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E. Anya and Cubes (CF #297 (Div. 2) 折半搜索)

2017-09-22 16:17 351 查看
E. Anya and Cubes

time limit per test
 2 seconds

memory limit per test
 256 megabytes

 standard input

 standard output

Anya loves to fold and stick. Today she decided to do just that.

Anya has n cubes lying in a line and numbered from 1 to n from
left to right, with natural numbers written on them. She also has kstickers with exclamation marks. We know that the number of stickers does not exceed
the number of cubes.

Anya can stick an exclamation mark on the cube and get the factorial of the number written on the cube. For example, if a cube reads 5, then after the sticking it
reads 5!, which equals 120.

You need to help Anya count how many ways there are to choose some of the cubes and stick on some of the chosen cubes at most kexclamation marks so that
the sum of the numbers written on the chosen cubes after the sticking becomes equal to S. Anya can stick at most one exclamation mark on each cube. Can
you do it?

Two ways are cons
idered the same if they have the same set of chosen cubes and the same set of cubes with exclamation marks.


The first line of the input contains three space-separated integers n, k and S (1 ≤ n ≤ 25, 0 ≤ k ≤ n, 1 ≤ S ≤ 1016) — the
number of cubes and the number of stickers that Anya has, and the sum that she needs to get.

The second line contains n positive integers ai (1 ≤ ai ≤ 109) — the
numbers, written on the cubes. The cubes in the input are described in the order from left to right, starting from the first one.

Multiple cubes can contain the same numbers.


Output the number of ways to choose some number of cubes and stick exclamation marks on some of them so that the sum of the numbers became equal to the given number S.

Sample test(s)

2 2 30
4 3


2 2 7
4 3


3 1 11 1 1



In the first sample the only way is to choose both cubes and stick an exclamation mark on each of them.

In the second sample the only way is to choose both cubes but don't stick an exclamation mark on any of them.

In the third sample it is possible to choose any of the cubes in three ways, and also we may choose to stick or not to stick the exclamation mark on it. So, the total number of ways is six.



using namespace std;

#define N 25
typedef long long LL;
typedef pair<LL, int> P;
map<P, int>a, b;
int val
LL f
, S;
int _n, _k;
void dfs1(int pos, LL sum, int k)
if (sum > S)return;
if (k > _k)return;
if (pos > _n / 2)
a[P(sum, k)]++;
dfs1(pos + 1, sum + val[pos], k);
dfs1(pos + 1, sum, k);
if (val[pos] <= 20)
dfs1(pos + 1, sum + f[val[pos]], k + 1);
void dfs2(int pos, LL sum, int k)
if (sum > S)return;
if (k > _k)return;
if (pos > _n)
b[P(sum, k)]++;
dfs2(pos + 1, sum + val[pos], k);
dfs2(pos + 1, sum, k);
if (val[pos] <= 20)
dfs2(pos + 1, sum + f[val[pos]], k + 1);
int main()
//freopen("t.txt", "r", stdin);
f[0] = f[1] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= 20; i++)f[i] = f[i - 1] * i;//计算阶乘
while (cin >> _n >> _k >> S)
a.clear(), b.clear();
for (int i = 1; i <= _n; i++)
scanf("%d", val + i);
dfs1(1, 0, 0);//先计算1到_n/2之间的所有情况,结果存放在a中
dfs2(_n / 2 + 1, 0, 0);//再计算_n/2+1到_n的所有情况,结果存放在b中
LL ans = 0;
map<P, int>::iterator it = a.begin();
for (it; it != a.end(); it++)
int j = ((*it).first).second;//第一部分中使用了j个感叹号
for (int i = 0; i + j <= _k; i++)
if (b.count(make_pair(S - (it->first).first, i)))
ans += (LL)it->second*b[make_pair(S - (it->first).first, i)];
cout << ans << endl;
return 0;
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