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1.1 本题目的表结构

    Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex)    学生表

    Course(C#,Cname,T#)        课程表

    SC(S#,C#,score)           成绩表

    Teacher(T#,Tname)         教师表

1.2 本题目的建表及测试数据




1.3 开始实战吧小宇宙


1 select a.S# from
2 (select S#,Score from SC where C#='001') a,
3 (select S#,Score from SC where C#='002') b
4 where a.S#=b.S# and a.Score>b.Score

  (2) 查询平均成绩大于60分的同学的学号和平均成绩;

1 select S#,AVG(Score) as AvgScore
2 from SC
3 group by S#
4 having AVG(Score)>60


1 select s.S#,s.Sname,COUNT(sc.C#) as CourseCount,SUM(sc.Score) as ScoreSum
2 from Student s left outer join SC sc
3 on s.S# = sc.S#
4 group by s.S#,s.Sname
5 order by s.S#


1 select COUNT(distinct Tname) as count
2 from Teacher
3 where Tname like '李%'


1 select s.S#,s.Sname
2 from Student s
3 where s.S# not in
4 (
5     select distinct(sc.S#) from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
6     where sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='叶平'
7 )


1 --解法一:求交集
2 select s.S#,s.Sname
3 from Student s,SC sc
4 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#='001'
5 intersect
6 select s.S#,s.Sname
7 from Student s,SC sc
8 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#='002'
9 --解法二:使用exists
10 select s.S#,s.Sname
11 from Student s,SC sc
12 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#='001' and exists
13 (
14     select * from SC sc2 where sc.S#=sc2.S# and sc2.C#='002'
15 )

①in 是把外表和内表作hash 连接,而exists是对外表作loop循环,每次loop循环再对内表进行查询。




1 select s.S#,s.Sname
2 from Student s
3 where s.S# in
4 (
5     select sc.S#
6     from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
7     where c.C#=sc.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='叶平'
8     group by sc.S#
9     having COUNT(sc.C#)=
10     (
11         select COUNT(c1.C#)
12         from Course c1,Teacher t1
13         where c1.T#=t1.T# and t1.Tname='叶平'
14     )
15 )




1 select s.S#,s.Sname
2 from Student s,
3 (select sc1.S#,sc1.Score from SC sc1 where sc1.C#='002') a,
4 (select sc2.S#,sc2.Score from SC sc2 where sc2.C#='001') b
5 where s.S#=a.S# and s.S#=b.S# and a.S#=b.S# and a.Score<b.Score


1 select s.S#,s.Sname
2 from Student s
3 where s.S# in
4 (
5     select distinct(sc.S#) from SC sc
6     where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.Score<60
7 )


1 select s.S#,s.Sname
2 from Student s
3 where s.S# not in
4 (
5     select sc.S# from SC sc
6     group by sc.S#
7     having COUNT(distinct sc.C#)=
8     (
9         select COUNT(distinct c.C#) from Course c
10     )
11 )


1 select distinct(s.S#),s.Sname
2 from Student s,SC sc
3 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C# in

4 (
5     select distinct(sc2.C#) from SC sc2
6     where sc2.S#='001'
7 )
8 order by s.S# asc


1 select distinct(s.S#),s.Sname
2 from Student s,SC sc
3 where s.S#=sc.S# and s.S#!='001' and sc.C# in
4 ( 5 select distinct(sc2.C#) from SC sc2 6 where sc2.S#='001' 7 ) 8 order by s.S# asc


1 update SC set Score=
2 (
3     select AVG(score) from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
4     where sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='叶平'
5 )
6 where C# in
7 (
8     select distinct(sc.C#) from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
9     where sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='叶平'
10 )


select s.S#,s.Sname
from Student s
where s.S#!='002' and s.S# in
select distinct(S#) from SC
where C# in (select C# from SC where S#='002')
group by S#
having COUNT(distinct C#)=
select COUNT(distinct C#) from SC
where S#='002'


delete from SC where C# in
select c.C# from Course c,Teacher t
where c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='叶平'


1 insert into SC
2 select s.S#,'002',(select AVG(score) from SC where C#='002')
3 from Student s
4 where s.S# not in (select distinct(S#) from SC where C#='002')

  (17)按平均成绩从低到高显示所有学生的“语文”、“数学”、“英语”三门的课程成绩,按如下形式显示: 学生ID,语文,数学,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分;

1 select t.S# as '学生ID',
2 (select Score from SC where S#=t.S# and C#='002') as '语文',
3 (select Score from SC where S#=t.S# and C#='003') as '数学',
4 (select Score from SC where S#=t.S# and C#='004') as '英语',
5 COUNT(t.C#) as '有效课程数',
6 AVG(t.Score) as '有效平均分'
7 from SC t
8 group by t.S#
9 order by AVG(t.Score)


1 select sc.C# as '课程ID',MAX(Score) as '最高分',MIN(Score) as '最低分'
2 from SC sc
3 group by sc.C#


1 select sc.C#,c.Cname,ISNULL(AVG(sc.Score),0) as 'AvgScore',
2 100 * SUM(CASE WHEN  ISNULL(sc.Score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*) as 'Percent(%)'
3 from SC sc,Course c
4 where sc.C#=c.C#
5 group by sc.C#,c.Cname
6 order by [Percent(%)] desc

WHEN *** THEN *** ELSE *** END的语句,灵活地对Score进行了判断并赋值(1和0)进行计算。

  另外,这里[Percent(%)]可以使用100 * SUM(CASE WHEN ISNULL(sc.Score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*)替代。
  (20)查询如下课程平均成绩和及格率的百分数(备注:需要在1行内显示): 企业管理(002),OO&UML (003),数据库(004)

1 select
2 SUM(CASE WHEN C#='002' THEN Score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '002' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '企业管理平均分',
3 100 * SUM(CASE WHEN C#='002' and Score>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '002' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '企业管理及格百分比',
4 SUM(CASE WHEN C#='003' THEN Score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '003' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'OO&UML平均分',
5 100 * SUM(CASE WHEN C#='003' and Score>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '003' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'OO&UML及格百分比',
6 SUM(CASE WHEN C#='004' THEN Score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '004' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '数据库平均分',
7 100 * SUM(CASE WHEN C#='004' and Score>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '004' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '数据库及格百分比'
8 from SC

PS:这里出现了两种格式的CASE WHEN语句,但其实这两种方式,可以实现相同的功能。简单case函数(例如上面的:CASE C# WHEN '002' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)的写法相对比较简洁,但是和case搜索函数(例如上面的:CASE WHEN C#='002' THEN
Score ELSE 0 END)相比,功能方面会有些限制,比如写判定式。


1 select c.C#,MAX(c.Cname) as 'Cname',MAX(t.T#) as 'T#',MAX(t.Tname) as 'Tname',
2 AVG(sc.Score) as 'AvgScroe'
3 from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
4 where sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T#
5 group by c.C#
6 order by AvgScroe desc

PS:可能有园友会对上题中的很多个MAX(列名)有疑惑,这里我们再来看下Group By语句。这里需要注意的一点就是,在select指定的字段要么就要包含在Group By语句的后面,作为分组的依据;要么就要被包含在聚合函数中。因此,上题中我们需要查询课程名,教师名等信息,但又不是分组的依据(分组依据应该是课程号),因此就用MAX()这个聚合函数包裹起来。

  (22)查询如下课程成绩第 3 名到第 6 名的学生成绩单:企业管理(001),马克思(002),UML (003),数据库(004)
  (23)统计列印各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]

1 select sc.C#,MAX(c.Cname) as 'CourseName',
2 SUM(CASE WHEN sc.Score BETWEEN 85 and 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '[85-100]',
3 SUM(CASE WHEN sc.Score BETWEEN 70 and 85 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '[70-85]',
4 SUM(CASE WHEN sc.Score BETWEEN 60 and 70 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '[60-70]',
5 SUM(CASE WHEN sc.Score BETWEEN 0 and 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '[<60]'
6 from SC sc,Course c
7 where sc.C#=c.C#
8 group by sc.C#


1 select s.S#,s.Sname,T2.AvgScore,
2     (select COUNT(AvgScore) from
3     (select S#,AVG(Score) as 'AvgScore' from SC group by S#) as T1
4     where T2.AvgScore<T1.AvgScore)+1 as 'Rank'
5 from
6     (select S#,AVG(Score) as 'AvgScore' from SC
7     group by S#) as T2,
8     Student s
9 where s.S#=T2.S#
10 order by AvgScore desc

(select COUNT(AvgScore) from

(select S#,AVG(Score) as 'AvgScore' from SC group by S#) as T1

where T2.AvgScore<T1.AvgScore)+1 as 'Rank'


1 select sc.C#,c.Cname,sc.S#,s.Sname,sc.Score
2 from Student s,SC sc,Course c
3 where sc.C#=c.C# and sc.S#=s.S# and sc.Score in
4 (
5     select top 3 Score from SC sc2
6     where sc.C#=sc2.C#
7     Order by Score desc
8 )
9 order by sc.C#,sc.Score desc


1 select sc.C#,MAX(c.Cname) as 'CName',COUNT(distinct sc.S#) as 'StudentCount'
2 from SC sc,Course c
3 where sc.C#=c.C#
4 group by sc.C#


1 select s.S#,s.Sname
2 from Student s
3 where s.S# in
4 (
5     select sc.S# from SC sc
6     group by sc.S#
7     having COUNT(distinct sc.C#)=1
8 )

  这里SC表中没有一个只选了一门课程的学生,可以将语句改为:having COUNT(distinct sc.C#)=2,便可得到以下结果:


1 select COUNT(S#) as 'BoysCount' from Student s where s.Ssex='男'
2 select COUNT(S#) as 'GirlsCount' from Student s where s.Ssex='女'


1 select s.S#,s.Sname
2 from Student s
3 where s.Sname like '张%'


1 select s.Sname,COUNT(Sname) as 'SameCount'
2 from Student s
3 group by s.Sname
4 having COUNT(Sname)>1


  (31)查询1981年出生的学生名单(注:Student表中Sage列的类型是datetime) ;  

1 select Sname,CONVERT(char (11),DATEPART(year,Sage)) as Age
2 from Student
3 where CONVERT(char(11),DATEPART(year,Sage))='1981';


1 select sc.C#,AVG(sc.Score) as 'AvgScore'
2 from SC sc
3 group by sc.C#
4 order by AvgScore asc,C# desc


1 select sc.S#,s.Sname,AVG(sc.Score) as 'AvgScore'
2 from Student s,SC sc
3 where s.S#=sc.S#
4 group by sc.S#,s.Sname
5 having AVG(sc.Score)>85


1 select s.Sname,sc.Score from Student s,SC sc,Course c
2 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#=c.C# and c.Cname='数学' and sc.Score<60


1 select s.S#,s.Sname,c.C#,c.Cname from Student s,SC sc,Course c
2 where s.S#=sc.S# and c.C#=sc.C#
3 order by c.C#,s.S#


1 select distinct s.S#,s.Sname,c.Cname,sc.Score
2 from Student s,SC sc,Course c
3 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#=c.C# and sc.Score>=70


1 select distinct sc.C#,c.Cname from SC sc,Course c
2 where sc.C#=c.C# and sc.Score<60
3 order by sc.C# desc


1 select sc.S#,s.Sname from Student s,SC sc
2 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#='003' and sc.Score>=80


1 select COUNT(distinct S#) as 'StuCount' from SC


1 select s.S#,s.Sname,sc.Score
2 from Student s,SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
3 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='杨艳'
4 and sc.Score =
5 (
6     select MAX(sc2.Score) from SC sc2
7     where sc.C#=sc2.C#
8 )


1 select sc.C#,c.Cname,COUNT(distinct S#) as 'StuCount' from SC sc,Course c
2 where sc.C#=c.C#
3 group by sc.C#,c.Cname


1 select distinct sc1.S#,sc1.C#,sc1.Score from SC sc1,SC sc2
2 where sc1.C#!=sc2.C# and sc1.Score=sc2.Score
3 order by sc1.Score asc


1 select sc.C#,c.Cname,sc.S#,s.Sname,sc.Score from Student s,SC sc,Course c
2 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#=c.C# and sc.Score in
3 (
4     select top 2 sc2.Score from SC sc2
5     where sc2.C#=sc.C#
6     order by sc2.Score desc
7 )
8 order by sc.C#


1 select sc.C#,COUNT(distinct S#) as 'StuCount' from SC sc
2 group by sc.C#
3 having COUNT(distinct S#)>=10
4 order by StuCount desc,sc.C# asc


1 select distinct sc.S# from SC sc
2 group by sc.S#
3 having COUNT(sc.C#)>=2


1 select sc.C#,c.Cname from SC sc,Course c
2 where sc.C#=c.C#
3 group by sc.C#,c.Cname
4 having COUNT(sc.S#)=(select COUNT(distinct s.S#) from Student s)



1 select s.Sname from Student s where s.S# not in
2 (
3     select sc.S# from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
4     where sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='杨艳'
5 )


1 select sc.S#,AVG(ISNULL(sc.Score,0)) as 'AvgScore' from SC sc
2 where sc.S# in
3 (
4     select sc2.S# from SC sc2
5     where sc2.Score<60
6     group by sc2.S#
7     having COUNT(sc2.C#)>2
8 )
9 group by sc.S#


1 select sc.S# from SC sc
2 where sc.C#='004' and sc.Score<60
3 order by sc.Score desc


delete from SC where S#='002' and C#='001'


  本篇是从Cat Qi的原文《SQL面试题(学生表-教师表-课程表-选课表)》中摘抄的,前半部分难度较大,后半部分难度减小,经过我一题一题的练习,也还是得到了很大的锻炼。下一篇Part


  (1)Cat Qi,《SQL面试题(学生表-教师表-课程表-选课表)》:http://www.cnblogs.com/qixuejia/p/3637735.html
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