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C# abstract的一点理解

2017-10-02 10:52 218 查看

abstract class ShapesClass
abstract public int Area();
class Square : ShapesClass
int side = 0;

public Square(int n)
side = n;
// Area method is required to avoid
// a compile-time error.
public override int Area()
return side * side;

static void Main()
Square sq = new Square(12);
Console.WriteLine("Area of the square = {0}", sq.Area());

interface I
void M();
abstract class C : I
public abstract void M();

// Output: Area of the square = 144

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApp5
//abstract class ShapesClass
// abstract public int Area();
class Square //: ShapesClass
int side = 0;

public Square(int n)
side = n;
// Area method is required to avoid
// a compile-time error.
//public override int Area()
public int Area()
return side * side;

static void Main()
Square sq = new Square(12);
Console.WriteLine("Area of the square = {0}", sq.Area());

interface I
void M();
abstract class C : I
public abstract void M();

// Output: Area of the square = 144可以看出,两者结果是相同的,也就是说abstract类并没有实际上创新类的运行方式,只是进行改进方便某一方面的编程。

微软官方给的解释是:抽象类的用途是提供一个可供多个派生类共享的通用基类定义。 例如,类库可以定义一个抽象类,将其用作多个类库函数的参数,并要求使用该库的程序员通过创建派生类来提供自己的类实现。
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