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Unity 给Mono脚本添加Try Catch工具

2017-11-13 16:58 176 查看
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TryCatchCreator
class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
string[] ignore = {};
if (File.Exists("./trycatch.ignore"))
ignore = File.ReadAllLines("./trycatch.ignore");
var files = Directory.GetFiles("./", "*.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (var s in files)
Console.WriteLine("Processing [{0}]", s);

bool _ignore = false;
foreach (var s1 in ignore)
if (s.Contains(s1))
_ignore = true;

if (_ignore)
Console.WriteLine("Ignore [{0}]", s);

var f = File.ReadAllText(s);
var file = f;
file = AddTryCatchToFunction(file, "Start");
file = AddTryCatchToFunction(file, "Awake");
file = AddTryCatchToFunction(file, "Update");
file = AddTryCatchToFunction(file, "OnEnable");
file = AddTryCatchToFunction(file, "OnDisable");
file = AddTryCatchToFunction(file, "FixedUpdate");
file = AddTryCatchToFunction(file, "LateUpdate");
file = AddTryCatchToFunction(file, "OnDestroy");

if (file.Contains("catch (Exception ex)"))
if (!Regex.IsMatch(file, "using[ \t\n\r]+System[ \t\n\r]*;"))
Console.WriteLine("Insert 'using System;' in front of the file.");
file = file.Insert(0, "using System;" + Environment.NewLine);

if (file != f)
File.WriteAllText(s, file);
catch (Exception ex)


static string AddTryCatchToFunction(string file, string func)
var index = file.IndexOf(func);
while (index != -1)
Console.WriteLine("Find a function {0} : \n{1}", func,
file.Substring(index > 10 ? index - 10 : 0,
file.Length - index > 100 ? 100 : file.Length - index));

var skip = SkipBackward(file, index - 1);
var before = file[skip] != '.' && skip != index - 1;
var after = file[Skip(file, index + func.Length)] == '(';

if (before && after)
Console.WriteLine("Find a function {0} : \n{1}", func,
file.Substring(index > 10 ? index - 10 : 0,
file.Length - index > 100 ? 100 : file.Length - index));

var leftParenthese = file.IndexOf('(', index);
var rightPraceparenthese = FindNextMatchedSymbol(file, leftParenthese, '(', ')');

var leftBrace = file.IndexOf('{', rightPraceparenthese);
var rightBrace = FindNextMatchedSymbol(file, leftBrace, '{', '}');

var a = Skip(file, leftBrace + 1);
var macro = GetWord(file, a);
var b = Skip(file, a + macro.Length);
var content = GetWord(file, b);
var c = Skip(file, b + content.Length);
var t = GetWord(file, c);
if (macro == "#if" && content == "!UNITY_EDITOR" && t == "try")
index = file.IndexOf(func, index + func.Length);

// insert code before right brace
var catchBlock = Environment.NewLine +
"#if !UNITY_EDITOR" + Environment.NewLine +
"}" + Environment.NewLine +
"catch (Exception ex)" + Environment.NewLine +
"{" + Environment.NewLine +
"    Logger.Error(ex.ToString());" + Environment.NewLine +
"}" + Environment.NewLine +
"#endif" + Environment.NewLine;
file = file.Insert(rightBrace, catchBlock);

// insert code before left brace
var tryBlock = Environment.NewLine +
"#if !UNITY_EDITOR" + Environment.NewLine +
"try" + Environment.NewLine +
"{" + Environment.NewLine +
"#endif" + Environment.NewLine;
file = file.Insert(leftBrace + 1, tryBlock);

index = rightBrace + tryBlock.Length + catchBlock.Length;
index = file.IndexOf(func, index);
index = file.IndexOf(func, index + func.Length);

return file;

private static int SkipBackward(string file, int index)
var i = index;
while (i >= 0 && (file[i] == ' ' || file[i] == '\t' || file[i] == '\n' || file[i] == '\r'))

return i;

private static int Skip(string file, int index)
var i = index;
while (i < file.Length && (file[i] == ' ' || file[i] == '\t' || file[i] == '\n' || file[i] == '\r'))

return i;

static string GetWord(string file, int index)
var i = index;
while (i < file.Length && !(file[i] == ' ' || file[i] == '\t' || file[i] == '\n' || file[i] == '\r'))

return file.Substring(index, i - index);

static int FindNextMatchedSymbol(string file, int start, char leftSymbol, char rightSymbol)
Stack<char> stack = new Stack<char>();
while (start < file.Length)
if (file[start] == leftSymbol)
else if (file[start] == rightSymbol)

if (stack.Count == 0)


return start;

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