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How to get root access for other users with the visudo

2017-10-08 10:14 681 查看
If you are seeing  errors of "touch: cannot touch ‘/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.81/logs/catalina.out’: Permission denied"  similarly, that is because your current account has no permission to access the logs directory under the tomcat path.

Here you need to execute the command of 

chmod a+rwx -R $CATALINA_HOME/logs
to get the permission to read/write/execute(+rwx)the all directory(-R); but often you cannot execute this command, because this command need the root access.

Here you can log in root or just use the sudo to execute the command with 5 minutes' root access.

You need to use the VIM to edit the sodo configuration with command below: 

locate at the 

##Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
add "username ALL=(ALL)    ALL " after it.

Then you can execute the chmod command and get the all read/write/execute permission for the /logs directory.

And of course then you can execute the start command .

Thank you. contact me with email zhangweicalm@qq.com
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