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C# ConcurrentDictionary实现

2017-11-23 12:37 302 查看

public class ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> : IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, IDictionary, IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>
/// <summary>
/// Tables that hold the internal state of the ConcurrentDictionary
/// Wrapping the three tables in a single object allows us to atomically
/// replace all tables at once.
/// </summary>
private class Tables
internal readonly Node[] m_buckets; // A singly-linked list for each bucket.
internal readonly object[] m_locks; // A set of locks, each guarding a section of the table.
internal volatile int[] m_countPerLock; // The number of elements guarded by each lock.
internal readonly IEqualityComparer<TKey> m_comparer; // Key equality comparer

internal Tables(Node[] buckets, object[] locks, int[] countPerLock, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer)
m_buckets = buckets;
m_locks = locks;
m_countPerLock = countPerLock;
m_comparer = comparer;

private const int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 31;
private const int MAX_LOCK_NUMBER = 1024;
// Whether TValue is a type that can be written atomically (i.e., with no danger of torn reads)
private static readonly bool s_isValueWriteAtomic = IsValueWriteAtomic();
public ConcurrentDictionary() : this(DefaultConcurrencyLevel, DEFAULT_CAPACITY, true, EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default)
public ConcurrentDictionary(int concurrencyLevel, int capacity) : this(concurrencyLevel, capacity, false, EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default) { }
public ConcurrentDictionary(int concurrencyLevel, int capacity, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer) : this(concurrencyLevel, capacity, false, comparer){}

internal ConcurrentDictionary(int concurrencyLevel, int capacity, bool growLockArray, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer)
if (concurrencyLevel < 1)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("concurrencyLevel", GetResource("ConcurrentDictionary_ConcurrencyLevelMustBePositive"));
if (capacity < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("capacity", GetResource("ConcurrentDictionary_CapacityMustNotBeNegative"));
if (comparer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("comparer");

// The capacity should be at least as large as the concurrency level. Otherwise, we would have locks that don't guard
// any buckets.
if (capacity < concurrencyLevel)
capacity = concurrencyLevel;

object[] locks = new object[concurrencyLevel];
for (int i = 0; i < locks.Length; i++)
locks[i] = new object();

int[] countPerLock = new int[locks.Length];
Node[] buckets = new Node[capacity];
m_tables = new Tables(buckets, locks, countPerLock, comparer);

m_growLockArray = growLockArray;
m_budget = buckets.Length / locks.Length;

public TValue this[TKey key]
TValue value;
if (!TryGetValue(key, out value))
throw new KeyNotFoundException();
return value;
if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
TValue dummy;
TryAddInternal(key, value, true, true, out dummy);

public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value)
if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
int bucketNo, lockNoUnused;

// We must capture the m_buckets field in a local variable. It is set to a new table on each table resize.
Tables tables = m_tables;
IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer = tables.m_comparer;
GetBucketAndLockNo(comparer.GetHashCode(key), out bucketNo, out lockNoUnused, tables.m_buckets.Length, tables.m_locks.Length);

Node n = Volatile.Read<Node>(ref tables.m_buckets[bucketNo]);

while (n != null)
if (comparer.Equals(n.m_key, key))
value = n.m_value;
return true;
n = n.m_next;

value = default(TValue);
return false;

private bool TryAddInternal(TKey key, TValue value, bool updateIfExists, bool acquireLock, out TValue resultingValue)
while (true)
int bucketNo, lockNo;
int hashcode;

Tables tables = m_tables;
IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer = tables.m_comparer;
hashcode = comparer.GetHashCode(key);
GetBucketAndLockNo(hashcode, out bucketNo, out lockNo, tables.m_buckets.Length, tables.m_locks.Length);

bool resizeDesired = false;
bool lockTaken = false;

if (acquireLock)
Monitor.Enter(tables.m_locks[lockNo], ref lockTaken);

// If the table just got resized, we may not be holding the right lock, and must retry.
// This should be a rare occurence.
if (tables != m_tables)

// Try to find this key in the bucket
Node prev = null;
for (Node node = tables.m_buckets[bucketNo]; node != null; node = node.m_next)
Assert((prev == null && node == tables.m_buckets[bucketNo]) || prev.m_next == node);
if (comparer.Equals(node.m_key, key))
// The key was found in the dictionary. If updates are allowed, update the value for that key.
// We need to create a new node for the update, in order to support TValue types that cannot
// be written atomically, since lock-free reads may be happening concurrently.
if (updateIfExists)
if (s_isValueWriteAtomic)
node.m_value = value;
Node newNode = new Node(node.m_key, value, hashcode, node.m_next);
if (prev == null)
tables.m_buckets[bucketNo] = newNode;
prev.m_next = newNode;
resultingValue = value;
resultingValue = node.m_value;
return false;
prev = node;


// The key was not found in the bucket. Insert the key-value pair.
Volatile.Write<Node>(ref tables.m_buckets[bucketNo], new Node(key, value, hashcode, tables.m_buckets[bucketNo]));

if (tables.m_countPerLock[lockNo] > m_budget)
resizeDesired = true;
if (lockTaken)

if (resizeDesired)
GrowTable(tables, tables.m_comparer, false, m_keyRehashCount);

resultingValue = value;
return true;
public bool TryRemove(TKey key, out TValue value)
if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("key");

return TryRemoveInternal(key, out value, false, default(TValue));

private bool TryRemoveInternal(TKey key, out TValue value, bool matchValue, TValue oldValue)
while (true)
Tables tables = m_tables;

IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer = tables.m_comparer;

int bucketNo, lockNo;
GetBucketAndLockNo(comparer.GetHashCode(key), out bucketNo, out lockNo, tables.m_buckets.Length, tables.m_locks.Length);

lock (tables.m_locks[lockNo])
// If the table just got resized, we may not be holding the right lock, and must retry.
// This should be a rare occurence.
if (tables != m_tables)

Node prev = null;
for (Node curr = tables.m_buckets[bucketNo]; curr != null; curr = curr.m_next)
Assert((prev == null && curr == tables.m_buckets[bucketNo]) || prev.m_next == curr);

if (comparer.Equals(curr.m_key, key))
if (matchValue)
bool valuesMatch = EqualityComparer<TValue>.Default.Equals(oldValue, curr.m_value);
if (!valuesMatch)
value = default(TValue);
return false;

if (prev == null)
Volatile.Write<Node>(ref tables.m_buckets[bucketNo], curr.m_next);
prev.m_next = curr.m_next;

value = curr.m_value;
return true;
prev = curr;

value = default(TValue);
return false;
private void GrowTable(Tables tables, IEqualityComparer<TKey> newComparer, bool regenerateHashKeys, int rehashCount)
int locksAcquired = 0;
AcquireLocks(0, 1, ref locksAcquired);

if (regenerateHashKeys && rehashCount == m_keyRehashCount)
tables = m_tables;
if (tables != m_tables)
long approxCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tables.m_countPerLock.Length; i++)
approxCount += tables.m_countPerLock[i];
if (approxCount < tables.m_buckets.Length / 4)
m_budget = 2 * m_budget;
if (m_budget < 0)
m_budget = int.MaxValue;

int newLength = 0;
bool maximizeTableSize = false;
newLength = tables.m_buckets.Length * 2 + 1;
while (newLength % 3 == 0 || newLength % 5 == 0 || newLength % 7 == 0)
newLength += 2;

Assert(newLength % 2 != 0);

if (newLength > Array.MaxArrayLength)
maximizeTableSize = true;
catch (OverflowException)
maximizeTableSize = true;

if (maximizeTableSize)
newLength = Array.MaxArrayLength;
m_budget = int.MaxValue;

// Now acquire all other locks for the table
AcquireLocks(1, tables.m_locks.Length, ref locksAcquired);

object[] newLocks = tables.m_locks;

// Add more locks
if (m_growLockArray && tables.m_locks.Length < MAX_LOCK_NUMBER)
newLocks = new object[tables.m_locks.Length * 2];
Array.Copy(tables.m_locks, newLocks, tables.m_locks.Length);

for (int i = tables.m_locks.Length; i < newLocks.Length; i++)
newLocks[i] = new object();

Node[] newBuckets = new Node[newLength];
int[] newCountPerLock = new int[newLocks.Length];

for (int i = 0; i < tables.m_buckets.Length; i++)
Node current = tables.m_buckets[i];
while (current != null)
Node next = current.m_next;
int newBucketNo, newLockNo;
int nodeHashCode = current.m_hashcode;

if (regenerateHashKeys)
// Recompute the hash from the key
nodeHashCode = newComparer.GetHashCode(current.m_key);

GetBucketAndLockNo(nodeHashCode, out newBucketNo, out newLockNo, newBuckets.Length, newLocks.Length);

newBuckets[newBucketNo] = new Node(current.m_key, current.m_value, nodeHashCode, newBuckets[newBucketNo]);


current = next;

// If this resize regenerated the hashkeys, increment the count
if (regenerateHashKeys)
// We use unchecked here because we don't want to throw an exception if
// an overflow happens

// Adjust the budget
m_budget = Math.Max(1, newBuckets.Length / newLocks.Length);

// Replace tables with the new versions
m_tables = new Tables(newBuckets, newLocks, newCountPerLock, newComparer);
// Release all locks that we took earlier
ReleaseLocks(0, locksAcquired);
private void AcquireLocks(int fromInclusive, int toExclusive, ref int locksAcquired)
Assert(fromInclusive <= toExclusive);
object[] locks = m_tables.m_locks;

for (int i = fromInclusive; i < toExclusive; i++)
bool lockTaken = false;
Monitor.Enter(locks[i], ref lockTaken);
if (lockTaken)
private void GetBucketAndLockNo(int hashcode, out int bucketNo, out int lockNo, int bucketCount, int lockCount)
bucketNo = (hashcode & 0x7fffffff) % bucketCount;
lockNo = bucketNo % lockCount;
Assert(bucketNo >= 0 && bucketNo < bucketCount);
Assert(lockNo >= 0 && lockNo < lockCount);
private static int DefaultConcurrencyLevel

get { return DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_MULTIPLIER * PlatformHelper.ProcessorCount; }
private class Node
internal TKey m_key;
internal TValue m_value;
internal volatile Node m_next;
internal int m_hashcode;

internal Node(TKey key, TValue value, int hashcode, Node next)
m_key = key;
m_value = value;
m_next = next;
m_hashcode = hashcode;


public static class Volatile
[ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
[SecuritySafeCritical] //the intrinsic implementation of this method contains unverifiable code
public static T Read<T>(ref T location) where T : class
var value = location;
return value;

[ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
[SecuritySafeCritical] //the intrinsic implementation of this method contains unverifiable code
public static void Write<T>(ref T location, T value) where T : class
location = value;


ConcurrentDictionary的构造函数依然有int capacity参数,该参数是控制ConcurrentDictionary里面的初始节点数组的大小【Node[] buckets = new Node[capacity] 和m_tables = new Tables(buckets, locks, countPerLock, comparer);】,同时构造函数中多了一个int concurrencyLevel参数,控制并行度【object[]
locks = new object[concurrencyLevel]; for (int i = 0; i < locks.Length; i++){  locks[i] = new object(); }】。如果指定了int capacity参数,很多时候参数bool growLockArray为false【m_growLockArray = growLockArray;】表示ConcurrentDictionary在扩容的时候,object[] locks 这个锁的对象数组不扩容,可以理解为锁的粒度变大了,先前4个key公用一个lock对象,现在可能8个key对应一个对象;m_budget
= buckets.Length / locks.Length中的m_budget 可以理解为一个lock对象被多少个key共享。

现在我们来看看TryGetValue获取值,这个方法非常简单,应为读取时不需要加锁的,所以首先根据key计算其哈希值,再找到对应的哈希桶,读取哈希桶的数据【Node n = Volatile.Read<Node>(ref tables.m_buckets[bucketNo])】;一个哈希桶的数据可能有多个【 while (n != null){if (comparer.Equals(n.m_key, key)){ value = n.m_value;
return true; } n = n.m_next;}】,所以从这里可以看出来每个 哈希桶里面是一个Node链表数据结构。

接下来我们看看比较复杂的TryAddInternal方法,优先需要根据key来确定哈希桶,无论是添加还是修改 都需要锁定对象,所以这里用的是Monitor.Enter(tables.m_locks[lockNo], ref lockTaken); 在最后在释放锁 Monitor.Exit(tables.m_locks[lockNo]);,如果是添加元素那么直接给里面的哈希桶赋值 Volatile.Write<Node>(ref tables.m_buckets[bucketNo],
new Node(key, value, hashcode, tables.m_buckets[bucketNo]));注意Node的构造函数,tables.m_buckets[bucketNo])将是新节点的m_next值,也就是添加的新节点永远是哈希桶链表的第一个节点,这里,赋值后对应的lock对象的计数器需要加1【tables.m_countPerLock[lockNo]++;】,如果每个计数器达到预计达阀值就需要扩容了【if (tables.m_countPerLock[lockNo]
> m_budget){ resizeDesired = true;}】,那么修改也是首先找到对应的node节点【如果添加的key所在哈希桶里面存在数据】,如果value是可以直接修改的话,那么我们直接修改【 if (s_isValueWriteAtomic) { node.m_value = value;}】,不是的话那我们就克隆一个节点 替换掉原先的节点【Node newNode = new Node(node.m_key, value,
hashcode, node.m_next); if (prev == null){ tables.m_buckets[bucketNo] = newNode; } else{ prev.m_next = newNode;}】,如果是桶的第一个节点那么替换比较简单,否者就修改先前节点的m_next 属性。

接下来我们来看看哈希桶的扩容GrowTable,这个方法比较复杂,我就没怎么仔细研读了,首先是多线程我们需要考虑线程安全,说白了就是加锁 AcquireLocks(0, 1, ref locksAcquired),哈希桶扩容基本是按照2倍来扩容的【 newLength = tables.m_buckets.Length * 2 + 1; while (newLength % 3 == 0 || newLength % 5 == 0 || newLength % 7 == 0){  newLength += 2;
}】,在正真扩容前我们需要锁定所有对象【AcquireLocks(1, tables.m_locks.Length, ref locksAcquired);】,扩容首先需要扩容锁的对象数组

if (m_growLockArray && tables.m_locks.Length < MAX_LOCK_NUMBER)
newLocks = new object[tables.m_locks.Length * 2];
Array.Copy(tables.m_locks, newLocks, tables.m_locks.Length);

for (int i = tables.m_locks.Length; i < newLocks.Length; i++)
newLocks[i] = new object();

然后在是哈希桶扩容,这里扩容可以理解为克隆原先的节点到新的数组中 旧的位置上【newBuckets[newBucketNo] = new Node(current.m_key, current.m_value, nodeHashCode, newBuckets[newBucketNo]);】

Node[] newBuckets = new Node[newLength];
int[] newCountPerLock = new int[newLocks.Length];

for (int i = 0; i < tables.m_buckets.Length; i++)
Node current = tables.m_buckets[i];
while (current != null)
Node next = current.m_next;
int newBucketNo, newLockNo;
int nodeHashCode = current.m_hashcode;

if (regenerateHashKeys)
// Recompute the hash from the key
nodeHashCode = newComparer.GetHashCode(current.m_key);

GetBucketAndLockNo(nodeHashCode, out newBucketNo, out newLockNo, newBuckets.Length, newLocks.Length);

newBuckets[newBucketNo] = new Node(current.m_key, current.m_value, nodeHashCode, newBuckets[newBucketNo]);


current = next;

看来扩容,最后来看看移除元素,首先需要根据key来计算哈希桶的位置【GetBucketAndLockNo(comparer.GetHashCode(key), out bucketNo, out lockNo, tables.m_buckets.Length, tables.m_locks.Length)】,然后锁住对应的对象【  lock (tables.m_locks[lockNo])】,在哈希桶里面获取遍历链表查找对应的key,如果是桶的第一个节点则直接写 Volatile.Write<Node>(ref
tables.m_buckets[bucketNo], curr.m_next),否者修改链表prev.m_next = curr.m_next,最后该lock对象的计数器需要减1【tables.m_countPerLock[lockNo]--】。
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