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[翻译]什么是Istio? 它是服务网格。棒极了,那什么是服务网格?

2017-11-07 00:00 489 查看
摘要: 原文链接:https://www.mirantis.com/blog/what-is-istio-its-a-service-mesh-whats-a-service-mesh/





Istio就是这样的一个开源项目,它完成了所有的这些事情。在周一,就是9月25号的时候,它们已经举办了一次用户测试的“黑客马拉松”活动。我想我们可以直接从那些参与到这项活动的人身上获得更多的细节,所以我们将会和Google的软件工程师Douglas Reid和Mandar Jog交流一下,他们一直致力于领导这些开发成果。

Nick Chase:先生们,非常谢谢今天花时间和我会谈。对于那么还不知道什么是Istio的人来说,请解释一下它。

Mandar Jog: Istio是一个服务网格,它提供了所有微服务需要的交叉功能。例如,你需要流量管理。你需要找到那些你需要触及的服务,有人必须决定你需要和那些服务对接。




Douglas Reid:这些只是一些功能上的东西,但是从另外一个不同的角度来看,我认为Istio是Lyft,IBM和Google这些公司在分布式环境中部署,管理和服务应用软件中用户经验积累的产品。这有些像是这些年来如何简单地去管理规模化,特别是分布式系统,积累的一些最佳实践。

NC: 所以基本上来讲,你拥有的就是这种微服务,Istio就是这样的一个请求编排器?

MJ:Istio 处于不同的服务之间。它解释了这些我们之前提到的请求。


DR:Envoy是Istio的一个组件.Envoy是服务的代理。它是Istio的数据平面层。Istio同样也有一个控制面板,叫做Pilot.Pilot控制Envoy的部署,然后帮助配置它们,同样的还有Mixer,帮助做出决策。Envoy 在请求时间调用Mixer。PPilot还控制Envoy用来保护流量的所有其他部分的部署。

NC: Istio 是专注于自己的领域,还是你们正和其它的项目建立联系来打造一个生态呢?

MJ:还无疑问。例如,LinkerD 现在也可以和Istio一起运行。它们可以调用Mixer,所以基本上LinkerD,从最简单的的角度上来说,可以取代 Envoy作为这个请求的解释器或者代理,然后正如Envoy调用Mixer去做决策,LinderD同样也可以调用Mixer去做决策。Nginx同样还是运行着,或者已经被通知,它们将会和Mixer进行通信,所有你可以使用Ngix作为你的代理,而不是Envoy.




DR: 然后还有其它值得一提的项目就是,Istio正在和SPIFFE紧密合作,支持SPIFFE作为Istio的一项认证协议。



There is also the matter of how the proxy is being configured. Pilot also exposes a configuration interface that Envoy calls out to, so that’s kind of the third interface. The umbrella defines things in terms of interfaces and protocols, and then we have implementations of all those components in action for a working system.

NC: So what it what this Istio user hackathon all about?

DR: So as we work towards the next release of Istio, we’re getting closer to what we think are release candidates for all the components, and we are writing up the documentation and all the changes we’ve made over the last couple of months. This event is really to get early adopters to take a look at it, try to run through the documentation, tell us where we might have certain bugs that need to be closed before we consider the release blessed, and see where feature gaps are and so we can start planning for future work on Istio.

NC: What is the next Istio release, and when do you expect to have it?

DR: Our goal is to have it ready by the end of September.

NC: Do you have need to have like kubernetes experience or any other particular prerequisites in order to participate in this event?

MJ: Some kubernetes would be helpful but it’s not required. We have setup instructions, and we will kind of walk you through how to set up a kubernetes cluster and get things started, so that it shouldn’t be a real impediment.

NC: Are there any particular hardware prerequisites?

DR: What I think what we’re going to do is Google is going to provide a bunch of experimental projects so you can set up clusters, so you shouldn’t need to provide any hardware. I think IBM is going to do that as well on Bluemix, so there should be a fair amount of available infrastructure for testing. So you need a laptop and the ability to run Git, or even just the installer and that should be enough. So I think there aren’t any real hardware requirements that I know of.

NC: Once this release is out, where do you think Istio is on the production-ready scale?

MJ: Istio 0.2 is the release where we have enough features that people can actually get something done, so I’m really looking forward to feedback. Production-readiness, performance, and all that are goals for 0.3.

DR: In some ways, it’s like the difference between Istio and Envoy and the various components. Certain components of Istio have been used in production environments, and we are well aware of their characteristics. Others have gone through big rewrites over the last couple of months as we learned some things, and we’re still starting to get a feel for what needs to be hardened and what needs to be addressed. So depending on what you’re trying to do with it, you might have different opinions about production-readiness. I think we’re getting close to beta-type status, but we’re not quite there yet.

NC: So where do you think Istio is going?

DR: Well, the Silicon Valley answer is that ultimately Istio will help power all of the world’s services, but I think we’re we’re a long way from that. We’ve got a lot of stuff to do before we get there. I mean one of the features that we were doing for this cycle was just an enabling of VMs that aren’t part of any Kubernetes cluster to join a mesh. So we want to keep working on doing that and expanding to more environments, as well as supporting multiple environments at the same time. Sort of a hybrid scenario. So those are some of our near-term goals.

MJ: I think Doug covered the really long term and the near term. There are several intermediate goals, but they they kind of get into the nitty-gritty of what’s what’s important. One of the things that we really would like to see is a is a robust kind of vendor community that is building on top of Istio, or on the side of Istio. There are certain things that Istio does foundationally, and we would like to see where those belong to the stack, and then there are also areas and tasks on the side of Istio, and we would also like to see something come up there.

DR: We’re really focused on getting more community engagement. We’ve been trying to get stuff out, but I think we need to start focusing more on how do we enable community, how do we excite the community, how do we meet the community’s needs now that we’ve sort of got the initial foothold out in the world?

NC: So what do what kind of engagement do you need the most in the community?

DR: We could use development support, documentation support, design support, process support…

MJ: We also want to see people do scenario testing to see whether the things we think are relevant are relevant to what people are actually doing. Then we’d like to see people actually trying them out and giving us some feedback. We would really like to get feedback, especially on configuration because that is the surface that an operator touches, and that is how an operator interacts with the system, so so that that feedback is extremely valuable to us

Also, Mixer has an adapter framework, which is the extensibility mechanism for Istio, and it’s how you can write new adapters to enable new functions. That has gone through a big rewrite between 0.1 and 0.2, so it’s another place where we really want feedback from users. For this event it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to get that feedback, but I’m just kind of laying that out there. For 0.2 these are some of the things that we really want some feedback for

DR: There’s a lot of stuff that we want to see happen but probably don’t have the experience to make happen ourselves, like the expertise to make this work on Amazon’s Cloud or different environments like that. I think we could really use community support. So that’s what I’d like to see.

If you’d like to participate in the user testing hackathon, you can sign up here to get instructions and access to donated hardware resources. Missed the date? You can still help out by executing the test tasks and providing feedback.
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