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Android O 前期预研之三:Android Vehicle HAL

2017-11-10 14:36 423 查看

本文章转载自:http://blog.csdn.net/ljp1205/article/details/78080954, 已获得作者授权


Android Automotive

Android Automotive 是Android Oreo中的一个新的特色功能,从AOSP的代码上来看,Android O中已经包含有了从Application到Framework 到HAL的整体框架,这一章节,我们简单的过以下Android Vehicle 的框架,以及重点看下 Vehicle HAL的东西。总体结构大约是以下这个样子:

上图的结构应该是Android Oreo当中比较通用的框架结构了,从Application 到Framework到HAL,跟之前的Android版本相比,之前Framework要不通过binder联系上一个Daemon,这个Daemon再去load 相关的HAL,要不就是这些Framework的service直接通过JNI去load 这些个HAL 库。而现在的Android Oreo则是Framework 与HAL之间直接采用HIDL来做联络沟通了。接下来我们从下往上的来把Android Vehicle的框架捋一下吧。首先来分析下Vehicle
HAL,通过这个来复习并且实践下之前研究学习过的Android HIDL.

Android Vehicle HAL

types.hal 定义的是一些数据结构,IVehicle.hal定义的是从Framework往HAL调用的接口,而IVehicleCallback.hal则是HAL往Framework 上报回调的接口。看起来还是挺清晰的吧。


package android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0;

import IVehicleCallback;

interface IVehicle {
* Returns a list of all property configurations supported by this vehicle
* HAL.
getAllPropConfigs() generates (vec<VehiclePropConfig> propConfigs);

* Returns a list of property configurations for given properties.
* If requested VehicleProperty wasn't found it must return
* StatusCode::INVALID_ARG, otherwise a list of vehicle property
* configurations with StatusCode::OK
getPropConfigs(vec<int32_t> props)
generates (StatusCode status, vec<VehiclePropConfig> propConfigs);

* Get a vehicle property value.
* For VehiclePropertyChangeMode::STATIC properties, this method must always
* return the same value always.
* For VehiclePropertyChangeMode::ON_CHANGE properties, it must return the
* latest available value.
* Some properties like AUDIO_VOLUME requires to pass additional data in
* GET request in VehiclePropValue object.
* If there is no data available yet, which can happen during initial stage,
* this call must return immediately with an error code of
* StatusCode::TRY_AGAIN.
get(VehiclePropValue requestedPropValue)
generates (StatusCode status, VehiclePropValue propValue);

* Set a vehicle property value.
* Timestamp of data must be ignored for set operation.
* Setting some properties require having initial state available. If initial
* data is not available yet this call must return StatusCode::TRY_AGAIN.
* For a property with separate power control this call must return
* StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE error if property is not powered on.
set(VehiclePropValue propValue) generates (StatusCode status);

* Subscribes to property events.
* Clients must be able to subscribe to multiple properties at a time
* depending on data provided in options argument.
* @param listener This client must be called on appropriate event.
* @param options List of options to subscribe. SubscribeOption contains
*                information such as property Id, area Id, sample rate, etc.
subscribe(IVehicleCallback callback, vec<SubscribeOptions> options)
generates (StatusCode status);

* Unsubscribes from property events.
* If this client wasn't subscribed to the given property, this method
* must return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG.
unsubscribe(IVehicleCallback callback, int32_t propId)
generates (StatusCode status);

* Print out debugging state for the vehicle hal.
* The text must be in ASCII encoding only.
* Performance requirements:
* The HAL must return from this call in less than 10ms. This call must avoid
* deadlocks, as it may be called at any point of operation. Any synchronization
* primitives used (such as mutex locks or semaphores) must be acquired
* with a timeout.
debugDump() generates (string s);


package android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0;

interface IVehicleCallback {

* Event callback happens whenever a variable that the API user has
* subscribed to needs to be reported. This may be based purely on
* threshold and frequency (a regular subscription, see subscribe call's
* arguments) or when the IVehicle#set method was called and the actual
* change needs to be reported.
* These callbacks are chunked.
* @param values that has been updated.
oneway onPropertyEvent(vec<VehiclePropValue> propValues);

* This method gets called if the client was subscribed to a property using
* SubscribeFlags::SET_CALL flag and IVehicle#set(...) method was called.
* These events must be delivered to subscriber immediately without any
* batching.
* @param value Value that was set by a client.
oneway onPropertySet(VehiclePropValue propValue);

* Set property value is usually asynchronous operation. Thus even if
* client received StatusCode::OK from the IVehicle::set(...) this
* doesn't guarantee that the value was successfully propagated to the
* vehicle network. If such rare event occurs this method must be called.
* @param errorCode - any value from StatusCode enum.
* @param property - a property where error has happened.
* @param areaId - bitmask that specifies in which areas the problem has
*                 occurred, must be 0 for global properties
oneway onPropertySetError(StatusCode errorCode,
int32_t propId,
int32_t areaId);

比较好奇的是这么些接口就能实现Android 车机的这么些功能?先还是这么看看吧,后续仔细研究研究。

Android Vehicle HAL 的编译

按照我们之前的研究来看看这么些Android Vehicle HAL被怎么编译,编译成什么东西。先看.hal文件编译生成的头文件:

.hal 文件生成的CPP文件:

.h 文件我们之前也都做过分析,Bp/Bn/Bs 代表啥意思相信都没忘记吧,在这里就不多赘述了,而VehicleAll.cpp/VehicleCallbackAll.cpp 里其实就是那些生成的.h文件中所定义的C++ Class 文件的实现,这些相关实现都是写在这些.cpp文件当中。





include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := $(vhal_v2_0)-service
LOCAL_INIT_RC := $(vhal_v2_0)-service.rc


libbase \
libhidlbase \
libhidltransport \
liblog \
libprotobuf-cpp-lite \
libutils \
$(vhal_v2_0) \

$(vhal_v2_0)-manager-lib \
$(vhal_v2_0)-default-impl-lib \
$(vhal_v2_0)-libproto-native \

LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Werror


而这个可执行程序会被Init 系统在开机的时候启动,成为一个Daemon:

service vehicle-hal-2.0 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0-service

class hal

user vehicle_network

group system inet

Android Vehicle HAL 的使用

东西都编译出来后,我们看看Vehicle HAL怎么来使用。

1) Android Vehicle HAL Service 端使用:


int main(int /* argc */, char* /* argv */ []) {
auto store = std::make_unique<VehiclePropertyStore>();
auto hal = std::make_unique<impl::EmulatedVehicleHal>(store.get());
auto emulator = std::make_unique<impl::VehicleEmulator>(hal.get());
auto service = std::make_unique<VehicleHalManager>(hal.get());

configureRpcThreadpool(4, true /* callerWillJoin */);

ALOGI("Registering as service...");


说实话,刚看到这段代码的我是一脸懵逼的,auto是个什么鬼, std::make_unique是个什么鬼,这几年弄的都是JAVA/Android,像这些C++的新规范,新东西越来越层出不穷了,真的是一天不学习就得落伍了哈。

幸亏这个也很简单, std::make_unique就先等同与new吧,auto的意思就是变量类型在声明的时候先不确定,等变量被定义的时候根据实际情况来确定变量类型。


auto service = std::make_unique<VehicleHalManager>(hal.get());
ALOGI("Registering as service...");

我们看下 VehicleHalManager的定义:

class VehicleHalManager : public IVehicle

VehicleHalManager类是由 IVehicle类派生出来,而IVehicle则是从我们上面介绍的.hal文件里编译出来的。





::android::status_t IVehicle::registerAsService(const std::string &serviceName) {
::android::hardware::details::onRegistration("android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0", "IVehicle", serviceName);

const ::android::sp<::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager> sm
= ::android::hardware::defaultServiceManager();
// 获取到默认的service manager,非常类似于 Binder机制中。有时间的话可以深入研究下。

if (sm == nullptr) {
return ::android::INVALID_OPERATION;
::android::hardware::Return<bool> ret = sm->add(serviceName.c_str(), this);
//往service manager 中添加service, 跟Binder机制也是一样一样的。

return ret.isOk() && ret ? ::android::OK : ::android::UNKNOWN_ERROR;

但是比较奇怪的是add 进去是this 指针,也就是应该是 IVehicle对象,也就是VehicleHalManager的对象。不应该是Bnxxxx的对象么????我这里有一脸懵逼。这是第一个懵点,第二个懵点则来的更加不可思议:

const char* IVehicle::descriptor("android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0::IVehicle");

__attribute__((constructor))static void static_constructor() {
[](void *iIntf) -> ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> {
return new BnHwVehicle(static_cast<IVehicle *>(iIntf));
[](void *iIntf) -> ::android::sp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> {
return new BsVehicle(static_cast<IVehicle *>(iIntf));

我们来看看这段代码,首先attribute((constructor))也是gcc 的一个机制,大致意思是在main函数被调用之前 static_constructor函数会被调用。


[](void *iIntf) -> ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> {

return new BnHwVehicle(static_cast<IVehicle *>(iIntf));


这段代码意思是指在 gBnConstructorMap中插入一个key/value,这个value 值是

[](void *iIntf) -> ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> {
return new BnHwVehicle(static_cast<IVehicle *>(iIntf));

这又是什么鬼啊???搜了下应该是拉曼达表达式,但是懵点是 void *iIntf 这个是参数,这个参数是怎么传递进来的?我都搜了半天都没找到参数怎么传递进来的。但是看了下BnHwVehicle这个类的定义,明显是使用了 IVehicle类。

BnHwVehicle::BnHwVehicle(const ::android::sp<IVehicle> &_hidl_impl)
: ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::BnHwBase(_hidl_impl, "android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0", "IVehicle") {
_hidl_mImpl = _hidl_impl;
auto prio = ::android::hardware::details::gServicePrioMap.get(_hidl_impl, {SCHED_NORMAL, 0});
mSchedPolicy = prio.sched_policy;
mSchedPriority = prio.prio;

::android::status_t BnHwVehicle::onTransact(
uint32_t _hidl_code,
const ::android::hardware::Parcel &_hidl_data,
::android::hardware::Parcel *_hidl_reply,
uint32_t _hidl_flags,
TransactCallback _hidl_cb) {
::android::status_t _hidl_err = ::android::OK;

switch (_hidl_code) {
case 1 /* getAllPropConfigs */:
if (!_hidl_data.enforceInterface(IVehicle::descriptor)) {
_hidl_err = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
bool _hidl_callbackCalled = false;

_hidl_mImpl->getAllPropConfigs([&](const auto &_hidl_out_propConfigs) {


从BnHwVehicle这个类来看,它确实承担的是HIDL Service的工作,从BnHwVehicle里会来调用IVehicle类,IVehicle类会被继承成为真正的实现操作类。这个懵点2,到目前还没有找到怎么解决点。


1) 从Ixxxx类中会派生出新的类,这个类会作为真正的操作类。

2) 从Ixxxx类的派生类中调用 registerAsService 去把自己注册进hw service manager中。

3) 目前看起来,如果有client 发出请求的话,BnXXXXX会相应,BnXXXXX会调用自己的Ixxxx的实现函数来完成某一个操作请求。

1) Android Vehicle HAL Client 端使用:

这个Client端存在Android Framework的Car Service当中

在onCreate 函数当中:



public void onCreate() {

Log.i(CarLog.TAG_SERVICE, “Service onCreate”);

mCanBusErrorNotifier = new CanBusErrorNotifier(this /* context */);

mVehicle = getVehicle(null /* Any Vehicle HAL interface name */);

if (mVehicle == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Vehicle HAL service is not available.");
try {
mVehicleInterfaceName = mVehicle.interfaceDescriptor();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to get Vehicle HAL interface descriptor", e);

Log.i(CarLog.TAG_SERVICE, "Connected to " + mVehicleInterfaceName);

mICarImpl = new ICarImpl(this, mVehicle, SystemInterface.getDefault(this),
SystemProperties.set("boot.car_service_created", "1");

linkToDeath(mVehicle, mVehicleDeathRecipient);


mVehicle = getVehicle(null /* Any Vehicle HAL interface name */);

获取到Vehicle HAL.

private static IVehicle getVehicle(@Nullable String interfaceName) {
try {
boolean anyVersion = interfaceName == null || interfaceName.isEmpty();
IVehicle vehicle = null;
if (ENABLE_VEHICLE_HAL_V2_1 && (anyVersion || IVHAL_21.equals(interfaceName))) {
vehicle = android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_1.IVehicle

if (vehicle == null && (anyVersion || IVHAL_20.equals(interfaceName))) {
vehicle = android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.IVehicle
return vehicle;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(CarLog.TAG_SERVICE, "Failed to get IVehicle service", e);
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
Log.e(CarLog.TAG_SERVICE, "IVehicle service not registered yet");
return null;

理论上拿到IVehicle vehicle 对象后,就应该能够来做对Vehicle HAL做相关调用了。这一部分就先到这里完结吧。
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