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Top-level const and low-level const

2017-10-06 15:53 429 查看

int i = 0;
int* const p = &i;
// p是一个常量,不能改变其值,所以该const是一个顶层const
const int c = 0;


const int* p1 = &i;
//这里的const不是修饰p1,而是修饰p1所指的对象,是一个const int,
const int& r = i;


A reference / pointer to const only means that we cannot change the object it refers / points to through the reference / pointer , it says nothing about whether the object to which it refers / points is a const.

int i = 1;
int &r1 = i;
const int &r2 = i;
r2 = 0; // error,cannot change the value of
//i through r2 which refers to a const
r1 = 0; //ok,i can be changed as long as we
//do not use reference to const to
//change the value

Top-level const indicates that an object itself is const, while low-level const ,for example ,when a pointer can point to a const object ,we refer to that const a low-level const.

Top-level const appers in any object type : built-in types , a class type , a pointer type …

Low-level const appers in the base type of compound types : pointers , references …

Kowning that a pointer is an object while a reference is not , so a pointer can have both top-level const and low-level const independently, but a reference can have only low-level const.

const int *const p1= &i; //right-most is a top-level
//const, left-most is a low-
const int &r = i; // low-level const

When we copy an object ,top-level consts are egnored, because top-level const means the object itself is a const , but copying an object does not change the copied object.

On the other hand, when we copy an object ,both objects must have the same low-level const or there is a nonconst to const conversion.

Constexpr imposes a top-level const on the object it defines.

constexpr int *p = nullptr; // p is a const pointer to
const int *q = nullptr; // q is a pointer to const int
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