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【35.43%】【hdu 4347】The Closest M Points

2017-10-06 19:23 232 查看

Time Limit: 16000/8000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 98304/98304 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 3520    Accepted Submission(s): 1247

Problem Description The course of Software Design and Development Practice is objectionable. ZLC is facing a serious problem .There are many points in K-dimensional space .Given a point. ZLC need to find out the closest m points. Euclidean distance is used as the distance metric between two points. The Euclidean distance between points p and q is the length of the line segment connecting them.In Cartesian coordinates, if p = (p1, p2,..., pn) and q = (q1, q2,..., qn) are two points in Euclidean n-space, then the distance from p to q, or from q to p is given by:

Can you help him solve this problem?  
Input In the first line of the text file .there are two non-negative integers n and K. They denote respectively: the number of points, 1 <= n <= 50000, and the number of Dimensions,1 <= K <= 5. In each of the following n lines there is written k integers, representing the coordinates of a point. This followed by a line with one positive integer t, representing the number of queries,1 <= t <=10000.each query contains two lines. The k integers in the first line represent the given point. In the second line, there is one integer m, the number of closest points you should find,1 <= m <=10. The absolute value of all the coordinates will not be more than 10000.
There are multiple test cases. Process to end of file.  
Output For each query, output m+1 lines:
The first line saying :”the closest m points are:” where m is the number of the points.
The following m lines representing m points ,in accordance with the order from near to far
It is guaranteed that the answer can only be formed in one ways. The distances from the given point to all the nearest m+1 points are different. That means input like this:
2 2
1 1
3 3
2 2
will not exist.  
Sample Input
3 2
1 1
1 3
3 4
2 3
2 3
Sample Output
the closest 2 points are:
1 3
3 4
the closest 1 points are:
1 3
Author HIT  
Source 2012 Multi-University Training Contest 5  











//数据范围实际上是可以不用定义long long的。但是保险起见。

//k维的并没有什么可怕的。。就是for 0->1变成for 0->k-1



#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

const int MAXN = 60000;
const int MAXK_TH = 20;
const long long INF = 4410000000000000000;

struct point
long long d[5], mi_n[5], ma_x[5];
int l, r;

struct data2
long long dis, d[5];

int n, k, root, now, k_th;
point t[MAXN], p[MAXN], op;
long long ans;
data2 dl[MAXK_TH];

bool cmp(point a, point b)
if (a.d[now] < b.d[now])
return true;
return false;

void push_up(int rt)
int l = t[rt].l, r = t[rt].r;
for (int i = 0; i <= k - 1; i++)
if (l)
t[rt].ma_x[i] = max(t[l].ma_x[i], t[rt].ma_x[i]);
t[rt].mi_n[i] = min(t[l].mi_n[i], t[rt].mi_n[i]);
if (r)
t[rt].ma_x[i] = max(t[r].ma_x[i], t[rt].ma_x[i]);
t[rt].mi_n[i] = min(t[r].mi_n[i], t[rt].mi_n[i]);

int build(int begin, int end, int fx)
int m = (begin + end) >> 1;
now = fx;
nth_element(p + begin, p + m, p + end + 1, cmp);
t[m] = p[m];
for (int i = 0; i <= k - 1; i++)
t[m].ma_x[i] = t[m].mi_n[i] = t[m].d[i];
if (begin < m)
t[m].l = build(begin, m - 1, (fx + 1) % k);
if (m < end)
t[m].r = build(m + 1, end, (fx + 1) % k);
return m;

void input_data()
memset(t, 0, sizeof(t));
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= k - 1; j++)
scanf("%lld", &p[i].d[j]);
root = build(1, n, 0);

long long get_dis(point a, point b)
long long temp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= k - 1; i++)
temp += (a.d[i] - b.d[i])*(a.d[i] - b.d[i]);
return temp;

long long sqr(long long x)
return x*x;

long long gujia_min(int rt) //某个子树的估价最小函数
long long temp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= k - 1; i++)
//min(sqr(t[rt].ma_x[i] - op.d[i]), sqr(t[rt].mi_n[i] - op.d[i]));
long long temp1 = op.d[i] - t[rt].ma_x[i];
long long temp2 = t[rt].mi_n[i] - op.d[i];
if (temp1 > 0)
temp += sqr(op.d[i] - t[rt].ma_x[i]);
if (temp2 > 0)
temp += sqr(t[rt].mi_n[i] - op.d[i]);
return temp;

void query_min(int rt)
long long dis = get_dis(t[rt], op);
int tempk = k_th;
while (dl[tempk].dis > dis)
if (!tempk)
if (tempk != k_th) //如果比第k小的还小 就往前找一个合适的位置放进去。
{//然后第k小的就被挤掉 更新了。
for (int i = k_th; i >= tempk + 2; i--)
dl[i] = dl[i - 1];
dl[tempk + 1].dis = dis;
for (int i = 0; i <= k - 1; i++)
dl[tempk + 1].d[i] = t[rt].d[i];
long long gl = INF, gr = INF;
int l = t[rt].l, r = t[rt].r;
if (l)
gl = gujia_min(l);
if (r)
gr = gujia_min(r);
if (gl < gr)
if (gl < dl[k_th].dis)
if (gr < dl[k_th].dis)
if (gr < dl[k_th].dis)
if (gl < dl[k_th].dis)

void output_ans()
int t;
scanf("%d", &t);
while (t--)
for (int i = 0; i <= k - 1; i++)
scanf("%lld", &op.d[i]);
scanf("%d", &k_th);
for (int i = 0; i <= k_th; i++)
dl[i].dis = INF;
ans = INF;
printf("the closest %d points are:\n", k_th);
for (int i = 1; i <= k_th; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= k - 2; j++)
printf("%lld ", dl[i].d[j]);
printf("%lld\n", dl[i].d[k - 1]);//最后一维的坐标后面不能加空格。

int main()
//freopen("F:\\rush.txt", "r", stdin);
while (~scanf("%d%d", &n, &k)) //一直好奇前面的波浪号一样的是啥
return 0;

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