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C++——【USACO 4.4.2】——Pollutant Control

2017-10-18 21:05 232 查看
Pollutant Control
Hal Burch

It's your first day in Quality Control at Merry Milk Makers, and already there's been a catastrophe: a shipment of bad milk has been sent out. Unfortunately, you didn't discover this until the milk
was already into your delivery system on its way to stores. You know which grocer that milk was destined for, but there may be multiple ways for the milk to get to that store.
The delivery system is made up of a several warehouses, with trucks running from warehouse to warehouse moving milk. While the milk will be found quickly, it is important that it does not make it to
the grocer, so you must shut down enough trucks to ensure that it is impossible for the milk to get to the grocer in question. Every route costs a certain amount to shut down. Find the minimum amount that must be spent to ensure the milk does not reach its
destination, along with a set of trucks to shut down that achieves this goal at that cost.



Line 1:
Two space separated integers, N and M. N (2 <= N <= 32) is the number of warehouses that Merry Milk Makers has, and M (0 <= M <= 1000) is the number of trucks routes run. Warehouse 1 is actually the productional facility, while
warehouse N is the grocer to which which the bad milk was destined.
Line 2..M+1:Truck routes: three space-separated integers, Si, Ei, and Ci. Si and Ei (1 <= Si,Ei <= N) correspond to the pickup warehouse and dropoff warehouse
for the truck route. Ci (0 <= Ci <= 2,000,000) is the cost of shutting down the truck route.

SAMPLE INPUT (file milk6.in)

4 5
1 3 100
3 2 50
2 4 60
1 2 40
2 3 80


The first line of the output should be two integers, C and T. C is the minimum amount which must be spent in order to ensure the our milk never reaches its destination. T is the minimum number of truck
routes that you plan to shut down in order to achive this goal. The next T lines sould contain a sorted list of the indexes of the truck routes that you suggest shutting down. If there are multiple sets of truck routes that achieve the goal at minimum cost,
choose one that shuts down the minimum number of routes. If there are still multiple sets, choose the one whose initial routes have the smallest index.

SAMPLE OUTPUT (file milk6.out)

60 1






第1行:两个空间分隔的整数N和M N(2 <= N <= 32)是快乐牛奶制造商的仓库数量,M(0 <= M <= 1000)是卡车路线运行的数量。仓库1实际上是生产基地,而仓库N则是坏牛奶的目的地。

2号线. .M+ 1:卡车路线:三个空间分隔的整数,Si,Ei和Ci。Si和Ei(1 <= Si,Ei <= N)对应于卡车航线的皮卡仓库和卸货仓库。Ci(0 <= Ci <= 2000000)是关闭卡车路线的成本。


4 5

100 3

3 2 50

2 4 60

1 2 40

2 3 80


输出的第一行应该是两个整数,C和t ,C是必须花费的最小值,以确保我们的牛奶永远不会到达目的地。为了实现这一目标,你计划关闭的最小的卡车线路数是T。接下来的T行应该包含一个已排序的卡车路线的索引列表,您建议关闭它。如果有多个卡车路线,以最低的成本达到目标,则选择一个关闭最少路线的路线。如果仍然有多个集合,则选择初始路由有最小索引的组。


60 1


ID : mcdonne1
LANG : C++
TASK : milk6

#pragma GCC optimize("O3")

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

struct node{
int u, v, val, next;

int n, m, x, y, z, cnt, len, way__, ans__, sum = 0x7fffffff;
int way[35], first[35], now[1100], ans[1100], temp[1100];
bool went[35], f[1100];

inline bool __fd(int x) {
way[++way__] = x;
went[x] = true;
if (x == n) return true;
for (int i = first[x]; i; i = edge[i].next)
if (f[i] and (!went[edge[i].v]) and __fd(edge[i].v))
return true;
return went[x] = false;

void find (int data) {
int __num, __cut, __tp;
int __ct[1100], __wy[1100];
if (data > sum) return;
memset (went, 0, sizeof(went));
way__ = 0;
if (__fd(1)) {
__num = way__;
memcpy (__wy, way, sizeof(way));
for (int i = 2; i <= __num; i++) {
__cut = __tp = 0;
for (int p = 1; p < i; p++)
for (int k = first[__wy[p]]; k; k = edge[k].next)
if (f[k] and edge[k].v == __wy[i]) {
f[k] = false;
now[++len] = __ct[++__cut] = k;
__tp += edge[k].val;
if (__tp + data > sum) goto Con;
find (__tp + data);
Con : ;
len -= __cut;
for (int j = 1; j <= __cut; j++)
f[__ct[j]] = true;
} else {
memcpy (temp, now, sizeof(now));
sort (temp + 1, temp + 1 + len);
if (sum > data) {
sum = data;
ans__ = len;
memcpy (ans, temp, sizeof(ans));
} else {
if (ans__ < len) return;
if (ans__ == len)
for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++)
if (ans[i] > temp[i]) break;
else if (ans[i] < temp[i]) return;
ans__ = len;
memcpy (ans, temp, sizeof(ans));

int main () {
ifstream fin("milk6.in", ios::in);
ofstream fout("milk6.out", ios::out);
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
edge[i] = (node){x, y, z, first[x]};
first[x] = i;
memset (f, true, sizeof(f));
fout<<sum<<" "<<ans__<<endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= ans__; i++) fout<<ans[i]<<endl;
return 0;
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