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2017-12-28 14:37 267 查看
i = 0
numbers = []
while i < 6:
print "At the top i is %d" % i
i = i + 1
print "Numbers now: ", numbers
print "At the bottom i is %d" % i

print "The numbers: "
for num in numbers:
print num


1. 将这个 while 循环改成一个函数,将测试条件(i < 6)中的 6 换成一个变量。

2. 使用这个函数重写你的脚本,并用不同的数字进行测试。

def list( i ):
numbers = []
j = 0
while j < i:
print("At the top number is %d" % j)

j = j + 1
print "Numbers now: ",  numbers
print("At the bottom number is %d" % j)

print("The numbers: ")

for num in numbers:

print("Please type in a number:")
i = int(raw_input("> ")) //attention: raw_input()默认输入的是str,需要强制转换
list( i )

3. 为函数添加另外一个参数,这个参数用来定义第 8 行的加值 + 1 ,这样你就可以让它任意加值了。

4. 再使用该函数重写一遍这个脚本。看看效果如何。

def list( i, cut ):
numbers = []
j = 0
while j < i:
print("At the top number is %d" % j)

j = j + cut
print "Numbers now: ",  numbers
print("At the bottom number is %d" % j)

print("The numbers: ")

for num in numbers:

print("Please type in a number:")
i = int(raw_input("> "))
print("Please type in cut off:")
cut = int(raw_input("> "))
list( i,cut)

5. 接下来使用 for-loop 和 range 把这个脚本再写一遍。你还需要中间的加值操作吗?如果你不去掉它,会有什么样的结果?

def list( i ):
numbers = []
j = 0
for  j in range(0,i):
print("At the top number is %d" % j)

print "Numbers now: ",  numbers
print("At the bottom number is %d" % j)

print("The numbers: ")

for num in numbers:

print("Please type in a number:")
i = int(raw_input("> "))
list( i )

range会自动遍历范围内的值,不需要j = j + 1
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标签:  python