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选择My objects,只显示当前用户所拥有的对象





create user 用户名 identified by 密码;


create user liangxianfu identified by liangxianfu;


grant 角色1,角色2,角色3 to 用户名;



grant connect,dba,resource to liangxianfu;



create table 表名(

列1 数据类型 [constraint 主键别名 primary key],

列2 数据类型 [not null | null(默认是null)],


列n 数据类型 [default 默认值]













create table t_student(

id number constraint pk_t_student_id primary key,

name varchar2(50) not null,

sex char(12) default '女',

birthday date



comment on table t_student is '学员基本信息表';

comment on column t_student.sex is '性别';

comment on column t_student.birthday is '出生日期';





alter table t_student

modify name null;

alter table t_student

modify sex varchar2(12);

alter table t_student

modify sex default null;

alter table t_student

modify sex varchar2(12) default null;

alter table t_student

modify id number constraint pk_t_student_id primary key;

alter table t_student

rename column sex to ssex;


ALTER TABLE old_table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;


alter table t_student

add classid number not null;


alter table t_student

drop column classid;


drop table t_student;



Data definition language (DDL) statements define, alter the structure of, and drop

schema objects. DDL statements enable you to:

Create, alter, and drop schema objects and other database structures, including

the database itself and database users (CREATE, ALTER, DROP)

Change the names of schema objects (RENAME)

Delete all the data in schema objects without removing the objects’structure


Grant and revoke privileges and roles (GRANT, REVOKE)

Turn auditing options on and off (AUDIT, NOAUDIT)

Add a comment to the data dictionary (COMMENT)

DDL statements implicitly commit the preceding and start a new transaction









insert into 表名(列1,列2,列3...列N) values(value1,value2,value3...valueN);




insert into t_student(id,name,sex,birthday) values(1,'一号学员','男',sysdate);



insert into t_student(id,sex,birthday) values(2,'女',sysdate);



insert into t_student(id,name,birthday) values(2,'二号学员',sysdate);



alter table t_student

modify name default '未知的姓名';


insert into t_student(id,sex,birthday) values(3,'女',sysdate);



insert into t_student(id,sex,birthday) values('a','女',sysdate);



update 表名

set 字段1=值1,




[where 过滤条件]



update t_student

set name = '蔡10',sex = '男';



delete [from] 表名

[where 过滤条件]



delete from t_student;

/*truncate table 表名




truncate table t_student;



select 列1,列2...列N

from 表

[where 过滤条件]

[group by 分组]


[order by]



select * from student;


select sname, sex, birthday from student;


select * from student where studentid > 10;

select * from student where sex = '男';


--to_date(日期字符串,格式字符串),如to_date('2013-12-12 08:20:38' 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:mi:ss')


select * from student where birthday > to_date('2013-6-25', 'yyyy-mm-dd');

select *

from student

where trunc(birthday) > to_date('2013-6-25', 'yyyy-mm-dd');


select *

from student

where birthday > to_date('2013-6-25 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi:ss');


select to_char(birthday, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi:ss') birthday from student;


--'2013-09-9 10:31:57' > '2013-09-25'

select *

from student

where to_char(birthday, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi:ss') < '2013-06-25';

select to_char(to_date('2013-6-25 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi:ss'),

'yyyy-mm-dd') my_date

from dual;




select * from student where sex = '男' and sname = '刘海生' and studentid = 3;

select * from student where sex = '男' or sname = '刘红';

--in、not in

select * from student where studentid in(10, 20);


select * from student where studentid = 10 or studentid = 20;

select * from student where studentid not in(10, 20);


select * from student where studentid != 10 and studentid <> 20;


select * from student where studentid >=all(10, 20);


select * from student where studentid >=10 and studentid >= 20;


select * from student where studentid >= 20;

select * from student where studentid >=any(10, 20);


select * from student where studentid >=10 or studentid >= 20;


select * from student where studentid >= 10;


select * from student where studentid between 10 and 20;


select * from student where studentid >= 10 and studentid <= 20;

select * from student where studentid > 10 and studentid <= 20;



select 列1,列2...列N

from 表1,表2...表N

[where 过滤条件]

[group by 分组]


[order by]


select 列1,列2...列N

from 表1 inner join 表2 on 关联条件1

inner join 表3 on 关联条件2

[where 过滤条件]

[group by 分组]


[order by]



select * from student, class;


select * from student st, class cl where st.classid = cl.classid;


select * from student st inner join class cl on st.classid = cl.classid;


select * from student st left join class cl on st.classid = cl.classid;


select * from student st, class cl where st.classid = cl.classid(+);


insert into student values(999,'999感冒灵','李玉刚',sysdate,999);



select * from student st right join class cl on st.classid = cl.classid;


select * from student st right join class cl on st.classid(+) = cl.classid;


insert into class values(888,'发财班');



select *

from class cl, student st

where cl.classid = st.classid

and cl.classname = '527';


select *

from class cl

inner join student st on cl.classid = st.classid

where cl.classname = '527';


select st.sname, st.sex, sc.score

from stscore sc, class cl, student st

where sc.studentid = st.studentid

and st.classid = cl.classid

and cl.classname = '527';


select st.sname, st.sex, sc.score

from stscore sc

inner join student st on sc.studentid = st.studentid

inner join class cl on st.classid = cl.classid

where cl.classname = '527';


--方式一:is null或is not null


-- ' '是空字符串,是个固定的值

insert into class(classid) values(111);


insert into class(classid,classname) values(112,' ');


select * from class;

select * from class cl where cl.classname = '826';

select * from class cl where cl.classname <> '826';

select * from class cl where cl.classname = null;

-- null = '826' 结果是null

-- null <> '826' 结果是null

-- null == null 结果是null

select * from class cl where cl.classname is null;

select * from class cl where cl.classname is not null;

select * from class cl where nvl(cl.classname, '826') = '826';


select st.sname, st.sex, st.birthday, cl.classname, co.cname, sc.score

from student st, stscore sc, class cl, course co

where st.studentid = sc.studentid

and sc.courseid = co.courseid

and st.classid = cl.classid

and st.sname = '刘红';











select st.sex,st.sname from student st group by st.sex;


select st.sex, max(st.sname) from student st group by st.sex;

select st.sex, count(st.sname) "人数" from student st group by st.sex;



select st.studentid, min(st.sname) "姓名", sum(sc.score) "总分"

from class cl, stscore sc, student st

where cl.classid = st.classid

and st.studentid = sc.studentid

and cl.classname = '527'

group by st.studentid

order by sum(sc.score) desc;



select max(co.cname) "课程名称",

sum(sc.score) "总分",

max(sc.score) "最高分",

min(sc.score) "最低分",

round(avg(sc.score), 1) "平均分"

from stscore sc, course co

where sc.courseid = co.courseid

group by co.courseid;




select sum(sc.score) "总分",

round(avg(sc.score), 1) "平均分",

max(sc.score) "最高分",

min(sc.score) "最低分"

from class cl

inner join student st on cl.classid = st.classid

inner join stscore sc on st.studentid = sc.studentid

inner join course co on sc.courseid = co.courseid

where cl.classname = '826'

and lower(co.cname) = 'oracle';


select min(co.cname) "课程名称",

sum(sc.score) "总分",

round(avg(sc.score), 1) "平均分",

max(sc.score) "最高分",

min(sc.score) "最低分"

from class cl

inner join student st on cl.classid = st.classid

inner join stscore sc on st.studentid = sc.studentid

inner join course co on sc.courseid = co.courseid

where cl.classname = '826'

group by co.courseid;


select max(st.sname) "姓名",

sum(sc.score) "总分",

round(avg(sc.score), 1) "平均分",

max(sc.score) "最高分",

min(sc.score) "最低分"

from student st, stscore sc

where st.studentid = sc.studentid

group by st.studentid

order by sum(sc.score) desc;



having只能紧跟group by,没有group by就没有having



select max(st.sname) "姓名",

sum(sc.score) "总分",

round(avg(sc.score), 1) "平均分",

max(sc.score) "最高分",

min(sc.score) "最低分"

from student st, stscore sc

where st.studentid = sc.studentid

group by st.studentid

having sum(sc.score) > 200

order by sum(sc.score) desc;



select min(cl.classname) "班级名称",

max(co.cname) "课程名称",

sum(sc.score) "总分",

round(avg(sc.score), 1) "平均分",

max(sc.score) "最高分",

min(sc.score) "最低分"

from course co, stscore sc, class cl, student st

where co.courseid = sc.courseid

and sc.studentid = st.studentid

and cl.classid = st.classid

group by cl.classid, co.courseid

order by cl.classid;





insert into student values(998,'998','男',sysdate,5);


insert into stscore(stscoreid,studentid,courseid) values(999,998,1);

insert into stscore values(998,998,2,90);

insert into stscore values(997,998,3,80);



select count(*) from stscore sc;

select count(sc.score) from stscore sc;

select count(sc.studentid) from stscore sc;



select max(st.sname) "学员姓名",

sum(sc.score) "总分",

round(avg(sc.score), 1) "平均分",

max(sc.score) "最高分",

min(sc.score) "最低分"

from stscore sc, student st

where st.studentid = sc.studentid

--and sc.score is not null

group by st.studentid

--having sum(sc.score) > 200

order by sum(sc.score) desc;


select 列1,列2...列N

from 结果集1,结果集2...结果集N

[where 过滤条件]

[group by 分组]


[order by]


select classid from class cl where cl.classname in('527','529');

select *

from student

where classid in

(select classid from class cl where cl.classname in ('527', '529'));


select * from student where classid = 1;


select *

from student

where classid = (select * from class cl where cl.classname = '527');


select *

from student

where classid =

(select classid from class cl where cl.classname in ('527', '529'));

--in、not in、>all、<any等是多行子查询(exists、not exists)

select *

from student

where classid not in

(select classid from class cl where cl.classname in ('527', '529'));

--查询每个班级"总人数" "男生人数" "女生人数"

select count(*)

from (select ww.studentid

from student qq

left join (select * from student sq where sq.sex = '男') ww

on qq.studentid = ww.studentid)

where studentid is null;

select cl.classid, count(st.studentid) t_total

from student st, class cl

where st.classid = cl.classid

group by cl.classid;

select cl.classid, count(st.studentid) t_total

from student st, class cl

where st.classid = cl.classid and st.sex = '男'

group by cl.classid;

select t1.t_total "总人数",

t2.t_total "男生总人数",

(t1.t_total - t2.t_total) "女生总人数"

from (select cl.classid, count(st.studentid) t_total

from student st, class cl

where st.classid = cl.classid

group by cl.classid) t1,

(select cl.classid, count(st.studentid) t_total

from student st, class cl

where st.classid = cl.classid

and st.sex = '男'

group by cl.classid) t2

where t1.classid = t2.classid;


select (select count(student.studentid) from student) t_total,

(select count(student.studentid) from student where sex = '男') t_total_01,

(select count(student.studentid) from student) -

(select count(student.studentid) from student where sex = '男') t_total_02

from dual;

select t1.t_total "总人数",

t1.t_total_boy "男生总人数",

(t1.t_total - t1.t_total_boy) "女生总人数"

from (select count(st.studentid) t_total,

max((select count(studentid)

from student st1

where st1.sex = '男')) t_total_boy

from student st) t1;







select t.*, t.rowid from student t where t.rowid = 'AAAM1iAAEAAAAGcAAA';


--select t.*,t.rowid,t.rownum from student t;


select * from student t where rownum < 10;

select * from student t where rownum > 10;

select * from student t where rownum between 10 and 20;

select * from student t where rownum between 1 and 10;


select t.*

from (select t.*, rownum rn from student t where rownum < 21) t

where t.rn > 9;


select st.studentid, sum(sc.score) t_score

from stscore sc, student st

where sc.studentid = st.studentid

group by st.studentid;



select * from stscore sc where sc.studentid in (6,7) for update nowait;

select *

from (select distinct sum(sc.score) t_score

from stscore sc, student st

where sc.studentid = st.studentid

group by st.studentid

order by t_score desc) t

where rownum < 4;


select distinct st.sname from student st where st.sname = '刘红';

select distinct st.studentid, st.sname from student st where st.sname = '刘红';

select distinct st.sex, st.sname from student st where st.sname = '刘红';


select st1.sname "姓名", t1.t_score "总分", t2.rn "名次"

from (select st.studentid, sum(sc.score) t_score

from stscore sc, student st

where sc.studentid = st.studentid

group by st.studentid) t1,

(select t.*, rownum rn

from (select distinct sum(sc.score) t_score

from stscore sc, student st

where sc.studentid = st.studentid

group by st.studentid

order by t_score desc) t

where rownum < 4) t2,

student st1

where t1.t_score = t2.t_score

and t1.studentid = st1.studentid

order by t2.rn;



create or replace view v_view01 as

select st1.sname "姓名", t1.t_score "总分", t2.rn "名次"

from (select st.studentid, sum(sc.score) t_score

from stscore sc, student st

where sc.studentid = st.studentid

group by st.studentid) t1,

(select t.*, rownum rn

from (select distinct sum(sc.score) t_score

from stscore sc, student st

where sc.studentid = st.studentid

group by st.studentid

order by t_score desc) t

where rownum < 4) t2,

student st1

where t1.t_score = t2.t_score

and t1.studentid = st1.studentid

order by t2.rn;


select * from v_view01



drop index i_index_01

create index i_index_01 on student (sname);


create unique index i_index_01 on student (sname);


select st1.sno "学号",

st1.sname "姓名",

st1.sex "性别",

t3.t_degree "总成绩"

from student st1,

(select max(t.t_degree) m_t_degree

from student st,

(select sc.sno, sum(sc.degree) t_degree

from score sc

group by sc.sno) t

where t.sno = st.sno

group by st.sname, st.sex) t3,

(select sc.sno, sum(sc.degree) t_degree from score sc group by sc.sno) t2

where t3.m_t_degree = t2.t_degree

and t2.sno = st1.sno;

select 部门

from A

group by 部门

having min(业绩) = 7 and count(月份) = (select count(distinct 月份) t_月份

from A);

select max(co.cname) "课程名称",

count(sc.studentid) "总人数",

sum(decode(sign(sc.score - 60), -1, 1, 0)) "[<60)人数",

sum(decode(sign(sc.score - 60),



decode(sign(sc.score - 70), 1, 0, 1))) "[60,70]人数",

sum(decode(sign(sc.score - 70), 1, 1, 0)) "[>70)人数"

from stscore sc, course co

where sc.courseid = co.courseid

group by co.courseid

order by co.courseid;

select A.name, A.kecheng, A.fenshu

from A,

(select name

from A

group by name

having min(fenshu) >= 60 and count(kecheng) = (select count(distinct


from A)) t

where A.name = t.name;

select *

from A

group by 部门

having min(业绩) > 7 and count(月份) = (select count(distinct 月份) from A);

select t3.作者姓名, t2.图书名, t2.出版社

from (select t1.作者编号, t1.作者姓名

from t1

where t1.年龄 < (select avg(t1.年龄) from t1)) t3,


where t3.作者编号 = t2.作者编号;

select st.sno "学号",

st.sname "姓名",

co.cname "课名",

co.cteacher "课程老师",

sc1.score "成绩"

from student st,

(select sc.sno from score sc group by sc.sno having count(sc.cno) > 2) t,

course co,

score sc1

where st.sno = t.sno

and co.cno = sc1.cno

and t.sno = co.sno;

select 日期,

sum(decode(结果, '胜', 1, 0)) "胜",

sum(decode(结果, '负', 1, 0)) "负"

from A

group by 日期;


select max(t.t_score) m_t_score

from student st,

(select sc.sno, sum(sc.score) t_score from scour sc group by sc.sno) t

where st.sno = t.sno

group by st.sname, st.sex;

select st1.sno "学号",

st1.sname "姓名",

st1.ssex "性别",

t1.t_score "总成绩"

from student st1,

(select sc.sno, sum(sc.score) t_score from scour sc group by sc.sno) t1,

(select max(t.t_score) m_t_score

from student st,

(select sc.sno, sum(sc.score) t_score

from scour sc

group by sc.sno) t

where st.sno = t.sno

group by st.sname, st.sex) t2

where st1.sno = t1.sno

and t1.t_score = t2.m_t_score;
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