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OpenGL扩展库使用手册《GLEW—The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library》

2017-09-03 16:49 417 查看


  First you need to create a valid OpenGL rendering context and call glewInit() to initialize the extension entry points. If glewInit() returns GLEW_OK, the initialization succeeded and you can use the available extensions as well as core OpenGL functionality. For example:


#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
glutInit(&argc, argv);
glutCreateWindow("GLEW Test");
GLenum err = glewInit();
if (GLEW_OK != err)
/* Problem: glewInit failed, something is seriously wrong. */
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err));
fprintf(stdout, "Status: Using GLEW %s\n", glewGetString(GLEW_VERSION));


  Starting from GLEW 1.1.0, you can find out if a particular extension is available on your platform by querying globally defined variables of the form GLEW_{extension_name}:


if (GLEW_ARB_vertex_program)
/* It is safe to use the ARB_vertex_program extension here. */

  In GLEW 1.0.x, a global structure was used for this task. To ensure binary compatibility between releases, the struct was replaced with a set of variables.

  再GLEW 1.0.x中,这个任务使用了一个全局结构体。为了确保版本之间的二进制兼容性,使用了一组变量来替代结构体。

  You can also check for core OpenGL functionality. For example, to see if OpenGL 1.3 is supported, do the following:


/* Yay! OpenGL 1.3 is supported! */

  In general, you can check if GLEW_{extension_name} or GLEW_VERSION_{version} is true or false.

  通常来说,您可以检查GLEW_{extension_name} 或者 GLEW_VERSION_{version} 是true还是false。

  It is also possible to perform extension checks from string input. Starting from the 1.3.0 release, use glewIsSupported to check if the required
core or extension functionality is available:


if (glewIsSupported("GL_VERSION_1_4  GL_ARB_point_sprite"))
/* Great, we have OpenGL 1.4 + point sprites. */

  For extensions only, glewGetExtension provides a slower alternative (GLEW 1.0.x-1.2.x). Note that in the 1.3.0 release glewGetExtension was replaced with glewIsSupported.

  仅对于扩展来说,glewGetExtension提供了一种较慢的替代方法(GLEW 1.0.x-1.2.x)。注意,在1.3.0版本中,glewGetExtension被替换为glewIsSupported。

if (glewGetExtension("GL_ARB_fragment_program"))
/* Looks like ARB_fragment_program is supported. */


  GLEW obtains information on the supported extensions from the graphics driver.


  Experimental or pre-release drivers, however, might not report every available extension through the standard mechanism, in which case GLEW will report it unsupported.


  To circumvent this situation, the glewExperimental global switch can be turned on by setting it to GL_TRUE before calling glewInit(), which ensures that all extensions with valid entry points will be exposed.

  为了避免这种情况,可以打开glewExperimental 全局开关,只需要在调用glewInit()之前将其设置为GL_TRUE即可,从而确保所有具有有效入口点的扩展都将被公开。


  Platform specific extensions are separated into two header files: wglew.h and glxew.h, which define the available WGL and GLX extensions.

  平台特定的扩展被分为两个头文件:wglew.h 和 glxew.h,其分别定义了可用的WGL和GLX扩展。

  To determine if a certain extension is supported, query WGLEW_{extension name} or GLXEW_{extension_name}. For example:

  为了确定是否支持某个扩展,查询WGLEW_{extension name} 或者 GLXEW_{extension_name}。例如:

#include <GL/wglew.h>

if (WGLEW_ARB_pbuffer)
/* OK, we can use pbuffers. */
/* Sorry, pbuffers will not work on this platform. */


  Alternatively, use wglewIsSupported or glxewIsSupported to check for extensions from a string:

  或者,使用wglewsSupported 或者 glxewIsSupported 从一个字符串来检查扩展:

if (wglewIsSupported("WGL_ARB_pbuffer"))
/* OK, we can use pbuffers. */


  GLEW provides two command-line utilities: one for creating a list of available extensions and visuals; and another for verifying extension entry points.



visualinfo: extensions and visuals 扩展和可视化  

  visualinfo is an extended version of glxinfo.

  visualinfo 是glxinfo的一个扩展版本。

  The Windows version creates a file called visualinfo.txt, which contains a list of available OpenGL, WGL, and GLU extensions as well as a table of visuals aka. pixel formats.


  Pbuffer and MRT capable visuals are also included. For additional usage information, type visualinfo -h.

  Pbuffer 和 MRT 的视觉效果也包括在内。要获得使用信息,请输入 visualinfo -h;


glewinfo: extension verification utility 扩展验证工具  

  glewinfo allows you to verify the entry points for the extensions supported on your platform.


  The Windows version reports the results to a text file called glewinfo.txt. The Unix version prints the results to stdout.

  Windows usage:

glewinfo [-pf <id>]

where is the pixel format id for which the capabilities are displayed.


  Unix usage:

glewinfo [-display <dpy>] [-visual <id>]

where is the X11 display and is the visual id for which the capabilities are displayed.

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