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POJ1077 Eight —— 经典的搜索问题

2017-09-03 21:13 232 查看


Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 33267 Accepted: 14404 Special Judge

The 15-puzzle has been around for over 100 years; even if you don't know it by that name, you've seen it. It is constructed with 15 sliding tiles, each with a number from 1 to 15 on it, and all packed into a 4 by 4 frame with one tile missing. Let's call the
missing tile 'x'; the object of the puzzle is to arrange the tiles so that they are ordered as: 
1  2  3  4

5  6  7  8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15  x

where the only legal operation is to exchange 'x' with one of the tiles with which it shares an edge. As an example, the following sequence of moves solves a slightly scrambled puzzle: 
1  2  3  4    1  2  3  4    1  2  3  4    1  2  3  4

5  6  7  8    5  6  7  8    5  6  7  8    5  6  7  8

9  x 10 12    9 10  x 12    9 10 11 12    9 10 11 12

13 14 11 15   13 14 11 15   13 14  x 15   13 14 15  x

r->           d->           r->

The letters in the previous row indicate which neighbor of the 'x' tile is swapped with the 'x' tile at each step; legal values are 'r','l','u' and 'd', for right, left, up, and down, respectively. 

Not all puzzles can be solved; in 1870, a man named Sam Loyd was famous for distributing an unsolvable version of the puzzle, and 

frustrating many people. In fact, all you have to do to make a regular puzzle into an unsolvable one is to swap two tiles (not counting the missing 'x' tile, of course). 

In this problem, you will write a program for solving the less well-known 8-puzzle, composed of tiles on a three by three 



You will receive a description of a configuration of the 8 puzzle. The description is just a list of the tiles in their initial positions, with the rows listed from top to bottom, and the tiles listed from left to right within a row, where the tiles are represented
by numbers 1 to 8, plus 'x'. For example, this puzzle 
1  2  3

x  4  6

7  5  8

is described by this list: 
1 2 3 x 4 6 7 5 8


You will print to standard output either the word ``unsolvable'', if the puzzle has no solution, or a string consisting entirely of the letters 'r', 'l', 'u' and 'd' that describes a series of moves that produce a solution. The string should include no spaces
and start at the beginning of the line.
Sample Input
2  3  4  1  5  x  7  6  8

Sample Output


South Central USA 1998


1.对于棋盘,所有的情况为:9! <4e5<1e6,所以使用枚举的方法是不会超时的,前提是数据较弱(如POJ1077),或者一次性枚举预处理掉所有情况(HDU1043)。


3.推荐阅读:八数码的八境界   ——  来自liugoodness,特此鸣谢。





4.  A*算法  :http://blog.csdn.net/dolfamingo/article/details/77855498
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