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在python中使用SimpleITKeras 进行 mha医学图像加载显示

2017-12-18 15:51 1056 查看
安装SimpleITK :  https://itk.org/Wiki/SimpleITK/GettingStarted#Downloading_the_binaries

打开cmd, 输入pip install SimpleITK



ImageJ 安装(需要安装Java JDK8):

1.    https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/download.html下载[code]bundled with64-bit Java 1.8.0_112 版本

2.    解压放到合适的文件夹下,这里我放到C盘下了。


1.      在https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/plugins/nifti.html 上下载nifti_io.jar

2.      找到ImageJ的解压目录,把下载的nifti_io.jar替换掉同名文件。 我的是在C:ij150-win-java8\ImageJ\plugins\Input-Output

3.      重新打开ImageJ,检查File -> Import -> NIfTI-Analyze是否存在。存在的话就说明插件安装成功了。


1.      找到ImageJ.exe存放的目录,拷贝路径,打开cmd

2.      输入 setx SITK_SHOW_COMMAND "C:\blah\blah\ImageJ\ImageJ.exe"

3.      成功的话能看到cmd中输出 SUCCESS: Specified value was saved

4.      在用户环境变量中也能看到ImageJ的运行程序已被加入用户环境变量中

测试配置结果 (mha文件链接:https://bitbucket.org/somada141/pyscience/raw/master/20141016_MultiModalSegmentation/Material/patient_109.zip

测试代码原文链接: https://pyscience.wordpress.com/2014/11/02/multi-modal-image-segmentation-with-python-simpleitk/)
import os
import numpy
import SimpleITK
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import SimpleITK
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def sitk_show(img, title=None, margin=0.0, dpi=40):
nda = SimpleITK.GetArrayFromImage(img)
# spacing = img.GetSpacing()
figsize = (1 + margin) * nda.shape[0] / dpi, (1 + margin) * nda.shape[1] / dpi
# extent = (0, nda.shape[1]*spacing[1], nda.shape[0]*spacing[0], 0)
extent = (0, nda.shape[1], nda.shape[0], 0)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
ax = fig.add_axes([margin, margin, 1 - 2 * margin, 1 - 2 * margin])

ax.imshow(nda, extent=extent, interpolation=None)

if title:


# Paths to the .mhd files
filenameT1 = "../patient_109/patient_109/mr_T1/patient_109_mr_T1.mhd"
filenameT2 = "../patient_109/patient_109/mr_T2/patient_109_mr_T2.mhd"

# Slice index to visualize with 'sitk_show'
idxSlice = 26

# int label to assign to the segmented gray matter
labelGrayMatter = 1

imgT1Original = SimpleITK.ReadImage(filenameT1)
imgT2Original = SimpleITK.ReadImage(filenameT2)

sitk_show(SimpleITK.Tile(imgT1Original[:, :, idxSlice],
imgT2Original[:, :, idxSlice],
(2, 1, 0)))

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标签:  python SimpleITK