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2017-10-18 20:13 211 查看
ROS Kinetic Kame安装完成后,可以用一下指令检测环境是否安装成功

$ printenv | grep ROS



$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ros-tutorials






• The Source space: In the Source space (the src folder), you put your packages, projects, clone packages, and so on. One of the most important files in this space is CMakeLists.txt. The src folder has this file because it is invoked by CMake when you configure the packages in the workspace. This file is created with the catkin_init_workspace command.

• The Build space: In the build folder, CMake and catkin keep the cache information, configuration, and other intermediate files for our packages and projects.

• The Development (devel) space: The devel folder is used to keep the compiled programs. This is used to test the programs without the installation step. Once the programs are tested, you can install or export the package to share with other developers.





• rospack: This command is used to get information or find packages in the system.

• catkin_create_pkg: This command is used when you want to create a new package.

• catkin_make: This command is used to compile a workspace.

• rosdep: This command installs the system dependencies of a package.

• rqt_dep: This command is used to see the package dependencies as a graph. If you want to see the package dependencies as a graph, you will find a plugin called package graph in rqt. Select a package and see the dependencies.

· 节点:节点是一个可执行单位,并通过ROS与其他节点通讯

· 消息:ROS定于或发布一个话题所使用的数据类型

· 主题:节点可以向话题发布消息也可以订阅话题来接受消息

· 主机:可以看做ROS的服务器(帮助节点找到其他节点)

· rosout:等同于stdout/stderr

· roscore: Master + rosout + parameter server


可以跟着这上面跑一遍了解节点运行 http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/UnderstandingNodes 教程很简单,这里就不说了。

就一个,运行节点使用 rosrun [package_name] [node_name], 前一个是包名,后一个节点名。

• rosnode info NODE: This prints information about a node

• rosnode kill NODE: This kills a running node or sends a given signal

• rosnode list: This lists the active nodes

• rosnode machine hostname: This lists the nodes running on a particular machine or lists machines

• rosnode ping NODE: This tests the connectivity to the node.

• rosnode cleanup: This purges the registration information from unreachable nodes


http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/UnderstandingTopics 这个教程是理解topic的,这里有两个节点,之前的乌龟程序跟键盘控制(turtlesim_node and the turtle_teleop_key ),这两者便是通过ROS Topic 进行通讯。 turtle_teleop_key发布一个键盘按键到topic上,同时turtlesim订阅相同的topic去接收按键。通过rqt _graph 可以得到如下的图,红色箭头就是所谓的topic

• rostopic bw /topic: This displays the bandwidth used by the topic.

• rostopic echo /topic: This prints messages to the screen.

• rostopic find message_type: This finds topics by their type.

• rostopic hz /topic: This displays the publishing rate of the topic.

• rostopic info /topic: This prints information about the active topic, topics published, ones it is subscribed to, and services.

• rostopic list: This prints information about active topics.

• rostopic pub /topic type args: This publishes data to the topic. It allows us to create and publish data in whatever topic we want, directly from the command line.

• rostopic type /topic: This prints the topic type, that is, the type of message it publishes.


rosservice list print information about active services

rosservice call call the service with the provided args

rosservice type print service type

rosservice find find services by service type

rosservice uri print service ROSRPC uri


rosparam set set parameter

rosparam get get parameter

rosparam load load parameters from file

rosparam dump dump parameters to file

rosparam delete delete parameter

rosparam list list parameter names



• rosbag: This is used to record, play, and perform other operations

• rqt_bag: This is used to visualize data in a graphic environment

• Rostopic: This helps us see the topics sent to the nodes
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息