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视频分割--Learning to Segment Instances in Videos with Spatial Propagation Network

2017-10-10 10:02 537 查看
Learning to Segment Instances in Videos with Spatial Propagation Network



本文针对视频中多目标运动物体分割问题,instance-level object segmentation 提出使用 CNN 网络分三个步骤来解决:前景分割、物体类别识别、分割精细化

3.1. Foreground Segmentation

这里采用类似 FCN 分割框架,采用 ResNet-101 模型,主要的改进:1)去掉全连接层,2)融合多尺度卷积层信息

3.2. Instance-level Recognition

有了前景分割的结果,我们分割出每个物体,further segment instance-level objects,采用的网络和损失函数类似前景分割的网络

4 Mask Refinement


1)Spatial Propagation Network 这个网络主要用于学习 affinity entities,The coarse mask is refined under the guidance of the affinity, the learned pairwise relations, for any pairs of pixels.

2)Connected Region-aware Filter 这一步主要 considering temporal information in other frames,the consistency between two frames and helps rectify

some instance confusions

5 Experiments

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