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2017-09-02 18:02 661 查看


因为代码都迁移到了Gitlab,所以Jenkins编译的时候我们都需要将之前的SVN信息换成现在的Git信息。最近编译一个Lib库的时候,因为团队规定上传Release版本的AAR到Maven的话,必须需要在Jenkins上编译而且Git Branch 必须是master分支才能够上传到Maven。

因此我们就需要在Gradle脚本中,获取Git Branch ,Git Commit等相关信息。但是在获取Git Branch的时候出现了问题,在本地Android Studio编译的时候能够获取到Git Branch的名字,但是使用Jenkins编译的时候,一直获取不到信息。


* 获取Git 分支名
def getGitBranch() {
return 'git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD'.execute().text.trim()

* 获取Git 版本号
def getGitSHA() {
return 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'.execute().text.trim()

* 获取Git Tag
def getGitTag() {
return 'git describe --tags'.execute([], project.rootDir).text.trim()

* 获取Git 提交次数
def getGitCommitCount() {
return 100 + Interger.parse('git rev-list --count HEAD'.execute([], project.rootDir).text.trim())

* 判断是否有jenkins
boolean isInJenkins() {
Map<String, String> map = System.getenv()
if (map == null) {
return false
String str = map.get("Path")
if (str != null) {
//it's windows
return false
} else {
str = ""
Iterator it = map.iterator()
while (it.hasNext()) {
str += it.next()
return str.contains("jenkins")
* 获取jenkins任务名
def getJenkinsName() {
boolean flag = isInJenkins()
if (flag) {
ext.env = System.getenv()
ext.name = env.JOB_URL
String[] stringArray = ext.name.split("/")
if (stringArray.length > 0) {
return stringArray[stringArray.length - 1]
} else {
return "Local"
} else {
return "Local"

* 获取Jenkins Build 号
* @return
def getJenkinsBuildCode() {
boolean flag = isInJenkins()
if (flag) {
ext.env = System.getenv()
ext.buildNumber = env.BUILD_NUMBER?.toInteger()
return "$buildNumber"
} else {
return 0

* 定义几个变量,在build.gradle里面引用
ext {
gitTag = getGitTag()
gitBranch = getGitBranch()
gitSHA = getGitSHA()
jenkinsRevision = getJenkinsBuildCode()
jenkinsName = getJenkinsName()

其中的方法,getGitBranch方法在Android Studio编译的时候,能够正常获取到Git分支名。

println "pom_version_type = " + pom_version_type
println "jenkinsName = " + jenkinsName
println "gitBranch = " + gitBranch

我在进行编译的时候,是会通过如上代码打印出Git Branch的信息。

在Android Studio 本地编译的时候,是可以打印出相关的信息的。



后来我尝试找了很多种方法去获取Git Branch的名字,在Android Studio本地都可以获取到,如下所示:


git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD

D:\GitLab Source\XTCLint>git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD

D:\GitLab Source\XTCLint>

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

D:\GitLab Source\XTCLint>git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2

D:\GitLab Source\XTCLint>git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2

git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e "s/^refs\/heads\///"

D:\GitLab Source\XTCLint>git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e "s/^refs\/heads\///"

以上所有的方法,仅仅在Android Studio的终端或者本地gradle代码中有效,然而在Jenkins服务器编译的时候都是获取为空。


如上所示,在上面的链接中有介绍,有几个Environment variables环境变量可以使用。

Environment variables

The git plugin sets several environment variables you can use in your scripts:

GIT_COMMIT - SHA of the current

GIT_BRANCH - Name of the remote repository (defaults to origin), followed by name of the branch currently being used, e.g. “origin/master” or “origin/foo”

GIT_LOCAL_BRANCH - Name of the branch on Jenkins. When the “checkout to specific local branch” behavior is configured, the variable is published. If the behavior is configured as null or **, the property will contain the resulting local branch name sans the remote name.

GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT - SHA of the previous built commit from the same branch (the current SHA on first build in branch)

GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT - SHA of the previous successfully built commit from the same branch.

GIT_URL - Repository remote URL

GIT_URL_N - Repository remote URLs when there are more than 1 remotes, e.g. GIT_URL_1, GIT_URL_2

GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and GIT_COMMITTER_NAME - The name entered if the “Custom user name/e-mail address” behaviour is enabled; falls back to the value entered in the Jenkins system config under “Global Config user.name Value” (if any)

GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL and GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL - The email entered if the “Custom user name/e-mail address” behaviour is enabled; falls back to the value entered in the Jenkins system config under “Global Config user.email Value” (if any)


在构建后的操作中,Editable Email Notification的邮件通知中,将邮件内容改为如下所示的代码。


<br />
<font color="#0B610B">单元测试</font>
<li>Launcher单元测试报告 :<a href="${BUILD_URL}testReport">点击查看测试报告</a></li>
<li>Launcher代码覆盖率 :<a href="${BUILD_URL}jacoco">点击查看代码覆盖率</a></li>
<li>Launcher Android Lint :<a href="${BUILD_URL}androidLintResult">点击查看Android Lint</a></li>

<br />
<li>GIT_COMMIT :${GIT_COMMIT}</a></li>
<li>GIT_BRANCH :${GIT_BRANCH}</a></li>
<li>GIT_URL :${GIT_URL}</a></li>
<li>GIT_URL_N :${GIT_URL_N}</a></li>



GIT_COMMIT :118fa74e6a09c8c5ae713523692add256bfa6afb
GIT_BRANCH :origin/feature/UseByAnonymousDBMigrateAndApiChange
GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT :118fa74e6a09c8c5ae713523692add256bfa6afb
GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT :118fa74e6a09c8c5ae713523692add256bfa6afb
GIT_URL :git@


将之前gradle脚本中的getGitBranch方法,做如下修改,区分编译环境是Jenkins还是本地。环境不同,运行不同的脚本获取Git Branch的名字。当处于Jenkins环境的时候,先通过GIT_BRANCH这个环境变量获取到Jenkins拉下来的分支对应的远程分支,然后通过字符串分离,获取到分支名。

* 获取Git 分支名
*参考Jenkins git 创建文档: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Git+Plugin *   Environment variables

The git plugin sets several environment variables you can use in your scripts:

GIT_COMMIT - SHA of the current
GIT_BRANCH - Name of the remote repository (defaults to origin), followed by name of the branch currently being used, e.g. "origin/master" or "origin/foo"
GIT_LOCAL_BRANCH - Name of the branch on Jenkins. When the "checkout to specific local branch" behavior is configured, the variable is published.  If the behavior is configured as null or **, the property will contain the resulting local branch name sans the remote name.
GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT - SHA of the previous built commit from the same branch (the current SHA on first build in branch)
GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT - SHA of the previous successfully built commit from the same branch.
GIT_URL - Repository remote URL
GIT_URL_N - Repository remote URLs when there are more than 1 remotes, e.g. GIT_URL_1, GIT_URL_2
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and GIT_COMMITTER_NAME - The name entered if the "Custom user name/e-mail address" behaviour is enabled; falls back to the value entered in the Jenkins system config under "Global Config user.name Value" (if any)
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL and GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL - The email entered if the "Custom user name/e-mail address" behaviour is enabled; falls back to the value entered in the Jenkins system config under "Global Config user.email Value" (if any)
def getGitBranch() {
boolean flag = isInJenkins()
if (flag) {
ext.env = System.getenv()
ext.gitBranch = env.GIT_BRANCH
String[] stringArray = ext.gitBranch.split("/")
if (stringArray.length > 0) {
return stringArray[stringArray.length - 1]
} else {
return "UnKnown Branch"
} else {
return 'git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD'.execute().text.trim()


/** * 获取Git 分支名 * *参考Jenkins git 创建文档: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Git+Plugin * Environment variables The git plugin sets several environment variables you can use in your scripts: GIT_COMMIT - SHA of the current GIT_BRANCH - Name of the remote repository (defaults to origin), followed by name of the branch currently being used, e.g. "origin/master" or "origin/foo" GIT_LOCAL_BRANCH - Name of the branch on Jenkins. When the "checkout to specific local branch" behavior is configured, the variable is published. If the behavior is configured as null or **, the property will contain the resulting local branch name sans the remote name. GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT - SHA of the previous built commit from the same branch (the current SHA on first build in branch) GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT - SHA of the previous successfully built commit from the same branch. GIT_URL - Repository remote URL GIT_URL_N - Repository remote URLs when there are more than 1 remotes, e.g. GIT_URL_1, GIT_URL_2 GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and GIT_COMMITTER_NAME - The name entered if the "Custom user name/e-mail address" behaviour is enabled; falls back to the value entered in the Jenkins system config under "Global Config user.name Value" (if any) GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL and GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL - The email entered if the "Custom user name/e-mail address" behaviour is enabled; falls back to the value entered in the Jenkins system config under "Global Config user.email Value" (if any) * * */ def getGitBranch() { //判断是否处于Jenkins编译环境 boolean flag = isInJenkins() if (flag) { ext.env = System.getenv() ext.gitBranch = env.GIT_BRANCH String[] stringArray = ext.gitBranch.split("/") if (stringArray.length > 0) { return stringArray[stringArray.length - 1] } else { return "UnKnown Branch" } } else { return 'git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD'.execute().text.trim() } }

* 获取Git 版本号
def getGitSHA() {
return 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'.execute().text.trim()

* 获取Git Tag
def getGitTag() {
return 'git describe --tags'.execute([], project.rootDir).text.trim()

* 获取Git 提交次数
def getGitCommitCount() {
return 100 + Interger.parse('git rev-list --count HEAD'.execute([], project.rootDir).text.trim())

* 判断是否有jenkins
boolean isInJenkins() {
Map<String, String> map = System.getenv()
if (map == null) {
return false
String str = map.get("Path")
if (str != null) {
//it's windows
return false
} else {
str = ""
Iterator it = map.iterator()
while (it.hasNext()) {
str += it.next()
return str.contains("jenkins")
* 获取jenkins任务名
def getJenkinsName() {
boolean flag = isInJenkins()
if (flag) {
ext.env = System.getenv()
ext.name = env.JOB_URL
String[] stringArray = ext.name.split("/")
if (stringArray.length > 0) {
return stringArray[stringArray.length - 1]
} else {
return "Local"
} else {
return "Local"

* 获取Jenkins Build 号
* @return
def getJenkinsBuildCode() {
boolean flag = isInJenkins()
if (flag) {
ext.env = System.getenv()
ext.buildNumber = env.BUILD_NUMBER?.toInteger()
return "$buildNumber"
} else {
return 0

* 定义几个变量,在build.gradle里面引用
ext {
gitTag = getGitTag()
gitBranch = getGitBranch()
gitSHA = getGitSHA()
jenkinsRevision = getJenkinsBuildCode()
jenkinsName = getJenkinsName()





作者:欧阳鹏 欢迎转载,与人分享是进步的源泉!



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