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2017-11-24 05:57 127 查看
关于无穷小(Infinitesimal)的严格定义 毫无疑问,莱布尼兹是无穷小(理想数)的发明者。如果莱布尼兹能够穿越时空来到现在,当他看到人们把以零为极限的函数叫做“无穷小”时,一定会笑掉大牙。莱布尼兹为什么会笑掉大牙?当年莱布尼兹发明的无穷小的现代数学(版本)定义如下:1、THE EXTENSIONPRINCIPLE(伸展原则)(a) The realnumbers form a subset of the hyperreal numbers, and the order relation x < yfor the real numbers is a subset of the order relation for the hyperrealnumbers.(b) There is ahyperreal number that is greater than zero but less than every positive realnumber.(c) For everyreal function f of one or more variables we are given a corresponding hyperrealfunction f* of the same number of variables.f* is called the natural extensionof f (f的“自然延伸”)。Part(a) of theExtension Principle says that the real line is a part of the hyperreal  line. To explain part (b) of the ExtensionPrinciple,we give a careful definition of an infinitesimal.DEFINITIONA hyperrealnumber b is said to be:positive infinitesimal if b is positive but less than every positiverealnumber.negativeinfinitesimal if b is negative but greater than everynegativereal number.Infinitesimal ifb is either positive infinitesimal, negative infinitesimal. Or zero.由以上所述,我们可以看出,伸展原则是无穷小微积分的核心原理(属于模型论范畴),而无穷小只有在超实数系*R里面才有严格定义,只不过无穷小相对于传统实数而言更为接近零点而已。如果两个超实数相差一个无穷小,则称两者“无限接近”。......       由此可见,看到人们现在发明了超实数,莱布尼兹终于微笑了,因为,这就是莱布尼兹当年所梦寐以求的东西。我们要为莱布尼兹当莫的无穷小理论进行辩护,责无旁贷也。无穷小是否存在?这是另一个问题。如果无穷小真的存在,那么,它一定就应当是这个样子! 在1948年,28岁的数学家Edwin Hewitt(1920-1999)发明了超实数(Hyperreals、超精密实数),至今已经有60多年了。但是,我们国内的大学生(包括某些老师)还不知道超实数是什么,那么,怎么做好”中国梦“呢?我们要做一个“超级梦”(Hyperdream)!说明:应该认为,为无穷小扎根中国辩护不是无理取闹,故意搅局。袁萌  11月24日
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