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2017-11-25 09:50 330 查看



第一标准:学习的能力。 纯粹的学习能力——接受新鲜事物,随时随地学习,在分散的信息中发现规律——是谷歌招聘人员时在求职者身上寻找的最重要的核心特征。用管理大师阿里·德赫斯的话说就是:“比你的竞争对手更快学习的能力,或许是唯一可持续的竞争优势。” 人们在当今世界中能够取得的成功,取决于他们能在多大程度上培养出又快又好地学习新鲜事物的能力。这不仅仅适用于谷歌或者LinkedIn,又或者亚马逊——那些以每日都提出新想法和新方案为豪的公司,实际上,所有的公司都需要这样的员工——充满好奇心,愿意犯错、冒险并提出愚蠢问题以开发新能力、找出新的解决方案——这正是企业实现未来茁壮成长之道。1. Ability to Learn. This is where I decided that Lazlo Bock and I are kindred souls; he notes that pure learning ability – the ability to pick up new things, to learn on the fly, to find patterns in disparate pieces of information and take the next step – is the number one thing hiring managers at Google have learned to look for in candidates. I could not agree more: I believe that people will succeed in today’s world to the extent they develop the ability to learn new things quickly and well. And that’s not only true in companies like Google or LinkedIn or Amazon, companies that pride themselves on coming up with new ideas and new approaches on a daily basis. Every company needs employees who are curious, who are willing to make mistakes and go out on a limb and ask dumb questions in order to develop new capabilities and new solutions – that’s how organizations will thrive and grow into the future.In the very wise and prescient words of Ari De Geus (he said this in the mid 90s):
“The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage.”第二标准:领导力。 他们采用的不是对领导力的传统评估方法,比如:“你是国际象棋社的社长吗?你是销售副总裁吗?你的升职用了多长时间?”他们要找的人,能在必要时挺身而出,指导并影响其他人取得成果。2. Leadership. I love that Bock and his colleagues look for leadership at every level. And not, as he says, a traditional evaluation of leadership as in, “…were you president of the chess club? Were you vice president of sales? How quickly did you get there?” They’re looking for folks who can step in to guide and influence others toward an outcome when that’s what’s needed – no matter what their job or title may be. (And who also know – back to the humility criterion – when to step back and let someone else take that role. )第三标准:谦逊。具备强烈的上进心和友好的态度、认为其他人总能提出很好的意见的人,往往在单独工作时极为高效,在任何团队中都能发光发热。3. Humility. At the same time, Bock notes that passion and drive toward responsibility has to be balanced by humility: an openness to someone else having an even better idea than you, or knowing more about how to make something work. In Bock’s words: “You need a big ego and small ego in the same person at the same time.” I’ve noticed that when someone has both these qualities – a fierce drive to make things better combined with a welcoming attitude, an assumption that others have as much to offer, or more – that person tends to be both enormously effective individually and a wonderfully useful member of any team.第四标准:主人翁意识。 在这个几乎所有行业和知识领域每天都会发生巨大变化的时代,不积极完成任务或只被动接受指令的员工,会使公司处在非常不利的境地。你需要一群想要更出色地完成工作的员工。 4. Ownership. At Google, they look for people who take responsibility for solving problems and moving the enterprise forward – who feel passionate about making things work. I see the importance of this in my own company and in all of our client companies. In this era of daily change and upheaval in almost every industry and area of knowledge, it’s a huge disadvantage to have employees who are passive doers of tasks and order-takers. You need people who are internally motivated to figure out how to make things better.第五标准:专业知识。 通常,在谷歌关注的5个核心特征中,专业知识排在最后一位,其他4个特征比专业知识重要得多。 当人们自认为是某个领域的“专家”或者“经验丰富人士”时,他们很可能在受到质疑时坚决捍卫自己的观点,而不是充满好奇心……他们的目标往往是“成为权威”,而不是寻找更好的解决方案。 5. Expertise. Bock noted that, except for making sure that people in technical jobs having coding ability, expertise is last on their list of five. They’ve found that the other four attributes (which I’ll get to in a minute) far outweigh expertise when it comes to predicting the abilities that Google has found they need in their employees. Bock notes that experts are more likely to simply default to the tried-and-true. I’ve seen this as well – when people self-identify as “expert” in an area, or as “highly experienced,” there’s a much higher likelihood that they will strongly defend their existing point of view when questioned, rather than being curious…their identity is all too often wrapped up in being the authority, vs. finding a better solution.

招人要招比自己更聪明的人 谷歌对于用人极其看重。作者基本上在说:有的人是无药可救的,你再怎么培训和辅导都不行。招人的部分,书里着墨很多,事无巨细。怎样才能找对人?管理学教授和顾问会告诉你,招人要招比自己更聪明的人。道理大家都懂,现实中这种大公无私很难发生。一般人的思路总会是:“我要是招这个比我厉害的家伙,他会让我看起来很蠢,那么我就升不了职;我升不了职,我的孩子就觉得我是个失败者,老婆就会跟人跑掉,把我的狗、卡车一起带走。”受这种人性弱点的限制,招聘者打的小九九往往都是武大郎开店——比我高的一个不要。为了不拘一格招人才,谷歌不用企业的招人方法,让用人的事业部经理去招下属,而采取了高校招聘的思路:美国高校请神容易送神难,因为终身教授制度的存在,招错人很麻烦,故而招一个人需成立一个招聘委员会。谷歌也有招聘人的团队,让会面试的人去组织面试,平级相招。招一个很烂的人进来当你平行部门的负责人,你自己做事会难很多。

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作者:Petter Liu
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