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Merriam Webster's Vocabulary Builder Roots 韦小绿英文词根 Unit 1整理

2017-09-11 09:09 411 查看
Merriam Webster Unit1

[bene-]: well #bene
bene·dict·ion: 祝福 a Christian prayer of blessing #dict

bene·dict: 新婚男人 (especially one who has long been a bachelor)
benefit: 利益,有利于,受益
If you want to avoid being laid off(解雇;休息), be prepared to state how your contributions will benefit the company.

bene·fact·ion: 善意,善行 #fact
Finaly: Giving up is a wisdom, defect(缺点) is a benefaction.

bene·fact·or/bene·fact·ress: 恩人/女恩人, 施惠者 #fact
bene·fic·iary: 受益人,财产继承人#fact
bene·volence: 善行,慈悲,善意 #vol
bene·volent: 善意的 #vol
Big Brother, a seemingly benevolent but terribly vengeful ruler who may or may not exist, is the personification of the state.
vengeful: 复仇的,报复的;复仇心重的

beni·gn: 良性的,善良的
This was the most benign outcome, if a downgrade was to happen. 

benignant: 良性的
malignant: 恶性的 #mal

[dict- dic-] : 说话,断言 #dict
ab·dicate: 辞职,退位,正式放弃 #ab
In 1911 the forces of Sun Yat-sen established the Chinese Republic, and the last Qing Emperor, the hapless(倒霉的) Puyi, was forced to abdicate. He lingered for years in the Forbidden City.

ad·dict: 使上瘾,沉溺,瘾君子(drug addict)
contra·dict: 反驳,与……矛盾 #contra
The findings contradict the long established belief that the amount of sleep we need falls as we approach middle and old age.

dict·o·graph: 侦听器 #graph
dict·um: 声明,格言
e·dict: 布告,法令 #e
He issued an edict that none of his writings be destroyed.

epi·deictic: 能说的,富于辞藻的 #epi
in·dicate: 显示,指出,象征 #in
A survey of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life.

inter·dict: 制止,停止,封锁,禁止 #inter
Troops could be ferried in to interdict drug shipments.

male·dict·ion: 诅咒,诽谤,咒骂 #mal
She was pointing at Ron in dire accusation: It was like a malediction, and Harry could not blame Ron for retreating several steps.

pre·dict: 预言,预知 #pre
ver·dict: 判决,定论,结论 #ver
The verdict of the jury was given in his favour.
in sb's favour 对某人有利,使某人开心

vin·dic·ate: 维护,辩护,澄清(责难或嫌疑);证明(某人)无罪(责) #vin
The Communist Party's propaganda bureau accused the author of attempting “to vindicate criminal acts by the imperialist powers in invading China”. 
imperialist: 帝国主义

[am- amor- amat- ] :"love" #am
amat·eur: 爱好者,外行
amat·ory: 情爱的,恋爱的
That is our amatory crystal (爱情的结晶) , the life lasting.

am·enity: 生活福利设施,礼仪,愉快
The hotel amenities include health clubs, conference facilities, and banqueting rooms.


am·iable: 亲切的,和蔼的
am·icable: 友善的,友好的
He hoped the dispute could be settled amicably.

am·ity: 友善,友好
He wished to live in amity with his neighbour.

am·orous: 多情的,性欲的,含情脉脉的 =passionate
" Love them and leave them " was the motto of the amorous Don Juan(唐璜) .

en·am·or: 迷住,使迷恋
Her beauty enamored the prince. 

en·am·ored: 迷恋的(be/become further enamored of sth)越来越沉醉于
Sometimes you will be particularly enamored (or obsessed) with one thing, and therest of your life is thrown off its axis.

par·am·our: 情妇,情人 #para
His wife suspected that he had a paramour.

[bell-]: 战争
Bellona: 女战神
bell·icose: 好战的,好斗的 【国家】=quarrelsome
North Korea often issues bellicose warnings.

bell·icosity: 好战
Most players of chess play just for diversion. Chess has so many enthusiasts only because it suits man's bellicosity.
diversion: 转移,消遣,分散注意

bell·igerent: 好战的【国家-个人都可以】-belligerence
bellow: 怒吼
She prayed she wouldn't come in and find them there, bellowing at each other.

re·bel:vi. 反叛,反抗,造反;n. 反叛者,叛徒;adj. 反抗的;造反的
The Libyan government has rejected the offer of a conditional ceasefire by rebel forces.
ceasefire: 停火协议

re·bell·ion: 叛乱

[pac- paci- peas-] : "agree" and "peace" #pac
ap·pease :抚慰, 缓解, 平息
The apology didn't appease at least some of the critics, who said they might continue protesting today.

pac·ify: 安慰, 使平静
Government forces have found it difficult to pacify the rebels.

Pac·ific:和平,温和的,平静的,太平洋 #ific
Gorbachev(戈尔巴乔夫) was less pacific than people thought.

pac·ifist: 和平主义者 #ist
Applied to foreign politics, pacifism either stops being pacifist or becomes appeasement.
appeasement: 姑息,绥靖政策

pact: 盟约,协议,条约
Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany.

[crim- crimin-] : "fault" and "crime"
crimin·ology: 犯罪学 #ology
de·crimin·alize: 使合法化 #alize
Marijuana(大麻) is so common in the U.S. that many want to decriminalize it. 

in·crimin·ate: 控告,归罪于
The youths were arrested and searched for anything that would incriminate them.

crime·less: 无罪的 #less
crimin·al: 犯罪; 有罪的;ADJ If you describe an action as criminal, you think it is very wrong or a serious mistake. 严重错误的(表不满)
He said a full-scale dispute involving strikes would be criminal. 他说一个卷入罢工的全面抗争将是极其错误的。

crimin·ate: 控告
To criminate God and to excuse ourselves is always an evidence of ignorance and depravity.
ignorancen: 无知,愚昧;不知,不懂
depravity: n. 堕落;邪恶

[prob- prov-] : 测试,证明
ap·prob·ate : v. 认可,许可,批准
Accordingly, in recent years " net goods " more and more suffer consumptive masses to approbate

approve : v. 赞同,赞许, 核准
Mr. Obama says senators need to approve his recovery plan quickly.

disproval : n. 反证, 反驳
Meanwhile, the novel shows its disproval of the movement' s zest for drug-abuse.
zest : a feeling of pleasure and enthusiasm. 热情

improve :改善,增加
probe:v.n.调查; 探寻
For three years, I have probed for understanding.

probate:v.n.遗嘱检验; 遗嘱认证
Probate is the legal process to prove whether a will(遗嘱) is authentic and valid. 

They're not empowered to probate the will. 他们没有权利去认证遗嘱

probable:adj. 很可能的,可信的;n. 很可能的事
probity:n. 廉洁;正直
He asserted his innocence and his financial probity.

proof:n. 证明,证据,试验;adj. 防…的;vt. 试验,校对,使不被穿透 #proof

reprove : vt.n. 责骂,谴责,非难
Women were reproved if they did not wear hats in church.

reprobate:v. 非难,拒绝,斥责;adj. 邪恶的,堕落的;n. 恶棍,无赖
Far from being the drunken reprobate of popular legend, they found him punctualand hard-working. 

[grav- griev-] : heavy 重
aggravate:vt. 加重,使恶化,激怒
Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation.

aggrieve : vt. 使悲痛,冒犯。侵害…的合法权利
aggrieved:adj. 愤愤不平的
But this initiative backfired when some aggrieved players used the information to track down and reveal personal details about him.
backfired :事与愿违,适得其反

gravida : = pregnancy 孕妇
gravitate:vi. 受引力作用,被吸引
You naturally gravitate toward people with shared values.

gravity:n. 重力,地心引力;严重性;庄严
We realize that the situation was grave and that the slightest incident could spark all-out war(全面战争).

gravitas : n. 庄严,庄重
The head of the committee never failed to carry herself wiith the gravitas she felt was appropriate to her office.

grief:n. 悲痛,忧伤,不幸. "Good grief": 我的天哪
This picture shows a huge outpouring of national grief for the victims of the shootings.

grieve:v. 使悲伤,使苦恼
We grieve for him at this very sad time.

ingravescent : adj. 病势渐渐加重的
With ingravescent fresh water scarcity, the situation of drought and soil salinity get even worse in the arid and semi-arid areas of China. 
scarcity : 不足,缺乏
salinity : 盐分,盐度 #salt
arid : 干旱

[lev- liev-] : "raise","lighten" 举高,提高,变轻
al·lev·iate:vt. 减轻,缓和
Their energies were focused on the alleviation of the refugees' misery.

e·lev·ate:vt. 提升;举起;振奋情绪等;提升…的职位
He was elevated to the post of president.

elevation:n. 高地;海拔;提高;崇高;正面图
We're probably at an elevation of about 13,000 feet above sea level.

elevator:n. 电梯,升降机
leav·en:vt. 使发酵,影响,潜移默化的影响,为…增色;n. 酵母,影响
The chairman leavened the dull meeting with a few jokes.

lev·ee:vt. 为…筑堤;n. 堤坝(码头),早朝
lev·er:vt. 用杠杆撬动,把…作为杠杆;n. 杠杆;控制杆
Neighbours eventually levered open the door with a crowbar.

Another interesting property of superconducting materials is that they will levitate in a powerful magnetic field.
magnetic:adj. 地磁的,有磁性的,有吸引力的

lev·ity:n. 多变,轻浮,轻率,不稳定
When he finished with a final birdie(小鸟杆), any seriousness of the incident
gave way to levity. 

levy:v.n. 征收;征兵,征税
They levied religious taxes on Christian commercial transactions.

re·lief:n. 救济;减轻,解除;安慰;浮雕
I breathed a sigh of relief.

re·liev·e:vt. 解除,减轻;使不单调乏味;换…的班;解围;使放心
At seven o'clock the night nurse came in to relieve her.

re·liev·o:n. 浮雕,浮雕品
re·lev·ant:adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的,有重大关系的
Is religion still relevant to most people's lives?

re·lev·ance:n. 关联,适当,中肯
Politicians' private lives have no relevance to their public roles.

pont·levis:吊桥 #pont
cantilever:n.悬臂 #cant 角(悬臂:把一个角提起来)
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