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解决Linux下Firefox启动报错找不到配置文件。Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible.

2017-09-22 17:16 851 查看

Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible.


找到普通用户的home目录 如:/home/scout/.mozilla/firefox

[scout@scout ~]$ ls -art
.bashrc        Videos     Music      .mozilla            ..              .ssh       Documents  Desktop  Public         .viminfo
.bash_profile  Templates  .local     .java               .mysql_history  .lastpass  Downloads  .config  soft           .
.bash_logout   Pictures   .esd_auth  .speech-dispatcher  core.3361       sitech     .gnupg     .cache   .ICEauthority  .bash_history
[scout@scout ~]$ cd .mozilla/firefox/
[scout@scout firefox]$ ls
8sre3c9x.default-1505963793540  Crash Reports  Pending Pings  profiles.ini
[scout@scout firefox]$ mv profiles.ini profiles.ini.old
[scout@scout firefox]$ ll
总用量 8
drwx------  10 scout scout 4096 Sep 21 11:33 8sre3c9x.default-1505963793540
drwx------   3 scout scout   51 Sep 22 11:41 Crash Reports
drwx------   2 scout scout    6 Sep 22 11:41 Pending Pings
-rw-rw-r--.  1 scout scout  104 Sep 21 11:18 profiles.ini.old


[scout@scout firefox]$ ll
总用量 16
drwx------  10 scout scout 4096 Sep 21 11:33 8sre3c9x.default-1505963793540
drwx------   3 scout scout   51 Sep 22 11:41 Crash Reports
drwx------   2 scout scout    6 Sep 22 11:41 Pending Pings
-rw-rw-r--   1 scout scout  104 Sep 22 17:07 profiles.ini
-rw-rw-r--.  1 scout scout  104 Sep 21 11:18 profiles.ini.old
drwx------   9 scout scout 4096 Sep 22 17:15 q0t97jyg.default
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标签:  firefox linux