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Java assert 关键字使用

2017-10-18 00:00 357 查看
关于Java assert关键字的使用,参考Stack Overflow的高票回答:

What are some real life examples to understand the key role of assertions?

Assertions (by way of the assert keyword) were added in Java 1.4. They are used to verify the correctness of an invariant in the code. They should never be triggered in production code, and are indicative of a bug or misuse of a code path. They can be activated at run-time by way of the
option on the
command, but are not turned on by default.
An example:
public Foo acquireFoo(int id) {
Foo result = null;
if (id > 50) {
result = fooService.read(id);
} else {
result = new Foo(id);
assert result != null;

return result;

Java 1.4 加入了断言(也就是assert关键字)。 它们被用来检验代码中的不变条件的正确性。 它们不应该在生产环境中被触发,而应该用来指示BUG或者代码路径的误用。可以通过在Java命令行加上-ea 选项来在运行时启用它们,但是默认情况下,它们是关闭的。



参考文献: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/language/assert.html
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标签:  assert Java