup(rhs.p); // use-after-free when &rhs == this

return *this;


const char *str() {return p;}

operator const char *() {return str();}


5.70 符号扩展溢出

5.70.1 概览


5.70.2 代码示例

unsigned long readLittleEndian(unsigned char *p)


return p[0] |

(p[1] << 8) |

(p[2] << 16) |

(p[3] << 24);


int main()


unsigned char bytes[4] = { 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x80 };

unsigned long result = readLittleEndian(bytes);

printf(“0x%lX\n”, result);


5.71 Sizeof不匹配

5.71.1 概览


5.71.2 代码示例

struct buffer {

char b[100];


void f() {

struct buffer buf;

memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(&buf)); /* Defect: should have been “sizeof(buf)” */


struct buffer {

char b[100];


void f() {

struct buffer p = (struct buffer )malloc(sizeof(struct buffer *));

/* Defect: should be “sizeof(struct buffer)” */


void f(void , void *, size_t);

void g() {

short s;

short *ps;

f(&s, &ps, sizeof(short));


struct buffer {

char b[100];


void f(struct buffer *p) {

p += sizeof(struct buffer); /* Defect: “sizeof(struct buffer)” should be “1” */


struct buffer {

char b[100];


void f(struct buffer *p, struct buffer *q) {

if (q – p > 3 * sizeof(p)) / Defect: “* sizeof(p)” is extraneous /

printf(“q too far ahead of p\n”);


struct buffer {

char b[100];


struct buffer array[30];

void f(struct buffer *cur) {

size_t pos = (cur – array) / sizeof(struct buffer); /* Defect: “/ sizeof(struct buffer)” is extraneous */


5.72 在锁中睡眠

5.72.1 概览


5.73 栈使用过大

5.73.1 概览


5.73.2 代码示例

void stack_use_callee1(void) {

char buf[1024];   // 1024 bytes of stack usage
char c;           /* 4 bytes of stack usage,
1 byte promoted to 4
byte alignment requirement */


void stack_use_callee2(void) {

char buf[16384]; // Exceeds max single base use of 1024 bytes


void stack_use_callee3(void) {

char buf[20000]; // Exceeds max single base use of 1024 bytes


void stack_use_example(void) {

char buf[16384]; // Exceeds max single base usage of 1024 bytes

if (/* condition */) {
stack_use_callee1();    // Temporarily consumes 1044 bytes

} else if (/* condition */) {
stack_use_callee2();    // Stack overflow: (16400 + 16912) > 32768

} else {
stack_use_callee3();        //  Stack overflow: (20016 + 16912) > 32768

if (/* condition */) {
char another_buf[512];  // 512 bytes of stack usage


5.74 分号使用错误

5.74.1 概览


5.74.2 代码示例

if (condition);


while (condition);


if (other_condition)


/* advance the loop */


/* count the elements in list ‘head’ */

for (count = 0, p = head; p != 0; ++count, p = p->next)



int local_variable

/* … */


ifndef _NDEBUG

define DPRINT(x…) fprintf(stderr, x)


define DPRINT(x…)


if (condition)

DPRINT(“condition is true\n”);

5.75 格式化状态错误

5.75.1 概览

许多情况比如 一个输出流对象的格式化状态被修改了但是没有被还原. 在函数返回后,对该流的格式化输出可能会有非计划中的影响.

5.75.2 代码示例

void oops1(int i)


cout << hex << i;


You can fix this defect as follows:

void corrected1(int i)


cout << hex << i << dec;


void oops2(ostream &os, float f)


os << setprecision(2) << f;


5.76 非零字符串错误

5.76.1 概览


5.76.2 代码示例

char *string_null_example() {

char name[1024];

char *extension;

string_from_net(fd, 1023, name);  // read from net, no null-termination
if (x[0] != SOME_CHAR)  {
extension = process_filename(name);  // process until '\0' found


5.77 字符串溢出

5.77.1 概览


5.77.2 代码示例

void string_overflow_example() {

char destination_buffer[256];

char source_buffer[1024];

strcpy(destination_buffer, source_buffer);


5.78 字符串大小不对

5.78.1 概览


5.78.2 代码示例

char *string_size_example() {

static char addr[100];

struct hostent *he;

he = gethostbyaddr(address, len, type);

strcpy(addr, he->h_name);

return addr;


5.79 参数顺序混乱

5.79.1 概览


5.79.2 代码示例

void copy(int srcId, int dstId) { /* … */ }

void test() {

int srcId = 1;

int dstId = 2;

copy(dstId, srcId); /* Defect: arguments are swapped. */


5.80 数据污染

5.80.1 概览


5.80.2 代码示例

void tainted_scalar_example() {

int nresp = packet_get_int();

if (nresp > 0) {

response = xmalloc(nresp * sizeof(char *));
for (i = 0; i < nresp; i++) {             // tainted scalar controls loop
response[i] = packet_get_string(NULL); // heap corruption


5.81 字符串污染

5.81.1 概览


5.81.2 代码示例

void tainted_string_example() {

char *request = packet_get_string();

if (!legal_request(request)) {

sprintf(error_msg, “Illegal request: %s”, request); /* sprintf()

transitively taints error_msg */

syslog(LOG_WARNING, error_msg);



5.82 文件访问不安全


5.82.1 代码示例

void toctou_example() {

stat(logfile, &st);

if (st.st_uid != getuid())

return -1;

open(logfile, O_RDWR);


5.83 未捕捉异常

5.83.1 概览


5.83.2 代码示例

// Prototypical defect.

int main(){

throw 7;

return 0;


// A simple defect resulting from a 函数 call.

void fun() {

throw 7;


int main(){


return 0;


void fun() {

throw 7;


void cannot_throw() throw() {



class A {};

class B {};

class C {};

int main(){

try {

throw A();

} catch (B b){

} catch (C b){


return 0;


class A {};

int main() {

try {

throw A(); //Will not be caught.

} catch (…){

cerr << “Error” << endl;




5.84 敏感数据未加密

5.84.1 概览


5.84.2 代码示例

void test(int socket, char* password) {

recv(socket, password, 100, 0);
HANDLE pHandle;

LogonUserA("User", "Domain", password,
// Defect here.


5.85 变量未初始化

5.85.1 概览


5.85.2 代码示例

int uninit_example1(int c) {

int x;


return c;


return x; // defect: “x” is not initialized


int result;

int uninit_example2(int c) {

int *x;


x = &c;

use (x); // defect: uninitialized variable “x” and “*x” used in call


void use (int *x) {

result = *x+2;


int result;

int uninit_example3() {

int x[4];

result = x[1]; // defect: use of uninitialized value x[1]


int result;

struct A {

int a;

int *b;


int uninit_example4() {

struct A *st_x;

st_x = malloc (sizeof(struct A)); // Dynamically allocate struct


use (st_x); // defect: use of uninitialized variable st_x->b


void partially_init(struct A *st_x) {

st_x->a = 0;


void use (struct A *st_x) {

result = *st_x->b;


5.86 没有构造函数

5.86.1 概览


5.86.2 代码示例

class Uninit_Ctor_代码示例1 {

Uninit_Ctor_代码示例1(int a) : m_a(a) {

// Defect: m_p not initialized in constructor


int m_a;
int *m_p;


class Uninit_Ctor_代码示例2 {

Uninit_Ctor_代码示例2(int a) : m_a(a) {


// Defect: m_c not initialized in constructor


void init() {

m_b = 0;


int m_a, m_b, m_c;


class HasCtor {

int m;


HasCtor() : m(0) {}


class HasOnlyGenCtor : public HasCtor {

int *p;


5.87 整数除法精度丢失

5.87.1 概览


5.87.2 代码示例

// Sets PI_APPROX to 3.0!

double PI_APPROX = 22 / 7; // Defect here.

// Rounds toward zero (and adds 1 to negative results)!

int roundedAverage(int a, int b) {

return (int)(0.5 + ((a + b) / 2)); // Defect here.


5.88 代码不可到达

5.88.1 概览


5.88.2 代码示例

bool forgiving = false; // Start less flexible.

do {

if (!tryIt(forgiving) && !forgiving) {

forgiving = true;

continue; // [intend to] Try again, more flexibly.


} while (false); // [The loop will never proceed past this point.]

int unreachable_example (int *p) {

if( p == NULL ) /{/


return -1;


use_p( *p ); //An UNREACHABLE defect here.

return 0;


int unreachable_example2 (int array[10]) {

int i;

int value = -1;

for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { //An UNREACHABLE defect here:

// Increment is unreachable. Array

// not properly searched because the break

// statement is executed on the first iteration.

if( array[i] > 100 ) /{/

value = array[i];




return value;


5.89 定义变量但未使用

5.89.1 概览


5.89.2 代码示例

const char* get_capital_city(const char *country)


const char *result = 0;

if (strcmp(country, “Argentina”) == 0) {

result = “Buenos Aires”; // Assigned value will never be used.

} else if (strcmp(country, “Italy”) == 0) {

result = “Rome”; // Assigned value will never be used.

} if (strcmp(country, “China”) == 0) { // Should be ‘else if’ here.

result = “Beijing”;

} else {

result = “Unknown”; // This will overwrite values

// “Buenos Aires” and “Rome”.


return result;


5.90 无效的函数调用

5.90.1 概览


5.90.2 代码示例

struct pair_t


pair_t(int x, int y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}

int x_;

int y_;


pair_t swap(pair_t xy)


return pair_t(xy.y_, xy.x_);


void incorrect()


swap(xy); /* Defect: swap does not modify its argument */


5.91 系统调用用户指针

5.91.1 概览


5.91.2 代码示例

void user_pointer_example() {

error = copyin((void *)p->p_sysent->sv_psstrings, &pstr, sizeof(pstr));

if (error)

return (error);

for (i = 0; i < pstr.ps_nargvstr; i++) {

sbuf_copyin(sb, pstr.ps_argvstr[i], 0);

sbuf_printf(sb, “%c”, ‘\0’);



5.92 释放资源后使用

5.92.1 概览


5.92.2 代码示例

void fun(int * p) {

free (p);

int k = *p; // Defect


int f(void *p) {

if(some_error()) {


return -1;


return 0;


void g() {

void *p = malloc(42);

if(f(p) < 0) {

free(p); // Double free




void use_after_free(struct S *p) {


free(p->field); // Dereference


int f(int i) {

int *p = malloc(8);

free (p);

int res = p[i];


extern int ext(int *p);

void fun() {

int * p = malloc(100);

free(p); // Pointer freed

ext(p); // Pointer used as arg


5.93 可变参数使用错误

5.93.1 概览

va_start or va_copy后面必须有va_end且必须在va_arg之前调用。

5.93.2 代码示例

void missing_vaend(char *s, …)


va_list va;

va_start(va, s); // va_init - va_start is called on va

vfprintf(log, s, ap);

} // missing_va_end - reached end of 函数 without calling va_end

void missing_vastart(int n, …)


va_list va;

while (n– > 0) {

int c = va_arg(va, c); // va_arg - va has not been initialized



5.94 虚函数没有析构函数

5.94.1 概览


5.94.2 代码示例

struct A {


struct B: public A {

B(): p(new int) {}

~B() { delete p; }

int *p;


void leak() {

A *a = new B;

// This will not invoke ~B()

delete a;


class X {

~X() {}


class Y: public X {

X x;

~Y() {}


void test() {

Y *y = new Y;

X *x = y;

delete x; // Does not call Y::~Y(). A defect is not reported.


class X {

~X() {}


class Z {

~Z() { do_stuff(); }


class Y: public X {

Z z;

~Y() {} // Looks empty but calls Z::~Z(), which is not empty.


void test() {

Y *y = new Y;

X *x = y;

delete x; // Does not, but should call Y::~Y().


5.95 与常量字符串比较

5.95.1 概览


5.95.2 代码示例

void test() {

struct sockaddr_in serviceClient;

struct hostent *hostInfo

= gethostbyaddr((char*)&serviceClient.sin_addr,



if (strcmp(hostInfo->h_name,
"www.domain.nonexistanttld") == 0) {
// WEAK_GUARD DNS defect


5.96 密码哈希序列较弱

5.96.1 概览


5.96.2 代码示例

void test() {



UCHAR calcHash[64];

DWORD hashSize = 64;

char password[128];

CryptAcquireContextW(&hCryptProv, 0, 0, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0);
CryptCreateHash(hCryptProv, CALG_SHA_512, 0, 0, &hHash);

CryptHashData(hHash, (BYTE*)password, strlen(password), 0);
CryptGetHashParam(hHash, HP_HASHVAL, (BYTE*)calcHash, &hashSize, 0);


5.97 无效的字符串指针

5.97.1 概览


5.97.2 代码示例

BSTR has_a_bug()


return CComBSTR(L”temporary object”); // bug


void has_another_bug()


char const *p;


std::string s(“hi”);

p = s.c_str();

} // s is destroyed

use(p); // use after free


string global_string;

char const *test() {

char const *s = global_string.c_str(); // internal representation escapes

global_string += “foobaz”; // invalidation

return s; // use of invalid pointer



void use(int);

void buggy() {

std::vector v;


int &x = v.back();

v.push_back(20); // might reallocate memory

use(x); // using possibly invalid memory

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