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2017-10-01 16:07 120 查看
// Description: Defines the AnimationController class

// This class has the methods needed for running an

// animation.

// There is only one of these It will schedule

// all rendering in all windows. It contains the current status

// of all animations, and it supervises two rendering QThread classes,

// SharedControllerThread (managing the shared animations) and

// UnsharedControllerThread (managing the local, i.e. unshared animations).


// This class has the responsibility of launching the two threads, and

// managing the interaction between the animations and the rest of the application.

// Mainly that interaction is with the AnimationParams class, the Renderer class,

// and the VizWinMgr class.

// All the information about the various rendering windows is maintained in

// the status bits. The status bits are only read or written when

// the AnimationMutex is locked.


// Connection to animationParams: The settings in animationParams

// are used by the controller in the scheduling. When the settings are

// changed, in a way that affects

// animation scheduling, the change bit is set. This prevents the frame

// from being changed at the completion of the current rendering. In some cases

// (e.g. a change in local/global setting) the rendering does not continue

// until the user stops and starts it again


// To report its activities, the rendering thread calls

// AnimationController::startRendering() and AnimationController::endRendering()

// at the start and end of its rendering


// To keep track of the various renderers, the AnimationController maintains

// a status code on each visualizer window. This includes the following information

// Is the animation controller for that window global or local?

// Is the window animated (versus paused or inactive)

// If the window is animated, has it:

// not yet started on the current rendering

// started but not completed the current rendering

// finished the current rendering

// Is there a change in the animation settings for this window that has

// not yet been processed, and will affect the next frame to be rendered?


// The AnimationController is associated with the session. Whenever a new session

// is started, the previous animationcontroller must be destroyed. When this happens

// the controller must cancel any renderings in progress (after a reasonable wait).

// The mechanism for cancelling renderings has not yet been defined.


// At some point it may become possible to perform animations with

// multiple renderers in the same window. These renderings will need

// to operate with identical frame times.


namespace VAPoR {

class VizWinMgr;

class AnimationController{


//Note this is a singleton class:

static AnimationController* getInstance(){

if (!theAnimationController)

theAnimationController = new AnimationController();

return theAnimationController;


//The thread classes will need intimate access to this class:

friend class SharedControllerThread;

friend class UnsharedControllerThread;

void restart();


//Renderers call the following two methods.  They are dispatched to the appropriate
//shared or unshared methods
bool beginRendering(int vizNum);
void endRendering(int vizNum);

//These status codes record the status of the individual visualizers
//A visualizer is active if it exists, if its animation params is not paused
//and there is a renderer enabled for it; otherwise it is inactive.
//The animation controller ignores inactive visualizers.
//The shared bit indicates whether it is using shared or local animation params.
//An active visualizer is either unstarted, started, or finished.  It starts
//in the "finished" state, i.e. ready to be animated, when it is made active.
//Normally a visualizer cycles finished->unstarted->started->finished repeatedly,
//however it can jump from unstarted to finished if the rendering does not start
//soon enough.
//The startTime indicates the time (millisec) that the visualizer was last
//changed to unstarted.
//A renderer can be set to "closed" if it fails to change to "started" sufficiently
//soon after it enters the unstarted state

enum animationStatus {
inactive =  0,
active   =  1,
shared   =  2,
progressBits = 12,
unstarted=  4, // Set when initially ask for rendering
started  =  8, // Set when rendering begins
finished =  12, //set when rendering done
//When the state is changed in the animation params, following bit is set.
//Completed renderings do not update the animation params
changed  =  16,
overdue = 32,
//Gui calls following when a parameter changes that will alter
//next render frame
void paramsChanged(int viznum) {
//Following method called  by the vizwinmgr when gui requests play
void startPlay(int viznum);
//When a visualizer is destroyed, need to change its status to "finished"
//Controller will deactivate it.
void finishVisualizer(int viznum){
//When a visualizer is created, need to reset its status to "finished inactive"
//Controller will activate it the next time "play" is started.
void initializeVisualizer(int viznum){
statusFlag[viznum] = finished;


static AnimationController* theAnimationController;


//Following function compares current time with the minimum time the rendering
//should be complete.  Based on the most recent render requested
int getTimeToFinish(int viznum, int currentTime);
//Tell a renderer to start rendering:
void startVisualizer(int viznum, int currentTime);
//Inline methods to check status:
bool isActive(int viznum) {return (statusFlag[viznum]&active); }
bool isShared(int viznum) {return (statusFlag[viznum]&shared); }

bool renderStarted(int viznum) {return ((statusFlag[viznum] & progressBits) == started);}
bool renderFinished(int viznum) {return ((statusFlag[viznum] & progressBits) == finished);}
bool renderUnstarted(int viznum) {return ((statusFlag[viznum] & progressBits) == unstarted);}
bool isChanged(int viznum) {return (statusFlag[viznum] & changed);}
bool isOverdue(int viznum) {return (statusFlag[viznum] & overdue);}

//Methods to set status bits:
void activate(int viznum) {statusFlag[viznum] = (animationStatus)(statusFlag[viznum]|active);}
void deActivate(int viznum) {statusFlag[viznum] = (animationStatus)(statusFlag[viznum]&(~active));}
void setStartRender(int viznum) {
statusFlag[viznum] = (animationStatus)((statusFlag[viznum]&~progressBits)|started);}
void setFinishRender(int viznum) {statusFlag[viznum] = (animationStatus)((statusFlag[viznum]&~progressBits)|finished);}
//When render is requested, clear overdue as well as set set unstarted:
void setRequestRender(int viznum) {statusFlag[viznum] =
void setChangeBit(int viznum) {statusFlag[viznum] = (animationStatus)(statusFlag[viznum]|changed);}
void clearChangeBit(int viznum) {statusFlag[viznum] =
(animationStatus)(statusFlag[viznum] & ~changed);}
void setGlobal(int viznum){statusFlag[viznum] = (animationStatus)(statusFlag[viznum]|shared);}
void setLocal(int viznum) {statusFlag[viznum] = (animationStatus)(statusFlag[viznum]&(~shared));}
void setOverdue(int viznum) {statusFlag[viznum] = (animationStatus)(statusFlag[viznum]|overdue);}
//Fix for Qt clock roll-overs.
size_t getElapsedMillisec();

//Method to be called to set change bits, with mutex already locked:
void setChangeBitsLocked(int viznum);
// animationMutex is needed to ensure serial access to
// the renderingStatus bits
QMutex animationMutex;

//Status flags for watching multiple windows.
animationStatus statusFlag[MAXVIZWINS];
//Keep track of the starting time for a rendering
int startTime[MAXVIZWINS];
QTime* myClock;
SharedControllerThread* mySharedController;
UnsharedControllerThread* myUnsharedController;
size_t lastClockMillisec;
int numClockRollovers;


}; //end namespace VAPoR


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