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C语言程序设计 第二章 C语言基本概念.1

2017-09-04 02:14 435 查看
This chapter introduces several basic concepts, including preprocessing directives,functions, variables, and statements, that
we'll need in order to write even the sim-plest programs. Later chapters will cover these topics in much greater detail.

本章介绍了C语言的一些基本概念,包括预处理指令(preprocessor directive)、函数(function)、变量(variable)和语句(statement)。即使是编写最简单的C程序,也会用到这些基本概念。后续的几章将会对这些概念进行进一步的详细描述。

To start off, Section 2.1 presents a small C program and describes how to compile and link it. Section 2.2 then discusses how
to generalize the program, and Section 2.3 shows how to add explanatory remarks, known as comments. Section 2.4 introduces variables, which store data that may change during the execution of a program, and Section 2.5 shows how to use the scanf function to
read data into variables. Constants-data that won't change during program execution-can be given names. as Section 2.6 shows. Finally. Section 2.7 explains C's rules for creating names (identifiers) and Section 2.8 gives the rules for laying out a program.


2.1  Writing a Simple Program

In contrast to programs written in some languages. C programs require little "boilerplate"-a complete program can be as short
as a few lines.


PROGRAM   Printing a Pun

The first program in Kernighan and Ritchie's classic The C Programming Language is extremely short; it does nothing but write
the message hello, world.Unlike other C authors, I won't use this program as my tirst example. I will, however. uphold
another C tradition: the bad pun. Here's the pun:

在Kemighan和Ritchie编写的经典The C Programming Language一书中,第一个程序是极其简短的。它仅仅输出了一条hello,world信息。与大多数C语言书籍的作者不同,这里不打算用这个程序作为第一个C程序示例,反倒是更愿意支持另一种C语言的传统:双关语。下面是一条双关语

To C, or not to C: that is the question.

The following program, which we'll name pun.c,displays this message each time it is run.


#include <stdio.h>

int  main (void)


  printf("To C, or not to C: that is the question.\n");

  return 0;


Section 2.2 explains the form of this program in some detail. For now. I'll just make a few brief observaions. The line


#include <stdio.h>

is necessary to "include" information about C's standard I/O (input/output) library.The program's
executable code goes inside main. which represents the "main"program. The only line inside main is a command to display the desired message.printf is a function from the standard I/O library that can produce nicely formatted
output. The \n code tells printf to advance to the next line after printing the message. The line


return 0;

indicates that the program "returns" the value 0 to the operating system when it terminates.


Compiling and Linking

Despite its brevity. getting pun . c to run is more involved than you might expect.First, we need to create a file named pun . c containing the program (any text editor
will do). The name of the file doesn't matter, bur the .c extension is often required by compilers.


Next, we've got to convert the program to a form that the machine can execute. For a C program. that usually involves three


●Preprocessing. The program is first given to a preprocessor, which obeys commands that begin with # (known as directives). A preprocessor is
a bit like an editor; it can add things to the program and make modifications.


●Compiling. The modified program now goes to a compiler. which translates it into machine instructions (object code). The program
isn't quite ready to run yet, however.

编译。修改后的程序现在可以进入编译器( compiler)了。编译器会把程序翻译成机器指令(即目标代码,object code)。然而,这样的程序还是不可以运行的。

●Linking. In the final step, a linker combines the object code produced by the compiler with any additional code needed to yield
a complete executable program. This additional code includes library functions (like printf) that are used in the program.


Fortunately, this process is often automated,so you won't find it too onerous.in fact,
the preprocessor is usually integrated with the compiler,  so
you probably won't even notice it at work.


The commands necessary to compile and link vary, depending on the compiler and operating system. Under UNIX. the C compiler
is usually named cc. To compile and link the pun.c program, enter the following command in a terminal or command-line window:


% cc pun.c

(The % character is the UNIX prompt, not something that you need to enter.) Linking is automatic when using cc; no separate
link command is necessary.


After compiling and linking the program, cc leaves the executable program in a file named a . out by default. cc has many options;
one of them (the -o option)allows us to choose the name of the file containing the executable program. For example, if we want the executable version of pun . c to be named pun, we woulcl enter the following command:


% cc -o pun pun.c

Integrated Development Environments


So far, we've assumed the use of a "~command-line" compiler that's invoked by entering a command in a special window provided
by the operating system. The alternative is to use an integrated development environment (IDE), a software package that allows us to edit, compile, link. execute. and even debug a program without leaving the environment, The components of an IDE are designed
to work together. For example, when the compiler detects an error in a program, it can arrange for the editor to highlight the line that contains the error. There's a great deal of variation among IDEs, so I won't discuss them further in this book. However,
I would recommend checking to see which IDEs are available for your platform.


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