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2017-11-11 11:37 295 查看

相信很多人有很多的做法,我就用最简单的方式,深度数据。 在这里说几句题外话,体感的精髓并不是彩色数据流,而是深度数据流,这里面包含了太多你有用的东西。


首先定义两个变量,一个是 记录上一次的 人身体的深度数据Z 轴值, 然后每一帧都用新获取的人身体的Z轴深度数据值与老的比较,如果小于0 那就是靠近了,如果大于0,那就远离。



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

//using Windows.Kinect;

public class JointOverlayer : MonoBehaviour


[Tooltip(“GUI-texture used to display the color camera feed on the scene background.”)]

public GUITexture backgroundImage;

[Tooltip(“Camera that will be used to overlay the 3D-objects over the background.”)]

public Camera foregroundCamera;

[Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by this component. 0 means the 1st player, 1 - the 2nd one, 2 - the 3rd one, etc.")]
public int playerIndex = 0;

[Tooltip("Kinect joint that is going to be overlayed.")]
public KinectInterop.JointType trackedJoint = KinectInterop.JointType.Head;
[Tooltip("Game object used to overlay the joint.")]
public Transform overlayObject;
//public float smoothFactor = 10f;

//public GUIText debugText;
private Quaternion initialRotation = Quaternion.identity;
private Vector3 oldeDepth;
private Vector3 newDepth;
void Start()
// always mirrored
initialRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 180f, 0f));
overlayObject.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

void Update ()
KinectManager manager = KinectManager.Instance;

if(manager && manager.IsInitialized() && foregroundCamera)
//backgroundImage.renderer.material.mainTexture = manager.GetUsersClrTex();
if(backgroundImage && (backgroundImage.texture == null))
backgroundImage.texture = manager.GetUsersClrTex();

// get the background rectangle (use the portrait background, if available)
Rect backgroundRect = foregroundCamera.pixelRect;
PortraitBackground portraitBack = PortraitBackground.Instance;

if(portraitBack && portraitBack.enabled)
backgroundRect = portraitBack.GetBackgroundRect();
// overlay the joint
int iJointIndex = (int)trackedJoint;
long userId = manager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex);

if(manager.IsJointTracked(userId, iJointIndex))
Vector3 posJoint = manager.GetJointPosColorOverlay(userId, iJointIndex, foregroundCamera, backgroundRect);
newDepth = posJoint;
//Debug.Log(newDepth.z - oldeDepth.z);
//    Debug.Log("near");
//else if(newDepth.z - oldeDepth.z > 0.1f)
//    Debug.Log("far");
//    //Debug.Log("stay");
float offset = newDepth.z - oldeDepth.z;
float scaleFactor = offset / 10f;
Vector3 localScale = transform.localScale;
Vector3 scale = new Vector3(localScale.x + scaleFactor,
localScale.y + scaleFactor,
localScale.z + scaleFactor);
overlayObject.localScale = scale;
oldeDepth = newDepth;
if (posJoint != Vector3.zero)
overlayObject.position = posJoint;
Quaternion rotJoint = manager.GetJointOrientation(userId, iJointIndex, false);
rotJoint = initialRotation * rotJoint;

overlayObject.rotation = rotJoint;




这个代码是在 kinect 2.0 的小球跟着你的手移动的基础上修改的。 在做物体的缩放优化 这块,我借鉴了 Touch 用两个手指缩放物体的代码。 不得不说, 其实算法都是相同的。ok 就写到这里。
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标签:  体感