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hdu 4864 Task (贪心)

2017-09-08 19:59 369 查看
Today the company has m tasks to complete. The ith task need xi minutes to complete. Meanwhile, this task has a difficulty level yi. The machine whose level below this task’s level yi cannot complete this task. If the company completes
this task, they will get (500*xi+2*yi) dollars.

The company has n machines. Each machine has a maximum working time and a level. If the time for the task is more than the maximum working time of the machine, the machine can not complete this task. Each machine can only complete a task one day. Each task
can only be completed by one machine.

The company hopes to maximize the number of the tasks which they can complete today. If there are multiple solutions, they hopes to make the money maximum.

Input The input contains several test cases.

The first line contains two integers N and M. N is the number of the machines.M is the number of tasks(1 < =N <= 100000,1<=M<=100000).

The following N lines each contains two integers xi(0<xi<1440),yi(0=<yi<=100).xi is the maximum time the machine can work.yi is the level of the machine.

The following M lines each contains two integers xi(0<xi<1440),yi(0=<yi<=100).xi is the time we need to complete the task.yi is the level of the task.
Output For each test case, output two integers, the maximum number of the tasks which the company can complete today and the money they will get.
Sample Input
1 2
100 3
100 2
100 1

Sample Output
1 50004



#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f

using namespace std;

struct IN{
int t, level;
int M, N;
bool cmp(IN a, IN b){
if(a.t!=b.t) return a.t > b.t;
return a.level > b.level;
int main(){
while(cin >> N >> M){
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
cin >> mach[i].t >> mach[i].level;
for(int i=0; i<M; i++)
cin >> task[i].t >> task[i].level;
sort(mach, mach+N, cmp);
sort(task, task+M, cmp);
int cnt[105]; //cnt用来记忆每个等级的机器的数量;
memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt));
long long num=0, ans=0;
for(int i=0, j=0; i<M; i++){ //i表示第i个任务,j表示第j台机器;
while(j<N && task[i].t<=mach[j].t){ //j不能大于N,机器时间>=任务时间
cnt[mach[j].level]++; //满足条件的机器所属等级的机器数量;
j++; //下一台机器;
for(int k=task[i].level; k<=100; k++){
if(cnt[k]){ //k等级的机器数量不为零,说明有机器可完成i工作;
cnt[k]--; //将该机器pop掉,因为每个机器只能完成一个任务;
cout << num << ' ' << ans << endl;
return 0;
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