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C语言程序设计 第一章C语言概述.4

2017-09-02 08:33 399 查看

Q:  What is this Q&A section anyway?


A:  Glad you asked. The Q&A section,which appears at the end of each chapter, serves several purposes.The
primary purpose of Q&A is to tackle questions that are frequently asked by students learning C. Readers can participate in a dialogue (more or less) with the
author, much the same as if they were attending one of my C classes.


Another purpose of Q&A is io provide additional information about topics covered in the chapter. Readers of this book will likely
have widely varying backgrounds. Some will be experienced in other programming languages, whereas others
will be learning to program for the first time. Readers with experience in a variety of languages may be satisfied with a brief explanation and a couple of examples.
but readers with less experience may need more. The bottom line: If you find the coverage of a topic to be sketchy, check Q&A for more details.


On occasion, Q&A will discuss common differences among C compilers. For example, we'll cover some frequently used (but nonstandard)
features that are provided by particular compilers.


Q:    What does lint do? [p. 6]


A:lint checks a C program for a host of potential errors. including-but not limited to-suspicious combinations of types, unused
variables, unreachable code. and nonportable code. It produces a list of diagnostic messages. which the programmer must
then sift through. The advantage of using lint is that it can detect errors that are missed by the compiler. On the other hand. you've got to remember to use lint;
it's all too easy to forget about it. Worse still, lint can produce messages by the hundreds, of which only a fraction refer to actual errors.


Q:  Where did lint get its name?

A:  Unlike the names of many other UNIX tools, lint isn't an acronym; it got its name from the way it picks up pieces of "fluff"
from a program.


Q:  How do I get a copy of lint?

A: lint is a standard UNIX utility; if you rely on another operating system. then you probably don't have lint. Fortunately.
versions of lint are available from third parties. An enhanced version of lint known as splint (Secure Programming Lint)
is included in many Linux distributions and can be downloaded for free from wwvv:splint.org.


Q:  Is there some way to force a compiler to do a more thorough job of error-checking,
without having to use lint?


A:Yes. Most compilers will do a more thorough check of a program if asked to. In addition
to checking for errors (undisputed violations of the rules of C), most compilers also produce warning messages, indicating potential trouble spots. Some compilers
have more than one "warning level"; selecting a higher level causes the compiler to check for more problems than choosing a lower level.If your compiler supports
warning levels. it's a good idea to select the highest level. causing the compiler to perform the most thorough job of checking that it's capable of. Errorchecking
options for the GCC compiler. which is distributed with Linux. are discussed in the Q&A section at the end of Chapter 2.


*Q:   I'm interested in making my program as reliable as possible. Are there any other
tools available besides lint and debuggers?


A:Yes. Other common tools include "bounds-checkers" and "leak-finders." C doesn't require that array subscripts be checked:
a bounds-checker adds this capability. A leak-finder helps locate "memory leaks": blocks of memory that are dynamically allocated
but never deallocated.



tackle vt. 解决; 应付

acronym 缩写字
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