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Tcl scripts: Reading STAchecklist, get_timing_path, write the setup/hold violation to csv

2018-01-01 20:53 531 查看

File description:


Description: This scripts used to reading STA_check.csv file and parsing this file to generate get_timing_path command which used in PrimeTime to check the setup/hold violations, and write out the reports to .csv

Input CSV file(STA_check.csv):



set RmPathHeader "/IDDR4CHA/"
set debug_file "./ChkPointRpt_debug.csv"

proc test {args} {
set vars(-f) "STA_check.csv"
set vars(-out) "ChkPointRpt.csv"
set vars(-d) "./ChkPointRpt_debug.csv"
#parse_proc_argments -args $args vars
#parse_proc_argments $args vars
#puts "$vars(-f)"
#puts "$vars(-out)"
if { [file exists $vars(-f)] } {
set fo [open $vars(-out) w]
set pathLib [ ReadCheckList $vars(-f)]
set pathLib [ RptTiming $pathLib]
set pathLib [ RptPtList $pathLib]
WriteCheckList $vars(-out) $vars(-d) $pathLib
} else {
puts "Error: There is no file $vars(-f)"
puts "Error: Please check file path and name."


proc RptTiming {pathLib} {
puts "\[Info\] Begin Parsing ......"
# Add new checp paths if both Launch and From setting
foreach item [ dict keys $pathLib {path*}] {
set checkType [dict get $pathLib $item Type]
if {$checkType == "Clock" && [dict exists $pathLib $item "Launch"] && [dict exists $pathLib $item "From"]} {
dict set pathLib ${item}_0 [dict remove [dict get $pathLib $item] "Launch"]
dict set pathLib $item [dict remove [dict get $pathLib $item] "From"]
set total_path [dict size $pathLib]
incr total_path -1
set num 1
# Gen the reports command
foreach item [ dict keys $pathLib {path*} ] {
puts "Begin parse the $item :  $num/$total_path ......"
incr num
set checkType [dict get $pathLib $item Type]
#puts "Checktpe is $checkType"
set cmd "get_timing_paths "
set from_launch 0
dict for {key value} [dict get $pathLib $item] {
#puts [format "%s -> %s" $key $value]
if {$key == "From"} {
if {[dict exists $pathLib $item "Launch"]} {
} else {
append cmd "-from \[get_pins $value\] "
} elseif {$key == "Launch"} {
append cmd "-from \[get_clocks $value\] "
} elseif {[regexp "Thr*" $key]} {
set value [PathFix $value]
append cmd "-thr \[get_pins $value\] "
} elseif {$key == "To"} {
set value [PathFix $value]
append cmd "-to \[get_pins $value\] "
dict set pathLib $item error_info 0
# Setup/Hold path check
if {$checkType == "Clock"} {
if {[dict exists $pathLib $item Launch] && [dict exists $pathLib $item Capture]} {
append cmd "-group \[get_path_groups [dict get $pathLib $item Launch]-To-[dict get $pathLib $item Capture]\]"
} elseif {[dict exists $pathLib $item "Launch"]} {
append cmd "-group \[get_path_groups [dict get $pathLib $item Launch]-To-*\]"
} elseif {[dict exists $pathLib $item Capture]} {
append cmd "-group \[get_path_groups *-To-[dict get $pathLib $item Capture]\]"
} else {dict set pathLib $item error_info "Error"}
} elseif {$checkType == "Asyn"} {
append cmd "-group \[get_path_groups *asyn*\]"
} elseif {$checkType == "Gate"} {
append cmd "-group \[get_path_groups *gating*\]"

if {[catch $cmd err_info] } {dict set pathLib $item error_info "Error"}
dict set pathLib $item rpt_cmd $cmd
#dict for {key value} $pathLib { puts [format "%s->%s" $key $value] }
return $pathLib

proc PathFix { in } {
global RmPathHeader
regsub ${RmPathHeader} $in "" out
regsub -all -- <|> $out _ out
return $out

# Read file and save check path to Dict
proc ReadCheckList {inFile} {
puts "\[Info\] Begin Reading file : $inFile"
#dict create RptChkLstDict;
set fi [open $inFile r]
set pathNum 0
while { [gets $fi line] >= 0 } {
#puts "line : $line"
set SplitLine [split $line ","]
if {[regexp "Type" $line] && [regexp "Launch" $line ]} {
set n 0
foreach item $SplitLine {
#if {$item != ""} {
dict set HeadDict $n $item
incr n
#dict for {key value} $HeadDict { puts [format "%s:%d" $key $value] }
dict set RptChkLstDict Header $HeadDict
} else {
# Delete the lines without type info
if {[lindex $SplitLine 0] == ""} {continue}
incr pathNum
set n 0
foreach item $SplitLine {
if {$item != ""} {
dict set RptChkLstDict path${pathNum} [dict get $HeadDict $n] $item
incr n

#dict for {key value} $RptChkLstDict { puts [format "%s:%s" $key $value] }
close $fi
return $RptChkLstDict

proc RptPtList {pathLib} {
puts "\[Info\] Begin to report timing ......"
set total_path [dict size $pathLib]
incr total_path -1
set num 1
foreach item [ dict keys $pathLib {path*} ] {
puts "Begin check the $item :  $num/$total_path ......"
#set path_max [eval [dict get $pathLib $item rpt_cmd]]
#set path_min [eval [dict get $pathLib $item rpt_cmd] -delay_type min]
#set path_max_req [lindex [get_attribute $path_max endpoint_setup_time_value] 0]
#set path_max_slk [lindex [get_attribute $path_max slack] 0]
#set path_max_bor [lindex [get_attribute $path_max time_borrowed_from_endpoint] 0 ]
#set path_min_req [lindex [get_attribute $path_max endpoint_hold_time_value] 0]
#set path_min_slk [lindex [get_attribute $path_max slack] 0]
#set path_min_bor [lindex [get_attribute $path_max time_borrowed_from_endpoint] 0 ]
set path_max "max"
set path_min "min"
set path_max_req "${item}_setup_req"
#set path_max_slk "${item}_setup_slk"
set path_max_slk ""
set path_max_bor "${item}_setup_bor"
set path_min_req "${item}_hold_req"
set path_min_slk "${item}_hold_slk"
set path_min_bor "${item}_hold_bor"
foreach val [dict values [dict get $pathLib Header] {setup*}] {
switch $val {
"setup"     {dict set pathLib $item $val $path_max_slk}
"setup_req" {
if {$path_max_slk == ""} {
dict set pathLib $item $val "No Path"
} else {
dict set pathLib $item $val $path_max_req
"setup_bor" {dict set pathLib $item $val $path_max_bor}
foreach val [dict values [dict get $pathLib Header] {hold*}] {
switch $val {
"hold"     {dict set pathLib $item $val $path_min_slk}
"hold_req" {dict set pathLib $item $val $path_min_req}
"hold_bor" {dict set pathLib $item $val $path_min_bor}
#dict for {key value} $pathLib { puts [format "%s:%s" $key $value] }
return $pathLib

proc WriteCheckList  {outFile debugFile pathLib} {
puts "\[Info\] Begin Writing file : $outFile"
set fo       [open $outFile w]
set fo_debug [open $debugFile w]
set outline ""
foreach key [lsort -integer [dict keys [dict get $pathLib Header]]] {
append outline "[dict get $pathLib Header $key],"
puts $fo $outline
append outline "rpt_cmd"
puts $fo_debug $outline

foreach item [ lsort [dict keys $pathLib {path*} ] ] {
set outline ""
foreach key [lsort -integer [dict keys [dict get $pathLib Header]]] {
#puts "We got [dict get $pathLib Header $key]"
if { [dict exists $pathLib $item [dict get $pathLib Header $key]] } {
append outline "[dict get $pathLib $item [dict get $pathLib Header $key]],"
} else {
append outline ","
#append outline "[dict get $pathLib $item [dict values [dict get $pathLib Header $key]]],"
puts $fo $outline
append outline "[dict get $pathLib $item rpt_cmd]"
puts $fo_debug $outline
close $fo
close $fo_debug

#proc parse_proc_argments {in_vars out_vars} {
#   array set inArr $in_vars
#   parray inArr
#    return inArr
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标签:  primetime tcl