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acr(L acer, acris) = sharp 尖的

acrid[acr;-id a.] a (气味)辛辣;(语言)刻毒;

acrimony[acr; -i-; -mony n.] (语言、态度、脾气等)刻毒

acerose[ac(e)r; -ose(-ous) a]a. [植物]针状的

acu(L acus) = needle 针

acuity[acu; -ity n.]n. 尖锐;敏锐

aculeate[acule(acu); -ate a.]a 有刺的、多刺的;尖锐的

acumen[acu; -men(-ment) n]n. 敏锐;聪明

acupuncture[acu; punct; -ure n.]n. 针刺疗法

aer(GK aer) = air 空气

aerial[aer; -ial a.]a. 空气的;航空的

aerify[aer; -ify v.]v. 使气化

aerology[aer; -o-; -logy n.]n 气象学;大气学

aerolite[aer; -o-; lit; -e]a. 陨石

subaerial[sub-; aer-,-ial a]a 地面上的;接近地面的

agog,agogue(GK agogos) = leading,leader 引导,引导者

demagogue[dem; agogue]n 蛊惑民心的政客;[史]民众领袖

pedagogue[ped; agogue]n 教师;教员

hydragogue[hydr; agogue]n.[药]水泻剂;利尿剂

mystagogue[myst; agogue]n 引人加入神秘宗教者

agon(GK agon) = contest 竞争

agonistic[agon; -istic a.]a.运动比赛的;好争论的

agony[agon; -y n.]n痛苦;创痛

agonize[agon; -ize v.]v.(使)极度痛苦;折磨

antagonst[ant-; agon; -ist n.]n. 对抗者;对手,敌手

protagonist[prot-; agon; -ist n.]n.主角,主人公;领导者

agr(L ager, agris) = field 田地

agrarian[agr; -arain a.]a. 耕地的,土地的;农民的

agrimotor[agr; -i-; mot; or n]n. 农用拖拉机

agronomy[agr; -o-; nomy n]n. 农学;农艺学

agriculture[agr; -i-; cult; ure n]n. 农业;农艺

ag,act[L] = to do;to drive

agent[ag = to do; -ent = n. = person] 代理人;代理商 agential 代理人的

agency[ag = to do;-ency n. = the quality or state of]力量;作用;代理处;机构

agenda[ag = to de; -enda(-a表复数)n. = things 事情]议事日程

agile[ag = to do; -ile a. = able]a. 敏捷的;灵活的 agility 敏捷

agitate[ag = to drive or keep moving; -itate(-ate) v. = make or cause]v. disturb鼓动 agitation[agitat(e); -ion n.] 鼓动; 激动不安 -> agitator n.鼓动者

actual[act = to do; -u-; -al a. = the act or fact]existing in fact; real 现实的;实际的

actuate[act = to do; -u-; -ate v. = to make or cause]v. cause to do驱动;激励

exact[ex- = out; act = to drive]v.强求;索取 a.准确的;精确的 exacting 严厉的 exaction 强索 exactitude 精确(性);严格

transact[trans- = across or through; act = to drive]v. 执行;办理 transaction n.办理,处理 transactor n.办事人

am,amat[L] = to love 爱

amiable[am = to love; -i-; -able a. = capable of ]可爱的;和蔼的

amateur[amat = to love; -eur(er) n. = person](艺术、体育、科学等)业余爱好者

amateurism[amateur; -ism n.]n.业余活动

amicable[amic(来自am的同根名词amicus) = 亲爱者;朋友; -able a. = able to be]有好的;和睦的

amicability[amicab(le); -ility n.]n.友好;和睦

amour[am = to love; -our n. = the state or result] 桃色事件,偷情

amorous[amo(u)r; -ous a.]a. 恋爱的;多情的

enamour[en- v. = to cause to be; amour n. = love -> to cause to be in love]v.使迷恋

amatory[amat = to love; -ory a. = related to]恋爱的;爱慕的 amatory poems 情诗

anim[L] = life 生命

animal[anim = life; al n. = thing characterized by …]动物,植物;除人以外的任何动物

animalism[animal; -ism n.]n. 动物性;兽欲

animalize[animal; -ize v.]v.使动物化

animate[anim = life; -ate a. = having ….]有生命的;生气勃勃的

animation[animat(e) v.; -ion n.]n. 活跃;生气

animosity[anim = life,spirit; -osity(-ous + =ity) n.= special state or quality -> 特殊的精神、强烈的感情]敌意;仇恨

magnanimity[magn = great; anim = spirit; -ity n. = the quality]n. 宽宏大量

magnanimous[magn; anim; -ous a.]a. 宽宏大量

equanimity[equ = even; anim = spirit; -ity = the quality -> 平稳的精神品质]n. 沉着;镇定

equanimous[equ; anim; -ous a.]a. 沉着的

longanimity[long(来自形容词 longus) = long; anim = spirit; -ity n. = the quality]n.忍耐性;坚韧性

unanimous[un = one; anim = spirit; -ous a. = having ..]思想一致的;观点统一的

unanimity[un; anim; -ity n.]全体一致;无异议

ann,enn[L] = year 年

annual[annu = year 年;-al a. = of ..]一年的;每年的

anniversary[anni = year; vers = to turn; -ary n. = thing]n. 周年纪念日

annals[ann = year; -al n. = thing]n. 编年史

perennial[per- = through; enni=year; -al a.-> “through a year”]常年不断地;长久的

perenniality[perennial; -ity n.]n. 常年性

annuity[annu = year; -ity n. = thing connected with]n.年金;年收入

superannuate[super- = over; annu = year; -ate v. = to cause to be]v. 因超过年龄而令退休

semiannual[semi- = half; annu = year; -al a.= of]a. 半年一度的

biannual[bi- = two,twice; annu = year; -al a. = of]a. 每年两度的

anthrop[GK] = man 人类


anthropology[anthropo = man; -logy n. = branch of science]n. 人类学

philanthropist[phil = to love; anthrop = man; -ist n. = person]n. 博爱主义者;慈善家

philanthropy n.慈善;仁爱 philanthropic a.博爱的

misanthropist[mis = to hate; anthrop = man; -ist n. = person]n.离群索居者;愤世嫉俗者

misanthropy n.厌世 misanthropic a.厌世的

anthropoid[anthrop = man; -oid a. = like]a. 类人的;有人形的;

anthropotomy[anthropo = man; tomy = anatomy 解剖学]n. human anatomy 人体解剖学

arch[GK] = rule 统治

anarchy[an-(a-) = no,without; arch = rule; -y n. = the state]n.无秩序;无政府状态

anarchic a.无政府统治的 anarchism n.无政府主义 anarchist n.无政府主义者

monarch[mon- = one,alone; arch = ruler]n. 国王,君主 -> monarchal a.国王的,君主的

monarchy[mon- = one,alone; arch = ruler; -y n. = the state]n. 君主政体;君主国

oligarch[olig- = few; arch = ruler]n. 寡头统治成员

polyarchy n. 多头政治

matriarchy[matri = mother; arch = ruler; -y n. = the state]n. 母权制;母系氏族制

archives[arch = ruler; -ive n. = thing; -s 复数 -> “documents belonging to rulers”]n. 档案

archivist n.档案保管员 archival a.关于档案的(arch也可以当前缀用,表主要的chief)

archenemy n. 首要大敌

architect[arch- = chief; -i-; tect = builder]n. 建筑设计师

architecture n.建筑学 architectonic a.关于建筑的

aud,audit[L] = to hear 听

audience[aud = to hear 听;-i-; -ence n. = the act or state]n.会见;接见;听众

auditorium[aud = to hear; -orium n. = place]n.礼堂;演讲厅

audible[aud = to hear; -ible a. = capable of being ..]a.听得见的

audit[audit = to hear]v.旁听;审查(账目)-> auditor (大学)旁听生;查账员

audition[audit = to hear; -ion = the act]n.听;(对演员等)试听

audile[aud = to hear; -ile a.=pertaining to 关于什么什么的]听得;听觉的

audio[aud = to hear; -io-> 与听有关]a. 声音的;声波的

aug,auct,auth[L] = to increase 增加

august[aug = to increase ; -ust a. = the most]a. majestic威严的 august palaces威严的王宫

->①(大写 August)n.奥古斯特(古罗马大帝,自认为是最伟大的帝王)②八月(奥古斯塔大帝以自己的名字命名八月份)

augment[aug = to increase; -ment v.]v.增加,扩大;增加,增大

auction[auct = to cause to grow; -ion n. = the act -> “the act of causing the price to grow”]n.拍卖 v.拍卖

author[auth(auct) = to cause to grow; -or n. = person]n.发起人,创始者;著作家,作家

authority[author n.创作者; -ity n. = the quality 表特性]n. 权利,权威;当权者

authorize[author n.创始者(-> power权利); -ize v. = to cause to have]v. give power to 授权


bi,bio[GK] = life 生命,生物

biology[bio=life 生命,生物; -logy n. = brance of science 一门科学] n. the science of life in all 生物学

biologist 生物学者

biological 生物学的

biography[bio = life 生命; -graphy n.=writing 著作]n. 传记

biographer 传记作者

biographical a.传记的;传记体

biographize v.为…做传记

biocide[bio = life ; -cide n.=that which kills]n.杀虫剂

antibiotic[anti- = against 抗;bi = life 生命,生物; -otic a. = having the quality]a. 抗病菌的、抗生的

microbial[micro- = tiny 微小的;bi=life; al a. = of ]a. 微生物的

biochemistry[bio- = life; chemistry n.] n. 生物化学

biochemist n.生物化学家
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