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Lights inside 3D Grid LightOJ - 1284 (概率dp+推导)

2017-10-26 00:36 387 查看
You are given a 3D grid, which has dimensions X, Y and Z. Each of the X x Y x Z cells contains a light. Initially all lights are off. You will have K turns. In each of the K turns,

You select a cell A randomly from the grid,

You select a cell B randomly from the grid and

Toggle the states of all the bulbs bounded by cell A and cell B, i.e. make all the ON lights OFF and make all the OFF lights ON which are bounded by A and B. To be clear, consider cell A is (x1, y1, z1) and cell B is (x2, y2, z2). Then you have to toggle all the bulbs in grid cell (x, y, z) where min(x1, x2) ≤ x ≤ max(x1, x2), min(y1, y2) ≤ y ≤ max(y1, y2) and min(z1, z2) ≤ z ≤ max(z1, z2).

Your task is to find the expected number of lights to be ON after K turns.


Input starts with an integer T (≤ 50), denoting the number of test cases.

Each case starts with a line containing four integers X, Y, Z (1 ≤ X, Y, Z ≤ 100) and K (0 ≤ K ≤ 10000).


For each case, print the case number and the expected number of lights that are ON after K turns. Errors less than 10-6 will be ignored.

Sample Input


1 2 3 5

1 1 1 1

1 2 3 0

2 3 4 1

2 3 4 2

Sample Output

Case 1: 2.9998713992

Case 2: 1

Case 3: 0

Case 4: 6.375

Case 5: 9.09765625


思路:经过K次操作后,如果某一点上的灯被按了奇数次,那么此时它是亮的,反之则不是,所以我们可以对每个位置上的灯单独进行计算,算出它经过K次操作后被按了奇数次的期望概率,然后将所有位置上的灯的期望概率加起来即可。对于某个位置(i,j,k)上的灯来说,如果它需要被按到,那么所选的那两个灯在每一维度上的坐标都不能在该灯的同一侧,拿X轴来说,它被按到的概率即为(1-(i-1)x(i-1)-(X-i)x(X-i)) /X^2,其余两维相似。所以该灯被按到的概率P=X上的概率 * Y上的概率 *Z上的概率。假设f(n)表示该位置上的灯在经过K次操作后被按了奇数次的概率期望,那么1-f(K)即表示被按了偶数次的概率,状态转移方程即f(K)=f( K-1 )x( 1-p )+( 1-f( K-1 ) )xP 化简得f(K)=f(K-1)x(1-2P)+P,但是如果就直接这样递推去算的话这部分的时间复杂度是O(K)超时,所以我们还需继续对这个公式进行推导,最后能得到它的一个通项公式:

f(K)=(1-(1-2 x P)^K)/2



using namespace std;
double kpow(double x,int n)   // x^n

double res=1;
if(n & 1)
n >>= 1;
return res;
double get(int w,int i)
return 1.0*(w*w-(i-1)*(i-1)-(w-i)*(w-i))/w/w;
int main()
int T;
for(int cas=1;cas<=T;cas++)
int X,Y,Z,K;
double ans=0;
for(int i=1;i<=X;i++)
for(int j=1;j<=Y;j++)
for(int k=1;k<=Z;k++)
double P=get(X,i)*get(Y,j)*get(Z,k);
printf("Case %d: %.10lf\n",cas,ans);
return 0;
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