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1707.ICCV.Neural Person Search Machines检测加识别 论文阅读笔记

2018-01-06 17:45 671 查看
Neural Person Search Machines(NPSM)一个新颖的end-to-end的(检测+reid)行人搜索识别方法



2.相比于现阶段PRW和CUHK-SYSU用的two-stage strategy或者组合策略,该方法提出了无约束检测,引入query-aware 信息的区域缩减机制(包含更多的上下文信息),同时地解决定位和query的行人识别匹配。 memory of query person can also effectively guide the neural search model to find the right person





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K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun. Deep residual learning for image recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 770–778, 2016



DPM:P. F. Felzenszwalb, R. B. Girshick, D. McAllester, and D. Ramanan. Object detection with discriminatively trained part-based models.

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ACF:P. Dollar, R. Appel, S. Belongie, and P. Perona. Fast feature pyramids ´for object detection. IEEE TPAMI, 36(8):1532–1545, 2014

LDCF:W. Nam, P. Dollar, and J. H. Han. Local decorrelation for improved pedestrian detection. NIPS, 1:424–432, 2014.


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CompACT boosting :Z. Cai, M. Saberian, and N. Vasconcelos. Learning complexityaware cascades for deep pedestrian detection. In IEEE CVPR, pages 3361–3369, 2015.

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R-CNN:Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation

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1.采用了Xiao Tong的OIMloss,FCN提取特征图采用resnet50+ROI pooling.

2.在训练时,在NSN网络的各时间步采用segmentation alike softmax loss as the “region shrinkage loss”训练策略使网络产生合适的包含target的attention maps

3.为使学到的特征更具判别性,训练时增加an identification loss following the “Identification Net”

4.Region Shrinkage with Primitive Memory。more context information would be included from a large region and the number of irrelevant person candidates with the target person would be recursively reduced in the search process。


评价标准:采用mAp反映the accuracy of detecting the query person from

the gallery images。cmc采用top-1,计数只在预测框与GT的IoU>0.5.


PRW:R-CNN [7] detectors of DPM [6], CCF [36],ACF [4], LDCF [21]) and recognizers (LOMO, XQDA [17], IDEdet, CWS [41]). AlexNet作为R-CNN detector的基网络,其中,DPM-AlexNet比DPM整合其他的(如VGG,ResNet)性能更优

CUHK-SYSU:CNN(Faster-RCNN with ResNet50)+IDNet的组合和基于以上和OIM的联合优化等

Analytic experiments on CUHK-SYSU benchmark to investigate the contribution of each component in our proposed NPSM architecture.

Comparison with State-of-the-art Methods



Attention maps produced by our NPSM 可视化

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