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2017-12-19 21:05 162 查看
在给php进行升级完毕之后,使用 php-v 出现如下错误警告:

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module

Module compiled with module API=20100525

PHP    compiled with module API=20131226

These options need to match

 in Unknown on line 0

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: ssh2: Unable to initialize module

Module compiled with module API=20100525

PHP    compiled with module API=20131226

These options need to match

 in Unknown on line 0

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: svn: Unable to initialize module

Module compiled with module API=20100525

PHP    compiled with module API=20131226

These options need to match

 in Unknown on line 0




imagick: yum -y install php56w-pecl-imagick-devel.x86_64 php56w-pecl-imagick.x86_64

 ssh2:使用pecl库进行安装   pecl install ssh2     



 svn:安装svn的扩展      参考:http://www.linuxdiyf.com/linux/13948.html

 wget http://pecl.php.net/get/svn-1.0.2.tgz
 tar zxf svn-1.0.2.tgz 

 cd svn-1.0.2/


 ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-config

 nake && make install


 完后再次运行php -v 进行查看发现警告已经不存在!
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