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2017-12-19 13:33 323 查看






The bus is starting from the start station

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 2 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 3 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 4 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 5 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 6 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 7 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 8 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 9 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 10 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 11 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 12 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

having reached the 13 bus stop

passengers go on the bus

The seller is selling the tickets

The seller tells the driver to close the door

The bus is running

Bus has reached the terminal station





public class firsttask {

private static int bus=0;

private static int seller=1;

private static int t=0;//设置一个线程的执行时间

private static int is=1;

public static void main(String[]
args) {

Thread driver=new Thread(new Runnable() {



public void run() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

while(true) {


if(t==10000) {

System.out.println("The bus is running");

System.out.println("Bus has reached the terminal station");






if(bus==1) {


System.out.println("The bus is running");

System.out.println("having reached the "+
is+" bus stop");

System.out.println("passengers go on the bus");







Thread conductor=new Thread(new Runnable() {



public void run() {

while(true) {

if(t==10000) {



if(seller==1) {

if(is==1) {

System.out.println("The bus is starting from the start station");

System.out.println("The seller is selling the tickets");

System.out.println("The seller tells the driver to close the door");




if(is!=1) {

System.out.println("The seller is selling the tickets");

System.out.println("The seller tells the driver to close the door");












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